Employee Interface: Pipe Delimited Method
Use the Employee Interface to load PENTA Employee information using data from external applications. Information you load using this interface adds to or updates the data already stored in PENTA.
Data files you load must have Request Types assigned to the E Interface Type.
If the Data Check Verified field in the Header Record is blank, PENTA loads the file. If the Data Check Verifier field in the Header Record contains a value, the file undergoes several high-level tests for integrity. Only if the following is true will PENTA attempt to process the Detail Records:
The Batch Number matches the file name.
The record count of the header equals the number of Detail Records.
The data check verifier of the header is:
The sum of the ASCII value of each character in each Detail Record’s Employee ID.
Truncated (from the left) to the eight least significant digits.
Example: The calculated number is 1234567890, truncated to 34567890. The ASCII value is used because companies may use character or numeric employee Ids.
If PENTA rejects a Detail Record for an exception within a Record Type, then it rejects all records of that Record Type.
PENTA supports USA and CAN employee information.
You can view the Employee data that loaded through the interface program in the Employee Payroll Information and Employee HR Information windows.
A Note About Detail Records
The Detail Record(s) identify the data that is to be added, deleted, or modified. There are types of Detail Records, and each type is associated with a specific PENTA table or set of tables.
The Record Type identifies the scope of the data involved, which helps you find and correct errors.
Add an Employee
If you are adding an employee:
A Detail record with an activity code of A must exist for each of the following Record Types: EMP, RATE, STAT, and TAX.
Data must exist for the fields listed as Key or Req under each of the above Record Types.
Update Existing Employees
If you are updating an existing employee:
You can enter any number of Record Types (assuming a PENTA user set up the employee earlier in the data file, a previous data file, or directly into PENTA).
Data must exist for the following:
Fields listed as Key under each record. PENTA does not process the record if these fields contain no values.
Fields with previously entered information that you would like to retain. If you do not supply data for a (non-Key) field, PENTA updates the field to null (empty).
Available Records
- 1 Badge (BADGE) Detail Record
- 2 Canadian Payroll (CANPR) Detail Record
- 3 Compensations (COMP) Detail Record
- 4 Deductions (DED) Detail Record
- 5 Employee Canadian Payroll Provincial Parameters (PROV) Detail Record
- 6 Employee Canadian Payroll Tax Account Number (BNTAX) Detail Record
- 7 Employee Canadian Payroll Tax Exemptions (XEMPT) Detail Record
- 8 Employee Certification (CERT) Detail Record
- 9 Employee (EMP) Detail Record
- 10 Employee Status (STAT) Detail Record
- 11 Estimated Hourly Benefit Value (BNVAL) Detail Record
- 12 Employee Header Record
- 13 Labor Productivity (PROD) Detail Record
- 14 Minimum Hourly Rate (MINRT) Detail Record
- 15 Paid Time Off (PTO) Detail Record
- 16 Pay Rate (RATE) Detail Record
- 17 Reimbursement (REIMB) Detail Record
- 18 Tax (TAX) Detail Record
- 19 User Defined Field (UDF) Detail Record
Badge (BADGE) Detail Record
After interfacing employee badge data, you can review it in the Employee Payroll Information window’s Badge Information pop-up window or the Employee HR Information window’s Badges tab.
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee ID | Key | X | Id of the employee whose gate hours you are tracking. Note: This may default from the Badge ID. |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | This value must be BADGE. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
4 | Badge ID | Opt | C! 30 | The badge ID associated with the Employee. You cannot assign the same Badge ID to multiple employees. |
5 | Assigned Date | Req | D | The date the Badge was assigned to the Employee. |
Canadian Payroll (CANPR) Detail Record
The following fields are included in the “CANPR” Detail record. Use this Record Type for employees with PR_COUNTRY_CD = CAN only.
