External Check Interface: Pipe Delimited Method
Use the External Check Interface to import payroll and accounts payable checks information from an external application. The data you load using this adds to the data already stored in PENTA.
The External Check Interface has a Request Type of EXT and an Interface Type of T. Data files you load must have Request Types assigned to the T Interface Type.
This interface updates the check history tables (which feeds the check reconciliation and positive pay processes) without making accounting entries. This allows you to perform a check reconciliation process and generate a positive pay file from within PENTA that is a combination of:
Checks processed in PENTA and
Checks processed by software systems other than PENTA.
After performing several high-level integrity tests, PENTA attempts to process the Detail Records only if the User Id is a valid PENTA user.
If PENTA rejects the entire file, you can modify and resubmit it.
If PENTA rejects a record, you cannot resubmit the file because a check already exists for the file name and file type.
This interface consists of one type of record, which is the detail for each check.
After interfacing records, you can use the Cleared Check Entry window to enter additional cleared checks, or remove a cleared status for checks.
Note: For Record Type EXT, PENTA performs specific validation on each record’s fields. PENTA does not perform additional edit checks if a field is blank or null, unless the check specifically requires that the field be valued under certain conditions.
External Check (EXT) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Activity Code | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
2 | Bank Number | Key | C! 9 | The bank with ownership of the bank statement you are clearing. This must be a valid bank number in PENTA. |
3 | Bank Account Number | Key | C! 17 | The number of the bank account with ownership of the bank statement you are clearing. This must be a valid account for the bank. |
4 | Check Number | Key | I 8 | Must be a positive integer value. Number on the check. Must not exist in any of the following tables for the stated bank and bank account:
5 | Form Id | Req | C! 8 | Id of the form used to generate the check. The form must be associated with the Bank and Bank Account. |
6 | Amount | Req | F 15.2 | Amount on the check. Must be greater than or equal to 0.00. |
7 | Check Date | Req | D | Date on the check. Must be a valid date. |
8 | Check Status | Req | C! 1 | Id of the check’s status. Possible values are A (Open), C (Clear), and V (Void). |
9 | Clear Date | Opt | D | Date the check cleared. Required if Check Status is V; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
10 | Employee Id | Opt | X | Id of the Employee. This is mutually exclusive with the Vendor Id. Enter an Employee or Vendor, but not both. |
11 | Vendor Id | Opt | X | Id of the Vendor. This is mutually exclusive with the Employee Id. Enter an Employee or Vendor, but not both. |