How do Standard AR Line Items Work?
How do AR Standard Line Items work in PENTA?
Applies To
Billing & Accounts Receivable> Setup> Standard Line Items
AR Billing and Accounts Receivable
The Standard Line Item Information window allows you to create, modify, or view contract line items for an invoice structure.
An invoice structure is a group of general purpose line items you can use to accumulate and bill job costs.
Through the use of this Invoice Structure you can save time by copying these structures to the Contract Information window when setting up line items for a new Job.
Invoice Structure #
An invoice structure is a group of general purpose line items you can use to accumulate and bill job costs.
Use the Invoice Structure # field to create a 1-3 digit number you will use to identify the new invoice structure you are creating. For each structure number you enter, you must establish at least one line item.
Entry is required. No default.
Use the Description field to create a 1-30 character alphanumeric name/description of the new Invoice Structure.
Entry is required. No default.
Copy From Previously Defined Structure or Job button
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Copy from Previously Defined Structure or Job button
Use the Copy from Previously Defined Structure or Job pop-up window to copy line items from a line item structure as defined in the Standard Line Item Information window or from a Job as defined in the Contract Information window. You cannot copy line items to an invoice structure that has existing line items.
Invoice Structure
Use the Invoice Structure field to copy line items from an existing line item structure to the new Invoice Structure. Enter or use the list of values button to select an Invoice Structure that exists as a valid structures in the Standard Line Item Information window.
Entry is optional. No default.
Note: You cannot access this field if you entered a value in the Job Id field.
Job Id
Use the Job Id field to copy line items from an existing job number to the new Invoice Structure.
Entry is optional. No default.
Note: You cannot access this field if you entered a value in the Invoice Structure # field.
Cost Plus Contract Line
The Cost Plus Contract Line window allows you to enter, modify, or view a billing line item for the current invoice structure. Enter Cost-Plus, Time and Materials, Tax, Fee, and Retention contract lines within this window. Enter all Tax, Fee, and Retention line items in this window, regardless of whether the Job has other Lump Sum or Unit Price line items.
Cost Plus Contract Line > Setup tab
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Cost Plus Line Items button > Setup tab
Line Item #
Use the Line Item Number field to control the sequence in which contract line items print on automated invoices. This number does not actually print on the automated invoice. PENTA verifies the line item number is unique within this Job. Leave gaps between the line item numbers you use so you can insert new line items between existing line items in the future.
Entry is required. No default. PENTA issues an error message if the line item number already exists for this job (possibly in the Lump Sum, or Unit Price windows).
Enter a Description for the items invoiced on this line, which is limited to 30 characters. When performing Automated Invoicing, this field value displays on the invoice (the line item number does not print on the invoice). Additionally, PENTA displays this line item description for the line item’s List of Values (LOV) window.
Entry is required when the Line Item Type is I (Regular Item) and F (Fee Item). No default.
Line Item Type
Use the Line Item Type field to categorize the contract line item with one of the following values:
F (Fee) – Use this type to define a fee line item, whose basis is an hourly rate (for hours billed on other line items) or percent of the billing amounts associated with other line items.
H (Free Format) – Use this type to add blank rows to the invoice or add header records on the invoice document.
I (Regular Line Item) – Use this type for most of your contract line items. This type differentiates this line item as a cost plus line item based on actual costs.
P (Page Break) – Use this type to create a page break anywhere within the invoice.
R (Retention Receivable) – Use this type to identify this line item as retention, in which case PENTA posts the retention-related billings to the retention receivable general ledger account defined in the Job Type Information or Currency Information windows.
S (Subtotal) – Use this type to create a subtotal amount for any group of line items on the invoice.
T (Tax) – Use this type to create a line item as a tax line item. PENTA requires the entry of an accrual (credit) account for this Line Item Type. The amount associated with this line item is not included in job revenue.
Entry is required. This field defaults as I.
Invoice Basis Code
Enter the code indicating how PENTA calculates cost for this line item. Available codes are:
A (All Costs) – Use all costs for invoice calculation. No entry allowed on the Selection tab and Line Item Basis tab.
C (Selected Costs) – Use selected cost items for invoice calculation. Use the Selection tab to identify the cost criteria for this line item.
