Unexpected Change in AP Check Numbering
Check numbering sequence changed for check form. Last check number used prior today’s check run was # 64728. Today the check numbers begin with check # 30173608. The micr line on the check is not printing correct due to the length of the check number. How do we correct the check number sequence?
Applies To
Penta for Windows
Accounts Payable Check Processing
Finance & Accounting > Setup > Bank Account Numbers
To fix this, add the check #s 30173607 through 99999999 in the list of pre-numbered checks fields for this bank and update the First Check # from what is currently set up to 64728 (the last check Penta created) in the Bank Account Numbers window for this bank account.
Penta user cleared check #'d 30173607 for the bank account the day before the AP check run. From there, Penta started using that check number as the first available check number to use for this bank account.
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