Customer Interface: Pipe Delimited Method
Use the Customer Interface to add new or update existing customer information using data from external applications. Information you load using this interface adds to the data already stored in PENTA.
The Customer Interface has a Request Type of CUS and an Interface Type of U. Data files you load must have Request Types assigned to the U (Customer) Interface Type.
You can use the Customers window to view customer data that you load through the Customer Interface.
A Note About Detail Records
For Detail Records, you can add new customers and update existing ones:
If you are adding a customer, data must exist for the fields listed as Key or Req for each of the Detail Record types you add.
If you are updating an existing customer:
You can enter any number of Detail Record types (assuming you set up the customer earlier in the data file, in a previous data file, or directly into PENTA).
Data must exist for the following:
Fields listed as Key or Req (required) under each record. PENTA does not process the record if these fields contain no values.
Fields with previously entered information that you want to retain.
Available Records
- 1 Contact (CON) Detail Record
- 2 Contact Phone (CONPHN) Detail Record
- 3 Customer (CUS) Record
- 4 Customer Location OU Security (OU) Detail Record
- 5 Customer Location Status (LOCSTAT) Detail Record
- 6 Customer Location Tax Jurisdiction (TAXJURIS) Detail Record
- 7 Default AR Accounts (ARACCT) Detail Record
- 8 Invoice Customer Location by Call Type (INVCUSCALLTYPE) Detail Record
- 9 Invoice Customer Location by Service Type (INVCUSSRVTYPE) Detail Record
- 10 Invoice Customer Location (INVCUSLOC) Detail Record
- 11 Location (LOC) Record
- 12 Reference LOV (REFLOV) Detail Record
- 13 Reference (REF) Record
- 14 Technician Preference (TECHPREF) Detail Record
- 15 User Defined Field (UDF) Record
Contact (CON) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Record Type | Req | C! 5 | The value should be CON. |
2 | Customer Id | Key | X | Id of the Customer. |
3 | Contact Number | Key | I 3 | Id of the customer’s contact record. |
4 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
5 | First Name | Opt | C 15 | First name of the Customer’s contact. |
6 | Last Name | Opt | C 20 | Last name of the Customer’s contact. |
7 | Type | None | C 3 | This must be left blank. This classifies the Contact. |
8 | Title | Opt | I 4 | The Contact’s job title. |
9 | Email Address | Opt | C 50 | The Contact’s email address. |
10 | Customer Location | None | C 8 | This must be left blank. This is the location of the customer. |
Contact Phone (CONPHN) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Record Type | Req | C! 5 | The value should be CONPHN. |
2 | Customer Id | Key | X | Id of the Customer. |
3 | Contact Number | Key | I 3 | Id of the Customer’s contact. |
4 | Phone Number Type Code | Key | C 8 | Id of the phone number’s category. |
5 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
6 | Area Code | Req | C 3 | Area code of the Contact’s phone number. |
7 | Phone Number | Req | C 11 | The Contact’s number. |
8 | Extension | Opt | C 5 | The Contact’s extension. |
Customer (CUS) Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Record Type | Req | C! 5 | The value should be CUS. |
2 | Customer Id | Key | X | Id of the customer. |
3 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
4 | Type | Req | C! 1 | Valid values are:
5 | Prefix | Opt | C 15 | Do not enter a value if the Type is E. |
6 | Name | Req | C 30 | Required if the Type is not E; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
7 | Status | Req | C! 1 | Default is A. |
8 | Prospective Customer | Req | Y/N | Default is N. |
9 | Employee Id | Opt | X | Required if the Type is E; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
10 | Parent Customer Id | Opt | X | Id of the “parent” Customer with authority over the (“child”) Customer. |
11 | Default Invoice Loc | Opt | C 8 | You cannot enter this value on Activity Code A records, since the location does not exist yet. |
12 | Customer Contact | Opt | I 3 | You cannot enter this value on Activity Code A records, since the location does not exist yet. |