E (All Equipment Hours) – Use all equipment costs for invoice calculation. Equipment costs include all entries processed though the Equipment Usage Entry window, the Equipment tab in the Time/Equipment/Production Units Entry window and equipment rental charges. No entry allowed on the Selection tab and Line Item Basis tab.
I (Selected Line Items) – Use selected line items for invoice calculation. Use the Line Item Basis tab to identify the line items included in the calculation of this line item.
L (All Labor Hours) – Use all labor costs for invoice calculation. Labor costs include all costs posted to the job via the labor distribution, payroll bonus check, payroll manual check, and payroll rapid check processes. No entry allowed on the Selection tab and Line Item Basis tab.
Entry is required. No default.
Memo Code (Y/N)
Use the Memo Code (Y/N) field to indicate (with a Y for yes or an N for no) whether you want PENTA to include the amount associated with this line item on the invoice but exclude this amount from the accounting and billing history entries and inquiries. You might use this to include amounts on the invoice that a customer most likely will not pay (e.g., Late Fee).
Entry is required. This field defaults as N.
Allow Adjustments?
Use the Allow Adjustments? field to indicate (with a Y for yes or an N for no) whether your users can enter invoice adjustments for this line item in the Adjust Invoice Amounts window. This parameter also exists in the Job Type Information window.
Entry is required. This field defaults as Y.
Invoice Cycle #
Use the Invoice Cycle Number field to group the line items for this job for automated billing purposes. The Automated Invoicing module uses this number during the initiation of the invoicing process to determine the jobs and line items to be included in the current invoicing process.
Entry is optional. No default.
Line Item Based %
Use the Line Item Based % field to define the line item tax, retention, or fee line item percentage.
Entry is optional. No default.
Hourly Rate
Use the Hourly Rate field to define the hourly rate used to calculate this line item amount. Use this for fee line items in which the fee is calculated as billable hours at an hourly rate (e.g., incidentals reimbursed at $3.00/labor hour billed). This field is accessible when the Line Item Type is F (Fee) or R (Retention).
Entry is optional. No default.
Include Indirects?
Use the Include Indirects? field to indicate (with a Y for yes or an N for no) whether amounts associated with indirect rules are included in the calculation of dependent line items (line items with a Line Item Type of I).
Entry is required for line items with a Line Item Type Code of I (Regular Item); otherwise, you cannot access this field.
Book Markup Only As Sales
Use the Book Markup Only as Sales field to indicate (with a Y for yes or an N for no) whether PENTA only books the cost markup as sales. PENTA credits job cost instead of sales for the actual job cost billed. If you enter N, PENTA books the total sales (including cost and markup), less tax, to the sales account defined in the Job Type.
This field controls accounting entries for cost recovery-type projects.
Entry is required. This field defaults as N.
Print Detail on Support Schedules (Y/N)?
Use the Print Detail on Support Schedules (Y/N)? field to indicate whether employee level details print on the Invoice Support Schedule Labor. If you enter Y, employee level details print on the support schedule. If you enter N, only line item totals appear on the support schedule.
Entry is required. This field defaults as Y.
Sales Tax Code
The Sales Tax Code field is not currently functional.
Note: This field does not affect tax calculations; it is for information only.
Salary Hours per Year
When invoicing the labor of a salaried employee, PENTA divides the annual salary by the hours per year to arrive at an hourly rate. If you do not enter a value in the Salary Hours per Year field and a value does not exist at the job level, PENTA automatically uses a value of 2080 (52 weeks * 40 hours per week) to calculate an hourly rate.
Entry is optional. No default.
Revenue Category Code
Use the Revenue Category Code field to assign a user-defined category to this line item. The Revenue Category Code is an attribute of the line item used for ad-hoc reporting. You can also associate a Revenue Category Code with Costcodes in the Costcode and Estimate Entry window. This allows you to compare estimated cost, actual cost, and billing amounts by Revenue Category Codes on ad-hoc reports.
Entry is optional. No default. Entries in this field must exist as a valid value in the Revenue Category Codes window.
