Penta Knowledge Base
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How do I add News Links to the Employee Self-Service Portal?
How do I change the Active date on a Job and Contract?
How do I change the status of a Work Order after it has been sent to a technician's device?
How do I install a PENTA for Windows (PfW) patch using the PENTA Product Installer (PPI)
How do I record Sales & Use tax payments made via an electronic funds transfer?
How to load Job to Date Earned Revenue for Manual Revenue Recognition
How do I void a PR Check
Systems and Organizational Controls Reporting
How to reverse the disposal of an asset
Installing an updated Logi license on the Workbench Server
How to sum columns on a workbench report.
ICAP Verification keyword status color indicators
IDEA Submission Form
Increase FICA and MEDI Earnings, Taxable Earning and Tax Amount without affecting other earnings and other taxes
Increase taxable wages without affecting Gross/Net pay.
Installing the eTime PWA for Android and IOS devices
Installing the TEP PWA for Android and IOS devices.
Employee eTime hours not found to be imported
Is it possible to load Tax Jurisdictions into PENTA
JCP002 Error during AR invoicing
Job Projected Loss Calculation when no Forecast Exists
Locate Workbench version
Logo added to Employee Portal
Manual Revenue Recognition on Job calculated unexpected earned amounts
Manual Revenue Recognition Only Job calculated unexpected costs
Maximum character length allowed for a PENTA password
JP Morgan Chase Bank - new Nacha rule on micro-entries
Multiple retro pay adjustments on the same set of time cards
PA Local Taxes How to add a Tax Collector
Negative Payroll check created
New Company Direct Deposit (ACH) file Federal ID not as expected
Ohio Local W2 Electronic Filing
ORA-01653 unable to extend table in tablespace
Pay tax on Invoice - no tax accrual calculated, no variance recognized
Payroll Tax Rules when calculating state withholding
PENTA Estimate Import File Layout
PENTA Product Installer (PPI) FAQ
Penta Release Notes
How To Resolve Error: PRP014 Function process_timecards
PRP009 SQL MD = Invalid W/H state code for Maryland error
Re-open Closed Accounting Period
Reassign Activity Log
Receiving Failed to connect to OnBase error
Reduce and refund Employee SIT
Remittance Overflow Code - Form Information (2)
Resetting your PENTA reports printer
Restrict ability to distribute/post a journal entry
Retro Pay and Undistributed Timecards
Payroll Setup
Security Settings for Penta Payroll Legacy Reports
Administer Pennsylvania Local Services Tax
Troubleshooting articles
Setting up 401k match in Penta
Setting up 401k Match with Multiple Matching Thresholds
Setting up CT-FML
Setup of Percent Complete Retention Type in the Job Information - Retention Job... button (2)
Specific User is not listed on OnBase Control Form
Steps to Configure Mobile Field Service
Submit a Product Idea
The AP remittance advice overflow report is not generating in the report monitor screen (2)
The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable
Timecard Interface doesn't create a Time/Equipment/Production Units Entry batch
Tracking the productivity of Subcontract/Temp Workers
Unable to change PENTA users's password
Unable to edit Basis Amount for a Master Deduction
Unable to query back a Job in the Job Information window
Unable to view Technicians on the dispatch board
Update IP Address of Linux Printer
Update Payroll or AP Check Signature
Updating the Macro for changes in the Estimate Template
Updating user security to allow distribution of Accounts Payable (AP) invoice batches?
Using FileZilla to Access Files Stored on the PENTA Server
Why am I getting an error about component 'msflxgrd.ocx' when trying to run a report in PENTA for Windows?
We need a printer set up in PENTA
What can I expect with my upcoming PENTA Upgrade
What is the PM: Executive Job Summary panel on the Workbench?
What is the website to purchase a license for Golden 6?
What purchase orders make up the PO Receipt Accrual Account balance?
When I attempt to view an invoice using a DocGen tempate, I receive an error.
Why does the dispatch board display a different work order status than the work ticket?
OnBase Update - How to Manage OnBase Users in Penta after the Named License Change
Penta User not Appearing on Control Form - AP Routing
How do Standard AR Line Items Work?
PentaServiceChannelConnector To ServiceChannel - Customer Implementation Guide