Install and configure PENTA Docgen toolkit


I need to install and configure the PENTA Docgen toolkit on my personal workstation to connect to my PENTA/OnBase environments in order to author Docgen templates.

Applies To

Docgen Toolkit

PENTA Docgen Word Add-in

PENTA Docgen Excel Add-in


Important Notes

  • The Docgen Toolkit has an associated version, but it is NOT dependent on the PENTA version you are using. Always use the most recent available version of the Docgen Toolkit.
  • The Docgen Toolkit is only supported with Microsoft Office version 2013 and newer.

1) Install the Docgen Toolkit

Installation Location

The Docgen Toolkit should be installed wherever you have PENTA installed.

  • If you use Remote Desktop to access PENTA, install the toolkit on the Remote Desktop.
  • If you have PENTA installed on your local workstation, install the toolkit on your local workstation.
  • If you are hosted with Penta, please submit a Service Desk ticket to have the Docgen Toolkit installed on your RDS servers.

The Docgen Toolkit MSI is available on your Penta Client Downloads page.  

    • If you do not know how to access your Client Downloads page, please check with your PENTA administrator.
    • If you do not have the Docgen Toolkit MSI available on your Client Downloads page, please submit a Service Desk ticket to request it. 
      • Note:  The Docgen Toolkit is only available to those who have attended the PENTA Academy Docgen training course.
  • Right click on the MSI file and 'Run as administrator'
  • Read and accept the Terms and Conditions.
  • Click Install
  • Click Finish

2) Identify the location of your penta.ini file and TNS Admin directory

  • Open Microsoft Excel
  • Navigate to the PENTA Docgen backstage view (File > PENTA Docgen)
  • Click Configure
  • Click Advanced
  • Set the location of the penta.ini file on your workstation.  
    • This will typically be C:\Program Files (x86)\Penta Technologies, Inc\penta.ini if you have PENTA installed locally.
    • If you do not have a penta.ini file, please request one from your PENTA administrator.
  • Set the location of the TNS Admin directory on your workstation.  
    • This will typically be C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\client_1\network\admin
  • Close Excel (no need to save the document, the values you just entered will be kept).

3) (Optional) Add the Developer tab to the Microsoft Ribbon

The Developer tab gives you additional tools that you can use when working with Docgen Templates.  It is not required.  Setup may vary depending on your version of Microsoft Word.

  • Open Microsoft Word
  • Click File 
  • Click Options
  • Click Customize Ribbon
  • Under the right-hand side list check the box next to the Developer option