Line Item Text button
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Cost Plus Line Items button > Setup tab > Line Item Text button
The Text pop-up window allows you to enter notes or comments that print on the invoice immediately following this line item. You can enter any descriptive information you want to include; when you process invoices, the text appears exactly as you entered it through the window.
You can enter approximately 14 pages of text here.
Revenue Accounts button
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Cost Plus Line Items button > Setup tab > Revenue Accounts button
The Line Item Revenue Accounts pop-up window allows you to override the Job Type default progress billing and sales accounts for regular line items. Also, use this window to identify the tax accrual account for tax line items (enter the tax accrual account in the Sales account field).
Entry is required if the Line Item Type is T (Tax). Entry is optional if the “Use Cost Plus Line Item/Indirect Rule Revenue Accounts (Y/N)” field on the Invoicing tab of the System Configuration window is Y. You cannot access this field if the “Use Cost Plus Line Item/Indirect Rule Revenue Accounts (Y/N)” field on the Invoicing tab of the System Configuration window is N.
Progress Billing
PENTA credits the Progress Billing account for the invoice amount for this line item (excluding tax) if you use the Completed Contract Method for revenue recognition.
Entry is required and only allowed if you are not making entries directly to sales and cost of sales (recognition number 9).
PENTA credits the Sales account for revenue amounts when it recognizes revenue or during billing if you are not using the Completed Contract Method for revenue recognition.
Entry is required. This field defaults as the Job Type’s sales account.
PM Status Xref button
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Cost Plus Line Items button > Setup tab > PM Status Xref button
The Project Manager Status Report Xref pop-up window allows you to associate a Cost Type and Costcode with this indirect rule. PENTA includes amounts calculated for this indirect rule under this Cost Type/Costcode combination on the Revenue – Based Project Manager Status reports.
Cost Type
Use this field to enter the Cost Type you want amounts calculated for this indirect rule to display under on the Revenue Based Project Manager Status reports.
Entry is optional. No default.
Enter the Costcode you want amounts calculated for this indirect rule to display under on the Revenue Based Project Manager Status reports.
Entry is required if a Cost Type is entered. No default.
Cost Plus Contract Line > Selection tab
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Cost Plus Line Items button > Selection tab
Use the Selection tab to enter, modify, or view the Selection criteria that determines which costs are the basis for this contract line. This tab is only accessible if the Invoices Basis Code is C (Use Selected Costs for Calculation).
Setup Tips
When PENTA assigns costs to a contract line, it matches the cost to the Line Item Cost Selection Criteria. It evaluates the criteria on the Contract Line Item in ascending Line Item # sequence. PENTA assigns the cost to the first matching Contract Line Item. To ensure PENTA assigns the proper costs to change requests and owner change orders, assign the lowest Line Item #s to the change requests and owner change orders. When you set up standard schedules, be sure to begin with a sufficiently high Line Item # so you can insert new line items during the life of the job.
If you want to bill change orders on separate line items, be sure to enter the change request or owner change order on the cost transaction. Failing to do so will result in PENTA billing these costs on the incorrect invoice line or not billing the invoice line at all.
Cost Type (Line Item Cost Selection Criteria)
Use the Cost Type field to indicate the general type of cost (such as materials or labor) you want to bill on this line item. You can enter as many Cost Types as you wish for this line item.
Entry is optional. No default.
Costcode Mask Low (Line Item Cost Selection Criteria)
Use the Costcode Mask Low field to enter one of the following to indicate the Costcode or Costcodes you want to bill on this line item:
A valid Costcode which represents the single job activity you want to associate with the Cost Type
A Costcode that defines the lower limit in a range of Costcodes you want to associate with the Cost Type. When entering a range, you can enter a non-existent Costcode to represent the low end of the range.
Use wild cards (% or _) to mask a portion of the Costcode
Entry is optional. No default.
Costcode Mask High (Line Item Cost Selection Criteria)
If you made an entry in the Low CC field, PENTA displays that entry in the Costcode Mask High field. You can enter a greater Costcode here to define the upper limit in a range of Costcodes. If you make an entry, PENTA bills costs for all job activities with Costcodes falling in this range on this line item. You can enter a non-existent Costcode to represent the high end of the range.
Entry is required if you entered a Low Costcode. No default.