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | Employee Id |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be CANPR. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
4 | Effective Date | Req | D | Effective Date. |
5 | Full or Part Time | Req | C! 1 | Full or Part Time Code. Enter F for full time or P for part time. This field defaults as F. |
6 | Tax Calculation Method | Req | C! 1 | Tax Calculation Method Code. Must be either:
If you are adding the employee and you do not enter a value, PENTA defaults this field to G. |
7 | Employment Province | Req | C! 4 | Employment Province Code. Must be valid, active Canadian Province Code. |
8 | Work Province | Req | C! 4 | Work Province Code. Must be valid, active Canadian Province Code. If you are adding the employee and you do not enter a value, PENTA defaults this field to the Employment Province Code value. |
9 | Statutory Vacation Pay Code | Req | C! 1 | This value must be Y or N. If you do not enter this value while adding an Employee, PENTA defaults this field to N. |
10 | Statutory Vacation Pay Rate | Opt | F 7.4 | This is only enterable if Statutory Vacation Pay Code is Y. Must be between 0 and 100. |
11 | Labor-Sponsored Funds Credit – Federal | Opt | F 15.2 | Federal Labor-Sponsored Funds Credit |
12 | Authorized Reductions in Tax Deductions (Form T1213) | Opt | F 15.2 | Authorized Reductions in Tax Deductions from an employee’s completed Form T1213 if applicable. |
13 | Authorized Tax Credits - Medical/Charitable/Other | Opt | F 15.2 | Authorized Tax Credits for Medical, Charitable, or Other reasons. |
14 | Est Annual Pension Deduction - Commission Only Employees | Opt | F 15.2 | Est Annual Pension Deduction. Use if applicable when Tax Calculation Method is C (Commission Only). |
15 | Est Annual Alimony Deduction - Commission Only Employees | Opt | F 15.2 | Est Annual Alimony Deduction. Use if applicable when Tax Calculation Method is C (Commission Only). |
Compensations (COMP) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | Id of the employee. |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be COMP. The Detail record updates the EMP_OTHER_COMP table. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
4 | Compensation Number | Key | I 3 | PENTA verifies this field exists in the OTHER_COMP table. If you attempt to add the same compensation number twice, PENTA issues an error. |
5 | Primary Insurance Amount | Opt | F 15.2 | Amount of insurance coverage on the employee. This field can contain a value only if the Calculation Base is 2. |
6 | Secondary Insurance Amount | Opt | F 15.2 | Total amount of insurance coverage on the spouse and dependents. This field can contain a value only if the Calculation Base is 2. If this field has a value, it must be greater than zero and the spouse’s birth date must have a value. |
7 | Spouse Birth Date | Opt | D | Required if Secondary Insurance Amount is greater than zero; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
8 | Effective Date | Req | D | The effective date of the compensation. |
9 | Expiration Date | Opt | D | The expiration date for the compensation. If entered, this date must be greater than the Effective Date. PENTA issues an error if it is less than or equal to the Effective Date. |
10 | Amount Per Day Worked | Opt | F 15.2 | The amount of other compensation earned per day worked. |
11 | Period Limit Amount | Opt | F 15.2 | Maximum amount per pay period. |
Optional COMP Detail Fields (place after Field 11)
Field | Format | Description | ||
D_PRMRY_BIRTH_ DATE | D | The employee’s birth date. |
Deductions (DED) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | The Employee’s Id. |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be DED. The Detail record updates the EMP_DED table. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
4 | Deduction Number | Key | I 3 | Deduction number. PENTA verifies this field exists in the Deduction table. |
5 | Effective Date | Req | D | Required when adding to deductions and reimbursements |
6 | Expiration Date | Opt | D | Required when adding to deductions and reimbursements. If you are adding and the field is null, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s expiration date. |
7 | Amount | Opt | F 15.2 | Amount per period. If you are adding, either Amount or Percent must have a value. If you are adding and the field has no value, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s amount. Note: This field is only valid for Calc Bases that use an amount calculation method. |
8 | Percent | Opt | F 8.5 | Percent per period. If you are adding, either Amount or Percent must have a value. If you are adding and the field has no value, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s percent. Note: This field is only valid for Calc Bases that use a percent calculation method. |
9 | Limit Amount | Opt | F 15.2 | Maximum amount. Must be greater than zero or null. If you are adding and this field has no value, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s limit amount. |
10 | Annual Limit Amount | Opt | F 15.2 | Maximum amount per year. Entries must be greater than zero. If you are adding and the field has no value, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s annual limit amount. |
11 | Frequency Number | Req | I 10 | Frequency of the deduction or reimbursement. PENTA verifies this field exists in the DED_REIMB_FREQ table. If you are adding and this field has no value, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s frequency number. |
12 | Annual Earnings Limit | Opt | F 15.2 | When employee earnings reach this limit, PENTA discontinues the deduction until the next calendar year. |
13 | Direct Deposit Code | Opt | C! 1 | Possible values: Y or N.
