Standard Crystal Report - Job Cost Detail
Standard Crystal Report - Job Cost Detail
Applies To
Penta for Windows
Crystal Report - Job Cost Detail
Use the Crystal Job Cost Detail report to preview current and to-date amounts that will eventually bill for cost plus line items. You can review this report along with the Daily Equipment Timesheet, the Daily Equipment Timesheet, and the Daily Material/Other Timesheet.
Prerequisite - (Optional) Use the Calculate Customer Cost window to initiate PENTA’s process that prepares the data. Current costs and hours include only prepared data not previously reported on this report.
Selection You can limit this report by Job Id.
PENTA sorts this report in sequence by the following:
Job Id
Line Item #
Page Break -Â The report page breaks on Job Id.
Totals -Â This report contains totals for each Job Id.
Report Code: jc_jobCostDetail_p65_cr11.rpt
Available Parameters:
Example Report Results:
Heading Fields
As of -Â This report includes all costs for the job distributed on or before the As Of date. This is the most recent Through Date processed on the Calculate Customer Cost window.
Customer -Â The name of the customer for the job.
Job Location -Â Street address of the job.
Contract Number -Â The Invoice Reference field on the Job Information window.
Matrix Project Number -Â The Job Id.
Detail Fields
Line item description – header - A header prints for cost plus line items only. Information groups by line item. If the line item is a free format line, the description is left justified. Otherwise, the description is right justified.
Line item description – detail - A right-justified detail prints for line items with a Line Item Type Code equal to the following:
Budget Cost - The *Total Base Amount located within the Estimated Value pop-up window of the Contract Information window’s Cost Plus Contract Line Item pop-up window. *Project Management > Owner Contract Information > Contract Information > Cost Plus Line Items > Estimated Value > Total Base Amount field
Current Hours -Â This is all labor hours posted on or before the As Of date that were not previously reported on this report.
Current Cost -Â The sum of all costs posted on or before the As Of date, not previously included on the report.
To-Date Hours -Â This is all labor hours posted on or before the As Of date. It includes Current Hours.
To-Date Cost -Â This is the sum of all costs posted on or before the As Of date. It includes Current Cost.
Committed -Â This is the calculated invoice amount for the open commitments from purchase orders and subcontracts.
Total -Â PENTA calculates this value as:Â To-Date Cost + Committed
Subtotal -Â The total of all amounts since the last subtotal. This report right-justifies Cost Plus line items with Line Item Type Code S.