Keeping Work Orders open after invoicing has occurred
How do we do a progress billing and keep the WO open and active? Currently when we bill the system sets the status to Z, and rev rec sets to C. WOs are opening and closing and upsetting the rev rec process.
Applies To
PENTA for Windows
Service Management Work Order Invoicing Process
Service Management Work Order Status Changes during Invoicing Process
System Option 272
System Option 272 tells PENTA what should happen to the work order status when invoicing occurs.
Set the Option to one of the values listed below so the WO status can be set as you require.
Extended Description:
This option specifies the rule for closing of work orders through the Work Order Billing window.
- The option to close work orders will not be available through the WO billing function.
- By default, work orders will be closed when billed through the Service Management Invoicing window, but the user will have the option of overriding this default for any or all work orders.
- Works the same as 2 but, the default will be to not close the work order and allow the user to override this if necessary.
- The user will be prompted when creating invoices if the work order should be closed, there will not be a default setting.
Example above has System Option 272 set to 4, this results in forcing the user to set the work order status to closed. When the user clicks on the Create Invoices in the WO/MC Billing window, the Mark Work Orders as Closed pop-up window opens and requires a Yes or No answer. Entering N keeps the work order open for future invoicing.
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