14 | Employee Bank Number | Opt | C! 9 | The bank account where the Employee’s payroll check deposits. PENTA verifies this field exists in BANK_ACCT and BANK_ACCT_TYPE tables. If this value exists, Employee Bank Number, Employee Bank Account Number, and Direct Deposit must have a value. Required if Direct Deposit Code is Y; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
15 | Bank Account Type Code | Opt | C! 1 | The type of account to which the employee’s payroll is deposited. PENTA verifies this field exists in the BANK_ACCT_TYPE table. If this value exists, Employee Bank Number, Employee Bank Account Number, and Direct Deposit must have a value. Required if Direct Deposit Code is Y; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
16 | Employee Bank Account Number | Opt | C 17 | PENTA verifies this field exists in the EMP_BANK_ACCT table. If Employee Bank Number, Bank Account Type Code, and Employee Bank Account Number do not exist for the employee, PENTA adds the account number to Employee Bank Account Number and sets the PRE_NOTE_STAT_CD to N (“Needs to be Sent”) for employees with Payroll Country Code USA and sets it to A for employees with Payroll Country Code CAN. If the PRE_NOTE_STAT_CD field on an EMP_BANK_ACCT record contains a value other than A for a Canadian Payroll employee, then PENTA generates a warning. If a PENTA user changes an existing USA Payroll employee to a Canadian Payroll employee, PENTA updates existing EMP_BANK_ACCT records for the employee that does not already have PRE_NOTE_STAT_CD set to A and sets the PRE_NOTE_DATE to the current date. Required if Direct Deposit Code is Y for a deduction; otherwise, do not enter a value. |
17 | Per Check Limit | Opt | F 15.2 | Maximum amount per check. This value must be greater than zero. If you do not enter this value while adding the Employee, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s amount. |
Optional DED Detail Fields (place after Field 17)
Field | Format | Description | ||
EMP_ID | X | The Employee’s Id. | ||
DED_AMT_ TRIGGERED | I 3 | This identifies the number of a deduction that triggers the current deduction when its Annual Limit Amount is exceeded. Valid entries are numbers identifying deductions with:
You cannot enter a number in this field if there is a Deduction, Reimbursement, or Other Compensation in the Master Deduction’s Basis Amount pop-up window for the current deduction. | ||
DED_EARN_ TRIGGERED | I 3 | This field identifies the number of a deduction that triggers the current deduction when its Annual Earnings Limit is exceeded. Valid entries are numbers identifying deductions with:
You cannot enter a number in this field if there is a Deduction, Reimbursement, or Other Compensation in the Master Deduction’s Basis Amount pop-up window for the current deduction. | ||
ACCT_NUM | X | Accrual Account. PENTA verifies this field exists in the DEDUCTION table. | ||
VEN_ID | X | Vendor Id. PENTA verifies this field exists in the VENDOR table. | ||
AP_CHK_COMMENT_1 | C 60 | Line 1 of text that prints on standard AP checks issued to vendors requiring detailed remittance information. | ||
AP_CHK_COMMENT_2 | C 60 | Line 2 of text that prints on standard AP checks issued to vendors requiring detailed remittance information. | ||
AP_CHK_COMMENT_3 | C 60 | Line 3 of text that prints on standard AP checks issued to vendors requiring detailed remittance information. | ||
AP_CHK_COMMENT_4 | C 60 | Line 4 of text that prints on standard AP checks issued to vendors requiring detailed remittance information. | ||
AP_CHK_COMMENT_5 | C 60 | Line 5 of text that prints on standard AP checks issued to vendors requiring detailed remittance information. | ||
MONTHLY_LIMIT_ AMT | F 15.2 | Deduction maximum amount in a single month. The total of deduction amounts taken on multiple checks in a month cannot exceed this amount. | ||
PRD_LIMIT_AMT | F 15.2 | The maximum amount PENTA will take for the Deduction in a single pay period. The total of deduction amounts taken on multiple checks in a pay period will not exceed this amount. | ||
GROSS_TO_NET_ PRIORITY | I 3 | Controls the order in which PENTA subtracts net pay-based deductions to arrive at final pay. | ||
MIN_NET_AMT | F 15.2 | The minimum net pay for a specific net pay amount. | ||
MIN_NET_DISP_NET_PCT | F 8.5 | The minimum net pay for a specific percent of disposable net. | ||
MIN_NET_PER_HOUR | F 15.4 | The Minimum Hourly Rate to pay the employee for regular, premium 1, and premium 2 hours based on an effective date. |
Employee Canadian Payroll Provincial Parameters (PROV) Detail Record
The following fields are part of the Detail Record if the Record Type is PROV.
Use this Record Type for employees with PR_COUNTRY_CD = CAN only.
