Distribute Journal Entry Security Setting


According to the 21.2 Release Note “Enhanced Journal Entry Security”, setting the Module Security option under Accounting of "Allowed to distribute GJ batches" to "N" is all that’s needed to prevent a user with setting from distributing journal entries. In 2021 we made that setting for all but a select few users where we set that to “Y”.

Per the note, for those users set to “Y”, we also only allowed menu access to Distribute Journal Entries. For those set to “N” we did not remove any menu access. If the user had it before they still had access to the Distribute Journal Entries menu item.

Applies To

Penta for Windows 

Finance & Accounting > Data Entry > Journal Entry

System Management > Security > Defined Users

System Management > Security > Security Groups


The module security setting to allow or not allow journal entry distribution only affects the Journal Entries window and was not designed to impact the Distribute Journal Entries window. The Distribute Journal Entries window is considered a admin level window given that any user with access to that window can distribute journal entries for all users.

We recommend removing the Distribute Journal Entries window menu item security from all users/groups that you do not want to have the ability to distribute journal entries.