13 | Currency Id | Opt | C! 3 | You can only enter this value if System Option 44 is Y. |
14 | Credit Limit Amount | Opt | F 12.2 | The maximum amount of open receivables that can exist for the Customer Location at a point in time. |
15 | Credit Limit Hold Code | Opt | C! 6 | Id of the hold applied to the Credit Limit Amount. You can only enter this value if the Credit Limit Amount has a value. |
16 | AR Days Outstanding Limit | Opt | I 5 | The maximum day limit you allow for open receivables on this Customer Location at any point in time. |
17 | AR Days Limit Hold Code | Opt | C! 6 | Id of the hold code associated with AR Days Limit. You can only enter this value if the AR Days Outstanding Limit has a value. |
18 | Customer Hold Code | Opt | C! 6 | Id of the hold code associated with the Customer and/or Location. |
19 | Receivable Statements | Req | Y/N | Indicates whether you want to print AR statements for the Customer. Default is Y. |
20 | Credit Rating Code | Opt | C! 3 | Id of the credit rating applied to the Customer. |
21 | All OU Code | Req | C! 1 | Valid values are:
22 | Invoice Form Id | Opt | C! 8 | Id of the form you want to use when printing the Customer’s invoices. |
23 | Number of Copies | Opt | I 3 | Number of invoice copies you must print for the Customer. |
24 | Payment Terms | Opt | I 3 | The term of payment for invoices billed to the Customer. |
25 | Invoice Cycle Number | Opt | I 3 | Id of the invoice cycle signifying the periods and times at which you want to generate invoices. |
26 | EQ Rental Discount Percent | Opt | F 8.3 | The discount percent you want to apply to equipment rental cost billed to jobs for the Customer. |
27 | Other Pay Code | Req | C! 1 | Default is based on the value in System Configuration window’s Invoicing tab. |
28 | Reimbursements | Req | C! 1 | Default is based on the value in System Configuration window’s Invoicing tab. |
29 | Taxable Fringes | Req | C! 1 | Default is based on the value in System Configuration window’s Invoicing tab. |
30 | Non-Taxable Fringes | Req | C! 1 | Default is based on the value in System Configuration window’s Invoicing tab. |
31 | Payroll Burden | Req | C! 1 | Default is based on the value in System Configuration window’s Invoicing tab. |
32 | Overhead | Req | C! 1 | Default is based on the value in System Configuration window’s Invoicing tab. |
33 | Split Premium | Opt | C! 1 | Possible values are:
34 | Labor Rate Schedule | Opt | I 3 | Id of the rate schedule for labor items billed for the Customer’s invoices. |
35 | Equipment Rate Schedule | Opt | I 3 | The rate schedule for equipment billed for the Customer’s invoices. |
36 | Other Cost Markup Schedule | Opt | I 3 | The rate schedule for costs from accounts payable and general journal entries billed for invoices under this Customer. |
37 | Inventory Markup Schedule | Opt | I 3 | The default rate schedule for inventory items billed for the Customer’s invoices. |
38 | Sales Order Discount Percent | Opt | F 7.3 | The discount percent given to the Customer when you process a sales order. |
39 | Display Invoice Line Detail | Req | Y/N | Default value is Y. This value applies to the Sale Order Information. |
40 | Tax Exempt Reason | Opt | C! 3 | Id of the reason why the Customer is exempt from paying sales taxes. |
41 | Tax Certificate | Opt | C 15 | Number of the tax certificate indicating the Customer is exempt from paying sales taxes. |
42 | Ship Carrier | Opt | C! 8 | Id of the preferred shipping carrier for items sold to the Customer via sales orders. |
43 | Ship Method | Opt | C! 8 | Id of the Customer’s preferred method of shipment. |
44 | Preferred Warehouse | Opt | C! 4 | Id of the warehouse from which you pull inventory to fill sales orders for the Customer. |
45 | FOB-Destination | Req | Y/N | Indicates whether you are responsible for transportation costs of shipping goods to the Customer. Default value is N. |
46 | Default Shipping Location | Opt | C 8 | The default destination for shipments to the Customer. You cannot specify this value on an Add (A) record, as the location will not exist yet. |
47 | Default Pricing Schedule | Opt | I 3 | The default pricing schedule used when processing sales orders for the Customer. |