Payroll Class (Line Item Cost Selection Criteria)
Use the Payroll Class field to identify the class of employees you want to bill on this line item. You can enter as many payroll classes as you wish for this line item.
Entry is optional. No default.
Pay Rate Low (Line Item Cost Selection Criteria)
Enter the Pay Rate that will further limit the employees you want to bill on this line item to specific pay rates within the Payroll Class. This field can identify a specific pay rate or the lower limit in a range of pay rates.
Entry is optional if you entered a Payroll Class for the current record; otherwise, you cannot access this field. No default.
Pay Rate High (Line Item Cost Selection Criteria)
If you made an entry in the Low Pay Rate field, PENTA displays that value in the Pay Rate High field. You can override with a greater pay rate here to define the upper limit in a range of pay rates. If you make an entry, PENTA reports labor costs for all pay rates falling in this range on this line item.
This field defaults as the value entered in the Low Pay Rate field; however, you can override this default if necessary. If you did not enter a Pay Rate Low value, you cannot access this field.
FA Class (Line Item Cost Selection Criteria)
Use the Fixed Asset Class field to indicate the equipment class you want to bill on this line item. You can enter as many fixed asset classes as you wish for this line item.
Entry is optional. No default.
FA Id (Line Item Cost Selection Criteria)
Use the Fixed Asset Id field to identify the fixed asset you want to bill on this line item for an equipment usage or rental cost. You can enter as many fixed asset Ids as you wish for this line item.
Entry is optional. No default.
Additional Selection Criteria button
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Cost Plus Line Items button > Selection tab > Additional Selection Criteria button
The Additional Selection Criteria pop-up window allows you to select labor to bill on a line item by Shift #. For example, if you do not want all shifts of labor billed on a line item, use this pop-up window to select the Shift(s) to include.
Cost Type (Line Item Product Selection Criteria)
Enter a valid Cost Type code to indicate the inventory Cost Types you want to bill on this line item. You can enter as many Cost Types as you wish for this line item.
Entry is optional. No default.
Costcode Mask Low (Line Item Product Selection Criteria)
Use the Costcode Mask Low field to enter one of the following—indicating the inventory Costcode(s) you want to bill on this line item:
A valid Costcode which represents the single inventory activity you want to associate with the Cost Type
A Costcode that defines the lower limit in a range of inventory Costcodes you want to associate with the Cost Type. When entering a range, you can enter a non-existent Costcode to represent the low end of the range.
Use wild cards (% or _) to mask a portion of the Costcode.
Entry is optional. No default.
Costcode Mask High (Line Item Product Selection Criteria)
If you made an entry in the Costcode Mask Low field, PENTA displays that entry in the Costcode Mask High field. You can enter a greater Costcode here to define the upper limit in a range of Costcodes. If you make an entry, PENTA bills costs for all job activities with Costcodes falling in this range on this line item. You can enter a non-existent Costcode to represent the high end of the range.
Entry is required if you entered a Low Costcode.
Whse Id (Line Item Product Selection Criteria)
If you want to bill inventory transferred from a warehouse to the Job on this line item, use this field to identify that Warehouse. You can enter as many warehouses as you wish for this line item.
Entry is optional. No default.
Prod Type (Line Item Product Selection Criteria)
If you want to bill inventory of a certain product type on this line item, use this field to identify that Product Type. You can enter as many product types as you wish for this line item.
Entry is optional. No default.
Product Class (Line Item Product Selection Criteria)
If you want to bill inventory of a certain product class on this line item, use this field to identify that Product Class. You can enter as many product classes as you wish for this line item.
Entry is optional. No default.
Product Id Mask (Line Item Product Selection Criteria)
If you want to bill the inventory product on this line item, use this field to enter that Product Id Mask. You can enter as many product Ids as you wish for this line item. You can also use wild cards (% or _) to mask a portion of the Product Id.
Entry is optional. No default
Cost Plus Contract Line > Line Item Basis tab
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Cost Plus Line Items button > Line Item Basis tab
The Line Item Basis tab allows you to define the line items included in the calculation of the invoice amount for a dependent line item (indicated by Invoice Basis Code I). You can enter individual line item numbers or ranges of line numbers. During invoice calculation, PENTA selects the items defined here, totals their costs, and applies either the markup percent or the hourly rate to determine this line item’s amount.
