Standard Crystal Report - Customer or Vendor Amount by Address


Standard Crystal Report - Customer or Vendor Amount by Address

Applies To

Penta for Windows

Crystal Report - Standard Crystal Report - Customer or Vendor Amount by Address


The top section shows all customers and their locations. The far right column displays the total amount received from each customer. The bottom section shows all vendors and their locations. The far right column shows the total amount paid to each vendor. Pictured: Top section of report.

Report Code: ar_custVenAddrByAmt_p64_cr11.rpt

Available Parameters:

Example Report Results:


Ven/Cus - This shows either a C or a V. C represents Customer, V represents Vendor.

Id - The Id of each Customer or Vendor.

Name - The name of each Customer or Vendor.

Phone Number - The phone number of Customer or Vendor.

Location Id - ID of the Customer’s Location or the Vendor’s Address Number.

Addr 1 - The first line of the address for the Customer Location or Vendor.

Addr 2 - The second line of the address for the Customer Location or Vendor.

Addr 3 - The third line of the address for the Customer Location or Vendor.

City - The City of the Customer Location or Vendor.

State - The State of each Location Code (Customer) or Address Number (Vendor).

Postal Code - The Postal Code of the Customer Location or Vendor.

Total Amount - The total amount received from the Customer, or total amount paid to the Vendor.