26.1 Technical Requirements
My company is going through an upgrade to 26.1 and I need to set up servers for the upgrade project. What is required to have these servers ready for the upgrade?
Applies To
On premise customers upgrading to 26.1.
If you are planning to apply changes to your infrastructure beyond these requirements, please do not do so until you’ve discussed with the upgrade team to minimize disruption in the upgrade process.
Database Server: OS Redhat 8
Network is configured with DNS, Domain, and IP address
The following mount points are setup, with space equal to or greater than existing setup:
/opt/app/penta – PENTA executables and logs reside here
/u01 – oracle installed here
/u02 – oracle databases reside here
/u03 – oracle controlfile/redo logs and database backups write here
Root password is set to a unique password, and provided to Lauren Cook via a secure method.
Redhat subscription registered
SSH is on and enabled for root
Connection to current server is allowed
Windows Servers: Windows Server 2022
Provide accounts with local admin privileges. (pentaadmin and pentaservice)
RDP enabled
SSL Certificate installed on OnBase server and Web server
Connection to the Database server (for DMZ only port 1521 is required, for Onbase and Penta for Windows, 1)
DNS record created for the Linux server for domain and DMZ
After the above has been completed, please ensure connectivity to the new servers and reach out to the Upgrade Team so we can verify that we can connect.
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