Low Line Item #
Use the Low Line Item # field to enter one of the following to indicate which amounts PENTA should select when calculating the cost of the current line item:
A single valid line item number
A line item number which defines the lower limit in a range
When defining a range, you can enter a non-existent line item number to represent the low end of the range.
Entry is required if the line item’s Invoice Basis Code is I, otherwise this field is non-enterable.
High Line Item #
If you made an entry in the Low Line Item # field, PENTA displays that entry in the High Line Item # field. You can enter a larger number here to define the upper limit in a range of line items. If you make an entry, PENTA selects amounts for all line items in the range when calculating the amount for the current line item.
Entry is required if a Low Line Item # exists, otherwise this field is non-enterable.
Cost Plus Contract Line > Indirect Costs tab
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Cost Plus Line Items button > Indirect Costs tab
Use the Indirect Cost tab if the current line item’s Invoice Basis Code is A (all costs), C (Selected Costs), E (Equipment costs), or L (Labor costs) and you want to establish rules to calculate an additional invoice amount that prints on a separate, indented line, immediately following the current line item. An indirect cost rule is an instruction to PENTA indicating how it should determine a related invoice amount, not directly covered in the calculation of the current line item. For example, you can set up an indirect rule for .5% on a material invoice line item to cover handling costs.
Rule #
If you want to create an indirect calculation rule for the line item, use the Rule # field to create an Id for that calculation rule. When a line item has multiple rules, the rule numbers determine the order in which they print – lowest to highest. You may want to assign non-consecutive rule numbers, as this will allow you to add rules later while maintaining the printing order.
Entry is required. No default.
Use the Description field to name/describe the Rule #. PENTA prints this description on the customer invoice.
Entry is required. No default.
If you want to calculate this charge as a portion of the total line item amount, use this field to enter a Percentage up to 999.999. During processing, PENTA calculates the billable amount (excluding lower numbered rules) * by this percentage to determine the invoice amount for the Rule.
Entry is optional. If you do not make an entry here, you must enter at least one Labor Percent or Labor Hourly Rate below.
Labor Percents
Regular – Enter a percent up to 999.999 if you want the Rule to calculate a charge that equals a portion of the actual Regular labor cost accumulated by this line item.
You cannot access this field if a Percent exists for the Rule; otherwise, entry is optional.
Premium 1 – Enter a percent up to 999.999 if you want the Rule to calculate a charge that equals a portion of the actual Premium 1 (time and one half) labor cost accumulated by this line item.
You cannot access this field if a Percent exists for the Rule; otherwise, entry is optional.
Premium 2 – Enter a percent up to 999.999 if you want the Rule to calculate a charge that equals a portion of the actual Premium 2 (double time) labor cost accumulated by this line item.
You cannot access this field if a Percent exists for the Rule; otherwise, entry is optional.
Premium 1 Prem – Enter a percent up to 999.999 if you want the Rule to calculate a charge that equals a percentage of only the premium portion of Premium 1 (time and one half) labor cost accumulated by this line item. This field only displays when this structure is copied to a job and the job’s Split Premium Code is S.
You cannot access this field if a Percent exists for the Rule; otherwise, entry is optional.
Premium 2 Prem – Enter a percent up to 999.999 if you want this rule to calculate a charge that equals a percentage of only the premium portion of Premium 2 (double time) labor cost accumulated by this line item. This field only displays when this structure is copied to a job and the job’s Split Premium Code is S.
You cannot access this field if a Percent exists for the Rule; otherwise, entry is optional.
Labor Hourly Rates
Regular – Enter a positive number up to 99,999.999 if you want this rule to calculate Regular labor hour charges using a pre-defined rate. PENTA multiplies the total regular hours accumulated for this line item by this rate to determine the regular labor charge.
Premium 1 – Enter a positive number up to 99,999.999 if you want the Rule to calculate Premium 1 labor hour charges using a pre-defined rate. PENTA multiplies the total premium 1 hours accumulated for this line item by this rate to determine the premium 1 labor charge.
