Standard Crystal Report - Job Cash Status
Standard Crystal Report - Job Cash Status
Applies To
Penta for Windows
Crystal Report - Job Cash Status
Use the Job Cash Status report to manage the cash position of jobs. The report lets you easily determine if you are outlaying more cash on a job then you are collecting as of a specified date.
Report Code: jc_jobCashStatus_p90_cr11.rpt
Available Parameters:
Example Report Results:Â
Report Fields
Job ID -Â ID of the job.
Name -Â Name of the job.
Cash Position - The job’s total cash position. This is calculated as: The cash received – The cash disbursed.
Total Billed - Amount of the job’s total billings, as of the report date.
Open AR -Â Amount of open accounts receivable receipts, as of the report date.
AR Retention -Â Amount of open accounts receivable retention, as of the report date.
Cash Received - Total amount of the job’s cash received, as of the report date.
Tot Cash Cost -Â Total amount of cash expended on the job, as of the report date.
Open AP -Â Total amount of open accounts payables, as of the report date.
Retention -Â The total amount of open accounts payable retention, as of the report date.
Cash Disbursed - The job’s total amount of cash disbursed, as of the report date.