Standard Crystal Report - Purchase History


Standard Crystal Report - Purchase History

Applies To

Penta for Windows

Standard Crystal Report - Purchase History

Purchasing Module


Use the Purchase History by Product report to review the purchase order history of all products for a given job.

Report Code: po_purchHistByProd_p144_cr11.rpt

Available Parameters:

Example Report Results:


Job - The Job charged for the purchased products.

Proj Mgr - The project manager responsible for the job.

CC - The Costcode charged for the purchased products.

Product ID - ID of the product charged to the job.

Description - The Product’s description.

QTY - The Quantity of Product units purchased.

P F - The Product’s Pricing Factor.

COST - The Product’s Cost per Unit.

Extension - The total costs of the products being purchased. This is calculated as: The Cost field (cost per unit) * The QTY field (quantity of units purchased)

P.O. - ID of the purchase order used to purchase the Product.

Line - ID of the line item related to each Product on the purchase order.

Invoice Number - ID of the invoice on which you purchased the Product.

Invoice Date - Date on the invoice charged to the purchase order.

Vendor - ID of the Vendor you purchased the Product from.