Premium 2 – Enter a positive number up to 99,999.999 if you want the Rule to calculate Premium 2 labor hour charges using a pre-defined rate. PENTA multiplies the total Premium 2 hours accumulated for this line item by this rate to determine the Premium 2 labor charge.
You cannot access these fields if a Percent exists for the Rule; otherwise, entry is optional. You can use the regular rate in combination with a Labor Percent.
Project Manager Status Report Xref button
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Cost Plus Line Items button > Indirect Cost tab > Project Manager Status Report Xref button
The Project Manager Status Report Xref pop-up window allows you to associate a Cost Type and Costcode with the indirect Rule. PENTA includes amounts calculated for the indirect Rule under this Cost Type/Costcode combination on the Revenue – Based Project Manager Status reports.
Revenue Accounts button
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Cost Plus Line Items button > Indirect Cost tab
The Line Item Revenue Accounts pop-up window allows you to override the Job Type default progress billing and sales accounts for indirect rules.
Cost Plus Contract Line > Cost Markup Schedule tab
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Cost Plus Line Items button > Cost Markup Schedule tab
The Cost Markup Schedule tab allows you to establish markup percentages and indicate whether costs are non-billable. Pricing rules only apply to costs originating from Accounts Payable windows or general journal entries. Add new pricing rules as needed if the appropriate effective dates. PENTA keeps a history of the pricing rules you enter.
This markup schedule takes precedence over the job pricing schedule and the standard pricing schedule. PENTA applies the pricing rules in the following hierarchy:
Cost Plus Line Item Information – Cost Markup Schedule
Job Cost Type Pricing Schedule
Standard Cost Type Pricing Schedule
Effective Date
Use the Effective Date field to indicate when the pricing rules in the Markup Percents block take effect. PENTA uses the pricing rules in effect as of the transactions posting date to calculate the invoice amount.
Entry is required. This field defaults as the current date.
Cost Type Code
Use this field to identify the Cost Type for which you are defining billing rules.
Entry is optional. No default.
Low Costcode Mask
Use the Low Costcode Mask field to identify the Costcode that defines the lower limit in a range of Costcodes for which you are defining the billing rules. You can also use wild cards (% or _) to mask a portion of the Costcode (e.g., %100).
Entry is optional. No default.
High Costcode Mask
To define a range of Costcodes that this pricing rule applies to, enter the high end of the Costcode range here. You can also use wild cards (% or _) to mask a portion of the Costcode (e.g., %100).
Entry is optional. This field defaults as the entry you made in the Low Costcode Mask field; however, you can override this value.
Billable (Y/N)
Use the Billable (Y/N) field to indicate (with a Y for yes or an N for no) whether costs matching your criteria are billable. Enter Y for billable and N for non-billable.
Entry is required. This field defaults as Y.
Use this field to identify the Percentage PENTA should use to mark up costs matching your criteria when calculating the invoice amount.
Entry is required if the Billable code is Y. You cannot access this field if the Billable code is N.
Lump Sum Contract Line
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Lump Sum Line Items button
The Lump Sum Contract Line pop-up window allows you to enter, modify, or view lump sum contract line items.
For information on establishing Tax, Fee, and Retention line items, refer to this Window Description’s Cost Plus Contract Line details.
Line Item #
Use the Line Item # field to control the sequence of contract line items on the automated invoice. The Id you create here does not print on the automated invoice. PENTA verifies the line item number is unique within a job.
PENTA issues an error message if this line item number already exists in the Cost Plus, Lump Sum, or Unit Price windows.
Entry is required. No default.
Use the Description field to enter a 1-30 character name/description for the Line Item. When performing automated invoicing from PENTA, this description displays on the invoice (the line item number does not print on the invoice). Additionally, PENTA displays this description when the Line Item appears in list of values windows throughout PENTA.
Entry is required if you enter I (Regular Item) or F (Fee Item) in the Line Item Type field (below). No default.
Line Item Type
The Line Item Type field identifies the type of contract line item. Available codes are:
F (Fee) – Defines a fee line item, whose basis is an hourly rate (for hours billed on other line items) or percent of the billing amounts associated with other line items.
H (Free Format) – Adds blank rows to the invoice or add header records on the invoice document.