48 | Work Order Invoice Layout | Opt | I 3 | Id of the invoice format you will use for the Customer’s bills. |
49 | Salesperson Employee Id | Opt | X | Id of the salesperson for the Customer. |
50 | Minimum Invoice Amount | Opt | F 16.2 | The minimum amount for which you want to generate an invoice for this Customer. |
51 | Maximum Invoice Amount | Opt | F 16.2 | The maximum amount for which you will generate an invoice for this Customer. |
52 | Work Order Payment Terms | Opt | I 3 | The terms of payment for work order invoices billed to the Customer. |
53 | Service Charge Id | Opt | C! 8 | Id of the applicable service charges for the Customer. |
54 | Work Order Inventory Pricing Schedule | Opt | I 3 | Id of the pricing schedule for all inventory items billed for the Customer’s work order invoices. |
55 | Work Order Equipment Pricing Schedule | Opt | I 3 | Id of the pricing schedule for equipment billed for the Customer’s work order invoices. |
56 | Work Order Labor Pricing Schedule | Opt | I 3 | Id of the pricing schedule for labor billed for the Customer’s work order invoices. |
57 | Work Order Other Pricing Schedule | Opt | I 3 | Id of the pricing schedule for miscellaneous items billed for the Customer’s work order invoices. |
58 | Work Order Line Item Structure | Opt | I 3 | Id of the invoice line item structure assigned for the Customer’s work orders. |
59 | Require Customer PO for WO | Req | Y/N | Indicates whether Work Orders set up for the Customer require a customer purchase order. This value defaults as N. |
60 | Unit Bill Schedule Number | Opt | I 8 | Id of the unit billing schedule. |
61 | Region Id | Opt | C 8 | Id of the region that applies to the Work Order. |
62 | Default AR Account | Opt | X | The default AR Account PENTA should use when processing AR transactions for the Customer/currency. Only enterable if System Option 44 is N. |
Customer Location OU Security (OU) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Record Type | Req | C! 5 | The value should be OU. |
2 | Customer Id | Key | X | Id of the customer. |
3 | Location Code | Key | C 8 | Id of the customer location. |
4 | Organization Unit | Key | X | Id of the organizational unit. |
5 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
Customer Location Status (LOCSTAT) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Record Type | Req | C! 5 | The value should be LOCSTAT. |
2 | Customer Id | Key | X | Id of the Customer. |
3 | Location Code | Key | C 8 | Id of the Customer Location. |
4 | Effective Date | Key | D | Effective date of the Customer Location. |
5 | Status Code | Key | C! 1 | Id of the Customer Location’s status. |
6 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. The only possible value is A (Add), which indicates that if a record with the same key already exists, PENTA records an error. |
Customer Location Tax Jurisdiction (TAXJURIS) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Record Type | Req | C! 5 | The value should be TAXJURIS. |
2 | Customer Id | Key | X | Id of the Customer. |
3 | Location Code | Key | C 8 | Id of the Customer Location. |
4 | Tax Type | Key | C! 6 | Type of taxes PENTA should apply to the Customer Location. |
5 | Jurisdiction | Key | C! 10 | Id of the Customer Location’s taxing Jurisdiction. |
6 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
Default AR Accounts (ARACCT) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Record Type | Req | C! 5 | The value should be ARACCT. |
2 | Customer Id | Key | X | Id of the customer. |
3 | Currency Id | Key | C! 3 | Id of the account’s currency. |
4 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
5 | Account Number | Req | X | Id of the Account. |
Invoice Customer Location by Call Type (INVCUSCALLTYPE) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Record Type | Req | C! 5 | The value should be INVCUSSRVTYPE. |
2 | Customer Id | Key | X | Id of the customer. |
3 | Location Code | Key | C 8 | Can be null. |
4 | Effective Date | Key | D | Effective date of the Call Type. |
5 | Call Type Code | Key | C! 8 | Id of the call requesting service work. |
6 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
