Un-clear a Check

Un-clear a Check


How can I Unclear a Check that was marked Cleared?

Applies To

Finance and Accounting > Data Entry > Bank Account Reconciliation > Cleared Check Entry


After performing this Business Process, you will have removed a Cleared status from a check, restoring it as outstanding for bank reconciliation purposes.

These instructions apply to Accounts Payable and Payroll checks.


1. Remove the Check’s Cleared Status

Window: Cleared Check Entry

User: Accounts Payable Clerk or Payroll Manager


You or another PENTA user already marked the check as Cleared. 


1. Remove the Check’s Cleared Status

Finance & Accounting > Data Entry > Bank Account Reconciliation > Cleared Check Entry

  1. Click the Remove Cleared Status button.
    A Remove Cleared Status pop-up window opens.

  2. Enter the Bank # and Bank Account #.

  3. Enter the check number for which you wish to remove the cleared status.

  4. Close the pop-up window and the (main) Cleared Check Entry window.
    PENTA removes the Cleared status from the check, restoring it as outstanding for bank reconciliation purposes.