Issuing a Credit Memo against an AR Invoice


How do I issue a credit memo against an AR Invoice?

Applies To

PENTA for Windows

Billing & Accounts Receivable > Credit Memos/Reversals > Issue A Credit Memo Against An Invoice

Billing & Accounts Receivable > Credit Memos/Reversals > Prepare Credit Memos for Printing

Billing & Accounts Receivable > Credit Memos/Reversals > Complete Credit Memo Processing

PENTA Reports > Report Monitor Print and View


1. Navigate to the Issue a Credit Memo Against An Invoice window

2. Complete the first page, including the Customer, Invoice #, Credit Memo amount (negative amount for a credit), and Job. Then close the window

3. Navigate to the Prepare Credit Memos for Printing, open and close the window

4. Navigate to the Complete Credit Memo Processing window, open and close the window

5. Navigate to the Report Monitor Print and View window, view the credit memo report, send to customer if needed