Standard Crystal Report - Job Cost Allocation
Standard Crystal Report - Job Cost Allocation
Applies To
Penta for Windows
Crystal Report - Job Cost Allocation
Project Management
Use the Job Cost and Allocation report to calculate overhead cost allocations to jobs as part of the month end close process.
Before running this report, you should:
- Establish a separate Cost Type/Costcode for each overhead category you wish to track.
- Establish an estimate and forecast for each overhead category at the start of the job.
- Each month, calculate the cost to allocate to the job—based on the percentage of labor complete (Actual labor cost ÷ Forecast labor cost).
Report Code: jc_jobCostAlloc_p141_cr11.rpt
Available Parameters:
Example Report Results:
Report Fields
Job ID -Â ID of the job with allocated cost.
Job Name -Â Name of the job.
Labor Forecast @ Compl - The sum of forecast at complete entries as of the report through date for the Job’s Costcodes where the Cost Type category is Labor or Overtime Labor.
JTD Labor Cost - The job to date cost as of the report through date for the Job’s Costcodes where the Cost Type category is Labor or Overtime Labor.
% Complete - PENTA calculates this as: Job to date labor cost ÷ Labor forecast at complete
Alloc Cost Type -Â The type of cost you are making the allocation to.
Alloc Costcode -Â The Costcode you are making the allocation to.
Alloc Forecast @ Compl -Â The current forecast at complete for the Cost Type/Costcode allocation as of the report through date.
JTD Alloc -Â The job to date allocation. PENTA calculates this as:Â Forecast at complete * % complete
Prev JTD Alloc - PENTA calculates this as: Current forecast at complete for the allocation Cost Type/Costcode * (Job to date labor cost ÷ Labor forecast at complete). This uses amounts as of the most recent accounting period end date that are less than the report through date.
Current Month Alloc - PENTA calculates this as: JTD Allocation – Previous JTD Allocation.