Penta Knowledge Base
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Is it possible to change General Ledger Account for an Asset Class Expense Category?
Is it possible to copy a Workbench tab?
Is it possible to create a credit memo for a customer without tying it to an invoice?
Is it possible to delete Accounting Periods for a prior year?
Is it possible to disable the auto-numbering of Safety Indicator numbers?
Is it Possible to exclude Premium wages from WC Calculation?
Is it possible to have a 401k match deduction on two different deduction numbers?
Is it possible to have a report for our billed Work Orders show only revenue without including sales tax?
Is it possible to have line items appear on Work Order Invoices?
Is it possible to have the Customer Equipment information found on Work Orders to be displayed on Invoices?
Is It possible to have the User Hotlist on the Workbench?
Is it possible to hide the Other Technician Labor section in MFS for Non-Productive Tasks?
Is it possible to issue pay to an employee after they have been marked as terminated in PENTA?
Is it possible to limit a financial statement format to a specific budget type?
Is it possible to query a job based on a partial Job id?
Is it possible to select multiple jobs at once when entering forecasts via the Forecast Entry window?
Is it possible to turn off getting notifications for every service desk ticket opened by people in my organization?
Is it possible to turn off the interface warning's for PTO time when PTO is exceeded
Is it possible to use the parent OU for validation in the Vendor Information screen?
Issue with Automatic invoicing in Canadian Dollars (CAD)
Issuing a Credit Memo against an AR Invoice
Is the Cost Type Category a field that is used only for reporting?
Is the Customer Equipment Id field unique system wide?
Is there a configuration option to control the display of Premium (overtime) hours within the eTime entry grid?
Is there a method for changing the Work Status Code on a piece of Equipment without initiating a miscellaneous transfer?
Is there an Equipment timecard interface allowing both job and work order entries?
Is there an option for Interface to continue processing if any Purchase Order line items fail?
Is there an option to force MFS Work Performed notes to be keyed in upper case?
Is there a Penta report showing AP Discounts not taken?
Is there a report that displays W-2 box 12 totals?
Is there a report that separates regular earnings from OT earnings?
Is there a report that shows expense accrued by Asset ID?
Is there a report that shows the Open PO amount and footage delivered vs amount and footage NOT delivered?
Is there a report that will show total revenue and gross margin by job types?
Is there a way to add notes to an Employee's record?
Is there a way to allow an employee to have a tax Id consisting of all 0s?
Is there a way to allow a user to authorize master records for an OU that they do not have access to?
Is there a way to do a mass change of the 1099 Vendor designation?
Is there a way to email lien waivers from PENTA?
Is there a way to import forecast completion information?
Is there a way to pay an employee their retroactive adjustment using the Rapid Checks process?
Is there a way to restrict the cost type charged on Sub Contracts?
Is there a way to see the Tax Jurisdictions in a list or run a report?
Is there option to automatically make Purchase Orders Active/Approved?
Is there report that shows a list of all General Ledger accounts?
Items That Are Saved as Part of A Workbench Role Template
JCP002 Error During Revenue Recognition rev rec Process
JCP002 fixed_price_pct_cmpl_6 - jtd, proj from DUAL Error During Revenue Recognition
JCP002 Function: Error During Revenue Recognition
JCP002 Numeric Overflow error during Revenue Recognition
JCP002 ORA-06502: PL/SQL Error During Revenue Recognition
JCP002 SQL error during Revenue Recognition
Job closed status not updating to delete status
Job Cost Report per Project Manager
Job Estimate Import Process Common Issues
Job Forecast Entry - To Complete method Forecast Entry Zeros Out At Complete Amounts
Job Forecasting Frequency
Job has not yet been converted to be maintained in PENTA for Windows error
Job ID field able to be changed after Purchase Order Entry
Job Information Reporting Attributes
Job # in PO CO record entered incorrectly
Job Markup % Schedules
Job or Work Order?
Job Over Under Billing Calculation
Job Purchase Order Default Ship To Address
Job-Related Journal Entry Window Entry Limitations
Job's billing history from prior system not used to determine current period invoice on PENTA invoice
Job Setup for Paying Sales Tax Directly to the Jurisdiction via Direct Pay Permit
Job Site Address not Defaulting to AIA Owner Address Fields
Job specific detail job cost ledger/general ledger reporting
Job Status Report shows incorrect amounts in Estimate columns
Job Type setup with no revenue accruals
Job Type - Transfer All Costs & Billings not calculating Revenue Recognition
Job Workbench
Journal Entry Interface Steps
Keep Copied TEP Activity Log Overrides
Keeping Work Orders open after invoicing has occurred
Keyboard covers comment field when rejecting timesheet in eTime mobile app
Keyboard 'GO' button not working in TEP
Keyword Dropdown not populating Dataset value within Unity Client
Knowledge Base Searching Tips and Tricks
Labor costs pulled in for Work Order invoicing
Labor Cost Type Hierarchy For Mobile Field Service (MFS) Payroll Timecards