7 | WO Invoice Customer Id | Req | X | Id of the Customer on the work order invoice. |
8 | WO Invoice Customer Location Code | Req | C 8 | Id of the Customer Location on the work order invoice. |
Invoice Customer Location by Service Type (INVCUSSRVTYPE) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Record Type | Req | C! 5 | The value should be INVCUSSRVTYPE. |
2 | Customer Id | Key | X | Id of the Customer. |
3 | Location Code | Key | C 8 | Id of the Customer Location. Can be null. |
4 | Effective Date | Key | D |
5 | Service Type Code | Key | C! 8 | Id of the service type. |
6 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
7 | WO Invoice Customer Id | Req | X | Id of the customer on the work order invoice. |
8 | WO Invoice Customer Location Code | Req | C 8 | Id of the customer location on the work order invoice. |
Invoice Customer Location (INVCUSLOC) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Record Type | Req | C! 5 | The value should be INVCUSLOC. |
2 | Customer Id | Key | X | Id of the customer. |
3 | Location Code | Key | C 8 | Id of the Customer’s Location. Can be null. |
4 | Effective Date | Key | D | Effective date of the Customer Location. |
5 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
6 | WO Invoice Customer Id | Opt | X | Id of the Customer on the work order invoice. |
7 | WO Invoice Customer Location Code | Opt | C 8 | Id of the Customer Location on the work order invoice. Required if the WO Invoice Customer Id has a value. |
Location (LOC) Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Record Type | Req | C! 5 | The value should be LOC. |
2 | Customer Id | Key | X | Id of the customer. |
3 | Location Code | Key | C 8 | Id of the Customer’s Location. |
4 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
5 | Description | Req | C 30 | Name/description of the Customer’s location. |
6 | Location Type | Opt | C 8 | The Location’s classification. |
7 | Prefix | Opt | C 15 | Prefix of the Address’s Name. |
8 | Name | Opt | C 30 | Name that appears on mailing addresses for the contact. Defaults as the customer's name unless an explicit null ('~') is used. |
9 | Valid Invoicing Address | Req | Y/N | Indicates whether this is a valid invoicing address. Default is Y (yes). |
10 | Valid Shipping Address | Req | Y/N | Indicates whether this is a valid shipping address. Default is Y (yes). |
11 | Phone Area Code | Opt | C 3 | Area code of the contact number associated with the address. |
12 | Phone Number | Opt | C 11 | Contact number associated with the address. |
13 | Phone Extension | Opt | C 5 | Extension of the contact number associated with the address. |
14 | Primary Contact Number | Opt | I 3 | You cannot enter this value on Activity Code A records, since the contact does not exist yet. |
15 | Building Manager | Opt | C 30 | The Customer Location’s building manager. |
16 | Address 1 | Opt | C 30 | The Location’s primary address information. |
17 | Address 2 | Opt | C 30 | Line for the Location’s additional address information. |
18 | Address 3 | Opt | C 30 | Line for the Location’s additional address information. |
19 | City | Req | C 20 | City of the Customer Location. |
20 | State | Req | C! 4 | State of the Customer Location. |
21 | Postal Code | Req | C 10 | Zip code of the Customer Location. |
22 | Country Code | Opt | C! 3 | Id of the Customer Location’s country. |
23 | All OU Code | Req | C! 1 | Possible values are:
24 | Credit Limit | Opt | F 12.2 | Maximum amount of open receivables that can exist for the Location at a point in time. |
25 | Credit Limit Hold Code | Opt | C! 6 | Id of the hold code that applies to the Credit Limit. You can only enter this value if there is a value for the Credit Limit Amount. |
26 | AR Days Outstanding Limit | Opt | I 5 | Maximum day limit you allow for open receivables on the location at any point in time. |
27 | AR Days Outstanding Hold Code | Opt | C! 6 | Id of the hold code associated with the AR Days Outstanding Limit. You can only enter this value if there is a value for the AR Days Outstanding Limit. |
28 | Customer Location Hold Code | Opt | C! 6 | Id of the hold code associated with the Location. |
