Timecard Interface doesn't create a Time/Equipment/Production Units Entry batch
I've created and interfaced a timecard batch, and the Interface query shows that a batch was created, but there is no batch in the Time/Equipment/Production Units Entry window.
Interface ETS file into Penta, and Penta indicates that a batch has been created, but the batch doesn't exist in the Time/Equipment/Production Units Entry window
Applies To
PENTA For Windows
Timecard Interface
Labor Interface
Payroll > Time Entry > Timecards - By Selected Attributes
Time/Equipment/Production Units Entry
If no header record was included in the interface file, the batch would be created in the Timecards by Selected Attributes screen, rather than the Time/Equipment/Production Units Entry window.
If this is not what you wanted, you can re-interface the timecard file, and ensure there is a header record, with the field 'PFW_EDIT_CD=Y'
Header record omitted from interfaced timecard batch