Standard Crystal Report - Union Fringe Benefit Contribution


Standard Crystal Report - Union Fringe Benefit Contribution

Applies To

Penta for Windows

Standard Crystal Report - Union Fringe Benefit Contribution

Payroll Module


Use the Union Fringe Benefit Contribution Report to alert you to employees who may be accumulating union fringe benefits to the wrong union. This can happen when the employee transfers to a job that belongs to a different union, but you have not changed the Payroll Class # on the Employees window.

You should run this report after timecard entry but before labor distribution. It compares timecards in selected undistributed batches to master files. It lists employees who are charging time to a job that has a State/Prov field on the Job Information window that is different from the State/Prov field of the employee’s assigned union on the Unions window.

You should check every employee listed. To change an employee’s assigned union, modify the Payroll Class # on the Employees window to indicate the correct union.


The Enter Parameter Values include:

  • Employee OU Id
  • User Id
  • Pay Group Number
  • Batch Number


Records sort in order by:

  1. Employee OU Id
  1. Employee Name (Last Name, First Name)
  2. Job Id

Page Breaks

Each OU Id begins on a new page.

Report Code: pr_unionFringeBenefits_p161_cr11.rpt

Available Parameters:

Example Report Results: 

Employee and Union:

Employee Name - This is the name of the employee who is charging time to a job that has a State/Prov field on the Job Information window that is different from the State/Prov field of the employee’s assigned union on the Unions window.

Employee Id - This is the employee identification number of the employee named in the Employee Name field.

Union Number - This is the current union number assigned to the employee. You can assign this value to the employee via the employee’s Payroll Class # which has this Union #. If you distribute timecards, PENTA accumulates fringe benefits to this union.

Union Name - This is the current union name assigned to the employee. If you distribute timecards, PENTA accumulates fringe benefits to this union.

Union City and State - This is the city and state of the union (assigned to the employee) on the Unions window.

Job and Timecard

Job Id - This is the job identification number to which the employee charged time.

Job City and State - This is the city and state of the job on the Job Information window.

Entry User Id - This is the User Id of the person who entered the reported timecard.

Batch Number - This is the batch number of the reported timecard.