When I attempt to view an invoice using a DocGen tempate, I receive an error.


When I attempt to view an invoice using a DocGen tempate, I receive the following error.

ObDocLauncher - Error

Invalid database server name

Applies To




The ObDocLauncher component requires the following 3 System Environment Variables are set on the machine running PENTA for Windows.


The value for TNS_ADMIN would be the location of the tnsnames.ora (Oracle Client Configuration File)


The value for ORACLE_HOME can vary, depending upon which version of Oracle Client is installed (Oracle 11, 12) and the Oracle Installation Type (Instant Client or Full Oracle Client install)

For the Oracle Instant client the ORACLE_HOME value would be: OracleClient32

For the Full Oracle 11.2 Client the ORACLE_HOME value would be: C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\client_1

For the Full Oracle 12.1 Client the ORACLE_HOME value would be: C:\oracle\product\12.1.0\client_1


The value for PENTA.INI can vary, depending on whether PENTA for Windows (PfW) is installed on a desktop/laptop, a Terminal Server or a Citrix Server.  

The typical value for the PENTA.INI file is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Penta Technologies, Inc\Penta for Windows\penta.ini

If you are using the Central .ini feature for PfW How can I determine if we are using the central ini feature for PENTA for Windows? then the UNC path to the Central .ini location would be used for the PENTA.INI environment variable. For example, if the central .ini location is \\pentafs01\penta the PENTA.INI  environment variable would be: \\pentafs01\penta\penta.ini

If the System Environment variables are set properly and you're still receiving this error, verify that the Server Name Value in the penta.ini file matches an alias in the tnsnames.ora file. 


A System Environment Variable isn't set, or set properly, or the Server Name Value in the penta.ini file (defined by the PENTA.INI System Environment Variable) doesn't match an alias in the tnsnames.ora file.

A majority of the time the resolution is setting or updating the System Environment Variables. Rarely is it an issue with the Server Name Value in the penta.ini file not matching an alias in the tnsnames.ora file.  

If you experience this problem and the steps noted above don't resolve the issue (or you need a further explanation/clarification) please submit a Service Desk ticket and reference this article.