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | Employee Id |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be PROV. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
4 | Province Code | Req | C! 4 | Province Code. Must be a valid, active Canadian Province Code. |
5 | Effective Date | Req | D | Effective Date. |
6 | Labor-Sponsored Funds Credit | Opt | F 15.2 | Provincial Labor-Sponsored Funds Credit. |
7 | Authorized Tax Credits - Other | Opt | F 15.2 | Provincial Authorized Tax Credits – Other. |
8 | Number of Disabled Dependents | Opt | I 2 | Number of Disabled Dependents, if applicable to the province and for the employee. |
9 | Number of Dependents Under 18 | Opt | I 2 | Number of Dependents Under 18 if applicable to the province and for the employee. |
Employee Canadian Payroll Tax Account Number (BNTAX) Detail Record
The following fields are part of the Detail Record if the Record Type is BNTAX. Use this Record Type for employees with PR_COUNTRY_CD = CAN only.
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | Employee Id |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be BNTAX. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
4 | Effective Date | Req | D | Effective Date. |
5 | BN Tax Account Id | Req | C! 6 | Payroll BN Tax Account Id. The first 2 characters must be “RP.” Must exist in table OU_BN_TAX_ACCT for the employee’s Legal Entity OU Id. |
Employee Canadian Payroll Tax Exemptions (XEMPT) Detail Record
The following fields are part of the Detail Record if the Record Type is XEMPT. Use this Record Type for employees with PR_COUNTRY_CD = CAN only.
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | Employee Id |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be XEMPT. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible value is: A (Add). Note: PENTA does not support Change and Delete functionality for this field. |
4 | Province Code | Opt | C! 4 | Enter province code if the Tax Type Code is for a provincial tax. Must be a valid, active Canadian Province Code. |
5 | Tax Type Code | Req | C! 6 | Tax Type Code. If Province Code has a value, this must be a provincial Tax Type valid for that province. If the Province Code does NOT have a value, this must be a valid Canadian federal Tax Type. |
6 | Starting Date | Req | D | The effective date of the tax exemption. Must not result in date range overlap with other records. |
7 | Ending Date | Opt | D | The expiration date of the tax exemption. Must be greater than or equal to the Starting Date. Must not result in date range overlap with other records. |
Employee Certification (CERT) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee ID | Key | X | Employee ID. PENTA verifies this field exists in the EMPLOYEE table, and is an active employee. |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be CERT. The Detail record updates the EMPLOYEE table. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
4 | Sequence Number | Req | N 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this record within interface request. |
5 | License Code | Req | C 8 | Id of the employee’s professional license or certification. |
6 | License State/Prov | Opt | C 4 | Id of the state or province that issued the Employee’s license. PENTA verifies this field exists in the STATE table, and is an active Address State. |
7 | License Registration # | Opt | C 15 | Number of the employee’s license registration. |
8 | Date Licensed | Opt | D | Date the employee’s license was issued. |
9 | Date Expired | Opt | D | Date the employee’s license expires. |
10 | Date Last Renewed | Opt | D | Date the employee last renewed the license. |
Employee (EMP) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | The Employee’s Id. |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be EMP. The Detail record updates the EMPLOYEE table. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
4 | Tax Id # | Key | X | Employee’s Social Security number (USA employees), Social Insurance number (CAN employees), or other identifier. The value must not already exist for another Employee Id within the Employee table. Do not include hyphens or spaces in the record If you change an existing employee’s PR_COUNTRY_CD from USA to CAN or vice versa, you must also enter a new Tax Id #. |
5 | Last Name | Req | C 20 | The employee’s last name. |
6 | First Name | Req | C 15 | The employee’s first name. |
7 | Middle Name | Opt | C 15 | The employee’s middle name. |
8 | Birth date | Opt | D | This field is optional for employees with PR_COUNTRY_CD = USA and required for employees with PR_COUNTRY_CD=CAN. If you change an existing employee with a null Birth Date and a PR_COUNTRY_CD = USA to PR_COUNTRY_CD = CAN, you must enter a Birth Date on the EMP record. |
9 | Hire Date | Req | D | Employee’s original hire date |
10 | Adjusted Service Date | Opt | D | Employee’s adjusted service date (used to adjust for leaves of absence or the like) |
11 | OU Id | Req | X | The organizational unit assigned to the employee. PENTA verifies this field exists in the ORGANIZATION_UNIT table, and verifies it is within the balance sheet OU included in the Header Record. |
12 | Pay Class Number | Req | I 8 | PENTA verifies this field exists in the PR_CLASS table. |
13 | Pay Group Number | Req | I 3 | PENTA verifies this field exists in the PAY_GROUP table. |
14 | Department Number | Opt | I 5 | PENTA verifies this field exists in the DEPARTMENT table. |
15 | Marital Status Code | Req | C 1 | Marital status. Available options are:
If you are adding the employee and you do not enter a value, the marital status defaults as S. |
16 | Shift Number | Opt | I 1 | Employee’s assigned shift: 1, 2, or 3. If you are adding an employee and do not have a value in this field, the shift number defaults as 1. |
17 | Confidential Code | Opt | C! 1 | Is the employee’s salary information confidential? Possible values: Y or N. If you add an employee but do not enter a value in this field, this defaults as the Pay Group value. |
18 | Worker Classification | Opt | C! 2 | PENTA verifies this field exists in ECC_CD table. |
19 | Gender Code | Opt | C! 1 | PENTA verifies this field exists in the GENDER table. Available options are:
20 | Race Code | Opt | C! 1 | This is the ethnic heritage of the employee, not citizenship. PENTA verifies this field exists in the RACE table. |
21 | Address 1 | Opt | C 30 | First line of the employee’s address. |
22 | Address 2 | Opt | C 30 | Second line of the employee’s address. |
23 | Address 3 | Opt | C 30 | Third line of the employee’s address. |
24 | City | Opt | C 20 | City where the employee lives. |
25 | State Code | Opt | C! 4 | PENTA verifies the Employee’s address state or province exists in the STATE table. |
26 | Postal Code | Opt | C10 | The ZIP Code or Postal Code |
27 | Country | Opt | C! 3 | PENTA verifies this field exists in the COUNTRY table. |
28 | Phone Area Code | Opt | I 3 | Area code of the employee’s phone number. |
29 | Phone Number | Opt | I 11 | The employee’s phone number. |
30 | Employee Bank Number | Opt | C! 9 | The number identifying the bank where the employee’s payroll check deposits. PENTA verifies Bank Numbers for employees with PR_COUNTRY_CD = USA using the bank number check digit. If this field has a value, Bank Account Type Code and Employee Bank Account Number must contain values. |
31 | Bank Account Type Code | Opt | C! 1 | Type of account to which the employee’s payroll is deposited. PENTA verifies this field exists in the BANK_ACCT_TYPE table. If this field has a value, Employee Bank Number and Employee Bank Account Number must contain values. |
32 | Employee Bank Account Number | Opt | C 17 | The bank account where the Employee’s check deposits. PENTA verifies this field exists in the BANK_ACCT_TYPE table. If this field has a value, Employee Bank Number and Employee Bank Account Number must contain values. |
33 | Payroll Direct Deposit | Opt | C! 1 | Is the employee’s payroll check directly deposited? Possible values: Y or N. The employee can have only one bank account associated with a payroll deposit. When adding an employee, if Payroll Direct Deposit is:
34 | Certification Code | Opt | C! 1 | Should the employee’s time on a job be included on the Certified Payroll Report? Possible values: Y or N. If this field has no value and the Activity Code is A, this field defaults as Y. |
35 | Payroll Check Sort Group | Opt | C 5 | The check sort group assigned to this employee for use in sorting payroll checks |
36 | Subject to Drug Testing | Opt | C! 1 | This field determines whether the employee is included in a drug testing pool. Possible values: Y or N. This defaults as N. |
37 | Subject to Alcohol Testing | Opt | C! 1 | This field determines whether the employee is included in an alcohol testing pool. Possible values: Y or N. This defaults as N. |
Optional EMP Detail Fields (place after Field 37)
Field | Format | Description | ||
VIET_VET_CD | C! 1 | This field identifies whether the employee is a Vietnam War Veteran. Possible values: Y or N. This defaults as N. If the employee is a Vietnam Veteran, include after field 37 as |VIET_VET_CD=Y|. | ||
OTHER_VET_CD | C! 1 | This field identifies whether the employee is a Veteran. Possible values: Y or N. This defaults as N. If the employee is a Veteran, include after field 37 as |OTHER_VET_CD=Y|. | ||
DISABLED_VET_CD | C! 1 | This field identifies whether the employee is a Disabled Veteran. Possible values: Y or N. This defaults as N. If the employee is a Disabled Veteran, include after field 37 as |DISABLED_VET_CD=Y| | ||
SPECIAL_DISABLED_ VET_CD | C! 1 | This field identifies whether the employee is a Special Disabled Veteran. Possible values are Y or N. This field defaults as N. If the employee is a Special Disabled Veteran, include after field 37 as |SPECIAL_DISABLED_VET_CD=Y| | ||
SERVICE_MEDAL_VET_CD | C! 1 | This field identifies whether the employee is a Service Medal Veteran. Possible values are Y or N. This field defaults as N. If the employee is a Service Medal Veteran, include after field 37 as |SERVICE_MEDAL_VET_CD=Y| | ||
HIRING_LOCATION_ ID | C 20 | This field identifies a Hiring Location for VETS-100 reporting. Valid values are Hiring Locations set up in the Hiring Locations window. | ||
OT_SPLIT_ACTION_ CD | C! 6 | This field only applies if hours with hour type O exist. When the hour type O hours split to hour type T and D during the labor distribution process, this field determines which hour class is associated with the hours. You can use the Overtime Splitting Action Codes window to define values for this field. | ||
AUTO_OT_ELIG_CD | C! 1 | This field determines whether the employee is subject to the auto overtime calculation rules established at the payroll class level. Possible values: Y or N. This defaults as Y. If the employee is subject to the auto overtime rules, include after field 37 as |AUTO_OT_ELIG_CD=Y|. | ||
COUNTRY_CD | C! 3 | Valid Payroll Country Codes are USA and CAN.