I (Regular Line Item) – Used for most contract line items. This type differentiates this line item as a cost plus line item based on actual costs.
P (Page Break) – Creates a page break anywhere within the invoice.
R (Retention Receivable) – Identifies this line item as retention, in which case PENTA posts the retention-related billings to the retention receivable general ledger account defined in the Job Type Information or Currency Information windows.
S (Subtotal) – Creates a subtotal amount for any group of line items on the invoice.
T (Tax) – Creates a tax line item. PENTA requires the entry of an accrual (credit) account for this Line Item Type. The amount associated with this line item is not included in job revenue.
Entry is required. This field defaults as I.
Include With All Invoice Cycles(Y/N)?
Use the Include with All Invoice Cycles field to indicate (with a Y for yes or an N for no) whether PENTA includes the Line Item each time you process invoices. If you enter Y, PENTA prevents you from entering an Invoice Cycle # for this Line Item.
Entry is required. This field defaults as N.
Invoice Cycle #
Use the Invoice Cycle # field to group this Invoice Structure’s Line Item for automated billing purposes. The Automated Invoicing module uses this number during the initiation of the invoicing process to determine which jobs and line items to include in the current invoicing process.
Entry is optional. No default.
Invoice Only When Complete (Y/N)
Use the Invoice Only When Complete field to indicate (with a Y for yes or an N for no) whether you want to defer the Line Item’s billing until the Line Item’s Billing Completion entry is 100%. Enter N if you want to allow progress billings against the Line Item while Billing Completion entries are made.
Entry is required. This field defaults as N.
Revenue Category Code
Use the Revenue Category Code field to assign a user-defined category to the Line Item. The Revenue Category Code is an attribute of the Line Item used for ad-hoc reporting. You can also associate a Revenue Category Code with Costcodes in the Costcode and Estimate Entry window. This allows you to compare estimated cost, actual cost, and billing amounts by Revenue Category Codes on ad-hoc reports.
Entry is optional. No default.
Allow Adjustments
Use the Allow Adjustments field to indicate (with a Y for yes or an N for no) whether your users can enter invoice adjustments for the Line Item in the Adjust Invoice Amounts window. This parameter also exists in the Job Type Information window.
Entry is required. This field defaults as Y.
CC/Cost Type Xref button
Clicking the CC/Cost Type Xref button launches the Costcode/Cost Type Cross Reference pop-up window.
The Costcode/Cost Type Cross Reference pop-up window allows you to associate Cost Types and Costcodes with a lump sum contract line item. Associating Cost Types and Costcodes to a lump sum line item results in the following:
The revenue recognition process only uses estimates, forecasts, and actual costs for these Cost Types and Costcodes when determining percent complete for earned revenue calculations for this contract line item. If Cost Types and Costcodes are not associated with a line item, PENTA uses all estimates, forecasts, and actual costs for the job when calculating earned revenue for a job.
PENTA marks the costs associated with these Cost Types and Costcodes as billed during the automated billing process, removing them from the Costs Never Selected reports.
Sequence Number
Use the Sequence Number field to enter the current Line Item #/Cost Type/Costcode combination.
Entry is required. No default.
Cost Type
Use the Cost Type field to associate a Cost Type with the contract Line Item.
Entry is required. No default.
Low Costcode
Use the Low Costcode field to identify the low end the Costcode range you will associate with this contract line item.
Entry is optional. No default.
High Costcode
To define a range of Costcodes associated with this line item, override with the high end of the Costcode range.
Entry is optional. This field defaults as the entry you made in the Low Costcode field; however, you can override the default.
Text button
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Cost Plus Line Items button > Cost Markup Schedule tab > Text button
The Text pop-up window allows you to enter notes or comments that print on the invoice immediately following the Line Item. Enter any descriptive information you want to include; when you process invoices, the text appears exactly as you enter it here.
You can enter approximately 14 pages of text here.
Unit Price Contract Line
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Unit Price Line Items button
The Unit Price Contract Line pop-up window allows you to enter, modify, or view contract line item for contracts calculated as units at a unit price.
To establish Tax, Fee, and Retention line items, refer to the Standard Line Items Window Description.
