JCP002 Error During Revenue Recognition rev rec Process
A revenue recognition was run as of August, we went in to run a rev rec for July and received a message that asked us if we wanted to reverse the current rev rec and then run this process, which we answered "Y" to. Then we got these error messages and we can not get past this screen to process the rev rec for any period. See the error below:
An error has been detected in a SQL Statement.
JCP002 - 1 ORA - 00001: unique constraint (PTI_PROD.PROC_REQ_ENTITY_HIST_UX01) violated
insert proc_req_entity_hist
Applies To
PENTA for Windows
Finance & Accounting > Processing > Revenue Recognition
If you experience this problem please submit a Service Desk ticket and reference this article. Please provide the following information in your Service Desk ticket:
- Balance Sheet OU ID
- Revenue Recognition as of Date
- User ID of user experiencing the error
- Screenshot of error message