When adding a new employee, if you exclude the optional PR_COUNTRY_CD from the EMP record, PENTA evaluates a default based on System Option 257 and procreq_user. If the default is null, an error occurs. When adding a new employee with PR_COUNTRY_CD = CAN and when changing an existing employee’s Payroll Country Code from USA to CAN, enter at least one Record Type CANPR record for the employee. If you do not enter at least one CANPR record, PENTA generates a warning message. When changing an existing employee’s Payroll Country Code from CAN to USA, specify the WH_ST_CD and UC_ST_CD for the employee in a TAX record. If you do not enter a WH_ST_CD and UC_ST_CD, PENTA sets them to the employee’s ST_CD if it has a value, and to “AL” if it has no value. When changing an existing employee’s PR_COUNTRY_CD from USA to CAN or vice versa, you must also enter a new Tax Id #. PENTA does not allow changes to this code if checks or posted or pending timecard entries exist for the employee. | ||
STATUS_INDIAN_CD | C! 1 | If the Employee has a CAN Payroll Country Code, this indicates whether the Employee qualifies as a Status Indian on a Canadian T4. Valid entries are N and Y. | ||
USE_WORK_LOC_CD | C! 1 | Indicates whether PENTA follows the standard hierarchy for determining SIT, SUT/WC/PL, and Local tax jurisdictions. Valid entries are N and Y. | ||
CORPORATE_OFFICER_CD | C! 1 | Indicates whether the Employee is an officer of the company. Valid entries are N and Y. This defaults as N. | ||
PHONE_NUM_TYPE_ CD | C! 8 | Category for the phone number. PENTA verifies this field exists in the PHONE_NUM_TYPE table. This defaults as HOME. | ||
EMAIL_ADDR | C 50 | The employee’s email address. | ||
WINDOWS_USER_ID | C 50 | The employee’s Windows User Id. | ||
CREW_ID | C! 8 | Id of the Crew the employee belongs to. PENTA verifies this field exists in the CREW table. | ||
EMER_CONTACT | C 30 | The employee’s emergency contact person. | ||
EMER_PHONE_AREA_CD | C 3 | Area code of the emergency contact’s phone number. | ||
EMER_PHONE_NUM | C 11 | Phone number of the emergency contact. | ||
WAGE_PLAN_CD | C! 1 | The employee’s wage plan. Required for California quarterly wage reporting on magnetic media. | ||
APPROVAL_GROUP_ NUM | I 3 | Id of the group that reviews/approves the employee’s time (in eTimesheets) and expenses (in eExpense). PENTA verifies this field exists in the ETIMESHEET_APPR_GROUP table. | ||
PRE_NOTE_STAT_CD | C! 1 | Indicates whether the Employee’s bank information is approved for live transmission. Valid entries are A and N. This defaults as N. | ||
D_DISCHARGE_DATE | D | The date the employee was discharged from service—if the employee was in the military. | ||
EMP_USER_ID | C! 6 | The employee’s User Id. PENTA verifies this field exists in the USERS table. | ||
SERVICE_TECH_CD | C! 1 | Indicates whether the employee is a service technician. Valid entries are N and Y. This defaults as the value from the employee’s Payroll Class. | ||
SALESPERSON_CD | C! 1 | Indicates whether the employee is a salesperson. Valid entries are N and Y. This defaults as N. | ||
PMGR_CD | C! 1 | Indicates whether the employee is a project manager. Valid entries are N and Y. This defaults as N. | ||
PROJ_CNTRL_CD | C! 1 | Indicates whether the employee is a project controller. Valid entries are N and Y. This defaults as N. | ||
PROJ_ADMIN_CD | C! 1 | Indicates whether the employee is a project administrator. Valid entries are N and Y. This defaults as N. | ||
NAME_PREFIX | C 15 | Prefix on the employee’s name. | ||
NAME_SUFFIX | C 10 | Suffix on the employee’s name. | ||
Employee Bank Name | C 30 | Name of the employee’s bank. |
Employee Status (STAT) Detail Record
The following fields are part of the Detail Record if the Record Type is “STAT”. This data will appear in the Status History pop-up in the Employee Payroll Information window (master tab).