Line Item #
Use the Line Item # field to control the sequence of contract line items on the automated invoice. The Id you create here does not print on the automated invoice. PENTA verifies the line item number is unique within a job.
PENTA issues an error message if this line item number already exists in the Cost Plus, Lump Sum, or Unit Price windows.
Entry is required. No default.
Use the Description field to enter a 1-30 character name/description for the Line Item. When performing automated invoicing from PENTA, this description displays on the invoice (the line item number does not print on the invoice). Additionally, this description displays when the Line Item appears in list of values (LOV) windows throughout PENTA.
Entry is required if you enter I (Regular Item) or F (Fee Item) in the Line Item Type field (below). No default.
Line Item Type
The Line Item Type field identifies the type of contract Line Item. Available values include the following:
F (Fee) – Defines a fee line item, whose basis is an hourly rate (for hours billed on other line items) or percent of the billing amounts associated with other line items.
H (Free Format) – Adds blank rows to the invoice or add header records on the invoice document.
I (Regular Item) – Used for most of your contract line items. This type differentiates this line item as a cost plus line item based on actual costs.
P (Page Break) – Creates a page break anywhere within the invoice.
R (Retention Receivable) – Identifies this line item as retention, in which case PENTA posts the retention-related billings to the retention receivable general ledger account defined in the Job Type Information or Currency Information windows.
S (Subtotal) – Creates a subtotal amount for any group of line items on the invoice.
T (Tax) – Creates a tax line item. PENTA requires the entry of an accrual (credit) account for this Line Item Type. The amount associated with this line item is not included in job revenue.
Entry is required. This field defaults as I (Regular Line Item).
Include With All Invoice Cycles(Y/N)?
Use the Include with All Invoice Cycles field to indicate (with a Y for yes or an N for no) whether PENTA includes the Line Item each time you process invoices. If you enter Y, PENTA prevents you from entering an Invoice Cycle # for this Line Item.
Entry is required. This field defaults as N.
Invoice Cycle #
Use the Invoice Cycle # field to group this Invoice Structure’s Line Item for automated billing purposes. The Automated Invoicing module uses this number during the initiation of the invoicing process to determine which jobs and line items to include in the current invoicing process.
Entry is optional. This field defaults according to the Job Information window; however, you can override this default if necessary.
Invoice Only When Complete (Y/N)
Use the Invoice Only When Complete field to indicate (with a Y for yes or an N for no) whether you want to defer the Line Item’s billing until the Line Item’s Billing Completion entry is 100%. Enter N to allow progress billings against the Line Item while Billing Completion entries are made.
Entry is required. This field defaults as N.
Unit of Measure
Identify the unit used to measure the items billed on this Line Item.
Entry is required. No default.
Revenue Category Code
Use the Revenue Category Code field to assign a user-defined category to the Line Item. The Revenue Category Code is an attribute of the Line Item used for ad-hoc reporting. You can also associate a Revenue Category Code with Costcodes in the Costcode and Estimate Entry window. This allows you to compare estimated cost, actual cost, and billing amounts by Revenue Category Codes on ad-hoc reports.
Entry is optional. No default.
CC/Cost Type Xref button
Clicking the CC/Cost Type Xref button launches the Costcode/Cost Type Cross Reference pop-up window.
The Costcode/Cost Type Cross Reference pop-up window allows you to associate Cost Types and Costcodes with a lump sum contract line item. Linking Cost Types and Costcodes to unit price line items tells PENTA to mark the costs associated with these Cost Types and Costcodes as billed during the automated billing process, removing them from the Costs Never Selected reports.
For more details, refer to the CC/Cost Type Xref button information (located in the Lump Sum Contract Line window).
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Cost Plus Line Items button > Cost Markup Schedule tab
Text button
Clicking the Text button launches the Text pop-up window.
The Text pop-up window allows you to enter up to 14 pages of notes or comments that print on the invoice immediately following the Line Item. Enter any descriptive information you want to include; when you process invoices, the text appears exactly as you entered it in this window.
Fore more details, refer to the Line Item Text button information (located in the Cost Plus Contract Line window).
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Standard Line Items > Cost Plus Line Items button > Cost Markup Schedule tab
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