Standard Crystal Report - Subcontract Progressive Estimate


Standard Crystal Report - Subcontract Progressive Estimate

Applies To

Penta for Windows

Crystal Report - Subcontract Progressive Estimate

Project Management


Use this report to provide a Subcontract Pay Estimate to your subcontracts.

This report was designed to address the following process:

  1. Your customer (e.g., the Department of Transportation) provides you with a pay estimate listing the contract items they will pay for with the next progress payment.
  2. You use the DOT’s pay estimate to determine what you will pay your subcontracts.
  3. You don’t receive an invoice from your subcontractor, you tell them what you are paying them based on what your customer is paying you (i.e., pay when paid).
  4. You record an AP invoice against the subcontract based on what you are paying the subcontractor.
  5. You run this report to generate the Subcontract Pay Estimate that you send to the subcontractor.

Report Code: jc_scPayEst_p80_cr11.rpt

Available Parameters:

Example Report Results: 


Item Number Description of Work - ID and description of the line item(s) for the subcontract.

Unit Price – Original - The subcontract line item’s unit price.

Units – Original - The subcontract line item’s separate units, if any exist.

Amount – Original - Original committed cost of the subcontract line item.

Units – Revised - If the subcontract line item’s units are associated with a subcontract change order, the new value of units displays here.

Amount – Revised - If the subcontract line item’s cost is associated with a subcontract change order, the new amount displays here.

Billing Units – Current - The total units billed on the accounts payable invoice.

Billing Amount – Current - The total amount billed on the accounts payable invoice.

To Date Units - The total units billed to date on all accounts payable invoices.

To Date Amount - The total amount billed to date on all accounts payable invoices.

Units To Complete - Calculated as: The subcontract revised units – The work completed to date

Total Retainage - The line item’s open accounts payable retention balance.

Totals - The sum of each line item.