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | The employee’s Id. |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be STAT. The Detail record updates the EMP_STAT_HIST table. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
4 | Employee Status Code | Key | C! 1 | Available Status Codes are A (Active) and I (Inactive). PENTA verifies this field exists in the EMP_STAT table. |
5 | Effective Date | Key | D | This value provides the effective date of the status record. PENTA updates the HIST_DATE in the EMP_STAT_HIST table. |
6 | Status Change Type | Opt | I 3 | The status change code indicates the reason for the employee's change in status (e.g., lay-off, rehire). PENTA verifies this value exists in the TERM_TYPE table and updates the EMP_STAT_HIST table TERM_TYPE_NUM if valid. |
Optional STAT Detail Fields (place after Field 6)
Field | Format | Description | ||
REHIRE_CD | C! 1 | Report as Rehire. Determines whether a rehired employee is included on the New Hire Report. Possible values: Y or N. Defaults as N. | ||
ROE_REASON_CD | C! 1 | Reason for ROE. PENTA verifies this field exists in the ROE_REASON table. You can only enter this field for Canadian Payroll employees. If you enter a value in this field, PENTA automatically populates the Status History record ROE Required field with Y. |
Estimated Hourly Benefit Value (BNVAL) Detail Record
The following fields are part of the Detail record if the Record Type is BNVAL. Use this record to enter Estimated Hourly Benefit Value information.
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | The Employee’s Id. |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be BNVAL. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
4 | Effective Date | Req | D | Date PENTA should begin to use the Estimated Hourly Value in prevailing wage comparisons. |
5 | Estimated Hourly Value | Req | F 10.2 | The hourly value of the benefits to include in a prevailing wage comparison. |
Employee Header Record
Each interface file should consist of one Header Record and one or more Detail Records. PENTA uses the information defined within the Header Record to validate the content of the interface file. If any header field fails validation, PENTA rejects the header and associated Detail Records.
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Identifier | Key | C! 3 | The Request Type code assigned to the E Interface Type. |
2 | Record Count | Key | I 10 | Each batch includes a count of the Detail Records within the file. If the number in the Header Record differs from the number read by PENTA, no update occurs and PENTA rejects the entire file. |
3 | Origination Date | Key | D | The date of file creation. Each position must be zero or greater. |
4 | Batch Number | Key | C 13 | The batch name has two requirements:
Note: Penta Technologies recommends that you incorporate the current date, a sequence, and source into the Batch Number. PENTA rejects the file if a batch with the same Batch Number already exists. |
5 | Balance Sheet OU Id | Opt | X | If you provide a balance sheet OU Id, all Detail Records in the Organization Unit table must share this balance sheet OU. |
6 | Data Check Verifier | Opt | I 8 | This Header Record value:
Labor Productivity (PROD) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | Id of the employee. |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be PROD. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. This value must be A—records can only be added. |
4 | OU Id | Req | X | This must be a valid OU. |
5 | Effective Date | Req | D | The default is the current date. |
6 | Base Hours | Opt | F 5.2 | The value must be between 0.01 and 168.00. If you enter a value outside of this range, PENTA defaults this field to null. If you enter no value, the default is 40 hours. |
7 | Target Ratio | Req | F 4.1 | The value must be between 0 and 100.0. If you enter a value outside of this range or do not enter any value, the default is 100. If this field contains a value, PENTA calculates target hours. The Target Hours field should not contain a value. |
8 | Target Hours | Opt | F 5.2 | The value cannot exceed the Base Hours and must be between 0.01 and 168.00. If you enter a value outside of this range, PENTA defaults this field to null. If this field contains a value, PENTA overrides the hours calculated by the Target Ratio. |
9 | Reason | Opt | C 30 | A note about the productivity targets. PENTA does not perform any checks on this field. |
Minimum Hourly Rate (MINRT) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | Id of the Employee. |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be MINRT. |
3 | Activity Code | Keyz | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
Note: PENTA only supports A at this time. |
