INP015 error during Calculate Invoice Cycle


We have encountered an error with the processing of an invoice cycle. 

1.User opened the "calculate invoice" window and selected cycle and a through date  - By mistake she did not close the window to start the process.

2. Assuming she had run the process she went into the adjust invoice screen to make an adjustment but could not find any invoicing records for the cycle

3. Next she went into the "Cancel Invoice Processing" screen and canceled the process for the cycle 

4. She now realized that she had not closed the "calculate invoice" window to initiate the process.

5. She now closed the window and received the attached error:

An error has been detected in a SQL Statement. 

INP015 -1 ORA - 00001: unique constraint

Insert Invoice_Cycle_Cmpl

Press any key to continue

Applies To

PENTA for Windows

Billing & Accounts Receivable > Automated Invoice Processing > Calculate Invoices


If you experience this problem please submit a Service Desk ticket and reference this article.  Please provide the following information in your Service Desk ticket:

  • Invoice Cycle Number
  • User Id of user receiving the error