29 | Work Order Invoice Layout | Opt | I 3 | Id of the format you want to use for the Location’s invoices. |
30 | WO Salesperson Employee Id | Opt | X | Id of the salesperson for the Location. |
31 | Service Zone Code | Opt | C! 10 | Id of the service zone for the Location. |
32 | Service Charge Id | Opt | C! 8 | Id of the service charges for the Location. |
33 | WO Inventory Pricing Schedule | Opt | I 3 | Id of the pricing schedule for inventory items billed for the Location’s work order invoices. |
34 | WO Equipment Pricing Schedule | Opt | I 3 | Id of the pricing schedule for equipment items billed for the Location’s work order invoices. |
35 | WO Labor Pricing Schedule | Opt | I 3 | Id of the pricing schedule for labor items billed for the Location’s work order invoices. |
36 | WO Other Pricing Schedule | Opt | I 3 | Id of the pricing schedule for miscellaneous items billed for the Location’s work order invoices. |
37 | WO Line Item Pricing Schedule | Opt | I 3 | Id of the pricing schedule for line items billed for the Location’s work order invoices. |
38 | Require Customer PO for WO | Req | Y/N | Indicates whether you want to require entry of a Customer Purchase Order # for Work Orders assigned to the Location. This defaults as the value set at the Customer level. |
39 | Unit Bill Schedule Number | Opt | I 8 | Id of the unit billing rate schedule used to price unit work for the Location. |
40 | Region Id | Opt | C 8 | Id of the regional unit billing rate schedule used to price unit rate work for the Location. |
Reference LOV (REFLOV) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Record Type | Req | C! 5 | The value should be REFLOV. |
2 | Customer Id | Key | X | Id of the customer. |
3 | Reference Code | Key | C 15 | Id of the Reference Code for recording additional information for the Customer. |
4 | Value | Key | C 30 | The value associated with the Reference Code. For example, if you had a “Customer PO #” Reference Code, this value could be the purchase order number. |
5 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
6 | Description | Req | C 30 | Description of the Value. |
Reference (REF) Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Record Type | Req | C! 5 | The value should be REF. |
2 | Customer Id | Key | X | Id of the Customer. |
3 | Customer Location | Key | C 8 | Id of the Customer’s Location. Can be null. |
4 | Reference Code | Key | C 15 | Id of the Reference Code for recording additional information for the Customer. |
5 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
Note: Activity Code A is only valid if you did not specify a Customer Location. |
6 | Format | Opt | C 30 | The value associated with the Reference Code. For example, if you had a “Customer PO #” Reference Code, this value could be the purchase order number. |
Technician Preference (TECHPREF) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Record Type | Req | C! 5 | The value should be TECHPREF. |
2 | Customer Id | Key | X | Id of the Customer. |
3 | Location Code | Key | C 8 | Id of the Customer’s Location. Can be null. |
4 | Employee Id | Key | X | Id of the preferred technician. |
5 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
6 | Preference Code | Req | C! 3 | Id of the degree to which the technician is preferred. |
7 | Rank | Req | I 3 | A 1-3 preference rank for the technician. |
8 | Do Not Assign Code | Req | Y/N | Indicates whether the technician is eligible for assignment to the Customer or Location. Defaults as N. |
User Defined Field (UDF) Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Record Type | Req | C! 5 | The value should be UDF. |
2 | Customer Id | Key | X | Id of the customer. |
3 | Location Code | Key | C 8 | Id of the customer location. Can be null. |
4 | Column Name | Key | C 30 |
5 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
6 | Column Value | Opt | C 1024 | The value for the UDF. Whether an entry is required depends on the rules established for the User Defined Field in the User Defined Fields window. |
7 | Effective Date | Opt | D | Use format YYYYMMDD. Required if the UDF requires an effective date and does not default as the system date; otherwise, do not enter a value. |