Penta User not Appearing on Control Form - AP Routing
We need to change or add an AP approver we can select in the Control Form - AP Routing. When we select “Specific User”, we would like to be able to pick another user in the “Purchase Order (WO)” and “Work Order” sections of the “Control Form - AP Routing Form” but, that user is not available to select.
I attempted to check the e-forms and see if they pointed me to a keyword data set that we can modify, but it looks like this information is coming from PENTA.
How do we
Applies To
Penta for Windows
System Management > Security > Defined Users
OnBase Configuration
AP01 - Control Forms > AP01 - Active Forms
Log into Penta and check that the user is set up with an active status. Also, check that the user has an OnBase user id. Check OnBase to make sure the user is set up via OnBase Configuration. After these items are verified you can:
- Log into Unity Client and click on Workflow.
- Click on AP01 - Control Forms > AP01 - Active Forms.
- Click on Refresh User List.
- Check to see if the user is now listed in the User list.
- Click on Update PENTA to push the change to Penta.
User was added to Penta but, the available user's list had not been refreshed.