4 | Effective Date | Req | D | Effective Date. |
5 | Regular Rate | Req | F 15.4 | Minimum regular hourly rate. |
6 | Premium 1 Rate | Req | F 15.4 | Minimum premium 1 hourly rate. This field defaults as: |
7 | Premium 2 Rate | Req | F 15.4 | Minimum premium 2 hourly rate. This field defaults as: |
Paid Time Off (PTO) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | Id of the employee. |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be PTO. The Detail record updates the EMP_PTO_SCHD table. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
4 | Payroll Class | Key | I 8 | ID of the payroll class associated with the PTO schedule. |
5 | Pay Rate Number | Key | I 4 | ID of the pay rate associated with the PTO schedule. |
6 | PTO Schedule Code | Key | C8 | ID of the PTO schedule assigned to the Employee. |
7 | PTO Status Code | Req | C! 1 | The status of the Employee’s PTO schedule. Possible values are A (Active) or I (Inactive). |
8 | Debit Account | Opt | X | The expense account used to record PTO expense as it is earned. This account may not be associated with an edit rule. |
9 | Credit Account | Opt | X | The liability account used to record PTO liability as it is earned. This account may not be associated with an edit rule. |
10 | Premium 1 Multiplier | Opt | F 7.4 | Entry here overrides the value established at the PTO schedule level. If the PTO schedule has an accrual type of “Per Hour,” this field defines how PTO calculates on type T hours. For example, an entry of 1.5 indicates PTO for type T hours will accrue at a rate of 1.5 hours for each type T hour worked. |
11 | Premium 2 Multiplier | Opt | F 7.4 | Entry here overrides the value established at the PTO schedule level. If the PTO schedule has an accrual type of “Per Hour,” this field defines how PTO calculates on type D hours. For example, an entry of 2.0 indicates PTO for type T hours will accrue at a rate of 2.0 hours for each type D hour worked. |
Pay Rate (RATE) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | Id of the employee. |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be RATE. The Detail record updates the EMP_PAY_RT_HIST table. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Available values:
4 | Payroll Class | Key | I 8 | PENTA verifies this field exists in the PR_CLASS table. |
5 | Pay Rate Number | Key | I 4 | PENTA verifies this field exists in the PAY_RT table. |
6 | Effective Date | Key | D | The date for which the pay class and pay rate are to take effect. If the effective date is prior to today’s date and the employee’s Retroactive Pay Code is Y, a retroactive pay adjustment may be required. Increase the sequence if the pay class of the effective date already exists. Note: The pay rate may also change for the same effective date. |
7 | Regular Rate | Opt | F 15.4 | Standard payroll rate. The rate must be positive, zero, or null. If the rate is null and you are adding the employee, the value copies from PAY_RT_HIST table. |
8 | Premium 1 Rate | Opt | F 15.4 | Premium 1 payroll rate. The rate must be positive, zero, or null. If the rate is null and you are adding the employee, the value copies from PAY_RT_HIST table. |
9 | Premium 2 Rate | Opt | F 15.4 | Premium 2 payroll rate. The rate must be positive, zero, or null. If the rate is null and you are adding the employee, the value copies from PAY_RT_HIST table. |
10 | Standard Charge Rate | Opt | F 15.4 | Standard job billing rate. The rate must be positive, zero, or null. |
11 | Premium 1 Charge Rate | Opt | F 15.4 | Premium 1 billing rate. The rate must be positive, zero, or null. |
12 | Premium 2 Charge Rate | Opt | F 15.4 | Premium 2 billing rate. The rate must be positive or null. |
13 | Retroactive Pay Code | Opt | C! 1 | Is the employee eligible for retroactive pay? Possible values: Y or N. If there is no value here and you are adding the employee, the value copies from the pay class and pay rate. If the effective date is less than the current system date, the table RETRO_PAY_WORK is populated as follows: NameNull? TypeFrom PAY RT HISTEmp_Id!null num(5)Emp Id.Eff_Date!null char(10)Eff Date.Reg_Ratenum(15,4)Reg_Rate + AmtPrem1_Ratenum(15,4)Th_Rate + Amt Ot.Prem2_Ratenum(15,4)Dt Rate + Dt Add To Amt.User_Idchar(6) Ctrl_Date!null char(10) Ctrl_Time.!null char(8) Ctrl_Site_Numnull num(3) Ctrl_Timestampdate |
14 | Overtime Bank Code | Opt | C! 1 | Is the employee eligible for overtime hours banking? Possible values: Y or N. If you are adding a pay class and pay rate and they are not overrides, PENTA uses the overtime bank code defaulting from the PAY_RT_HIST table. |
Optional RATE Detail Fields (place after Field 14)
Field | Format | Description | ||
EMP_TITLE_NUM | I 4 | Id of the employee’s professional title. PENTA verifies this field exists in the EMP_TITLE table. | ||
OT_MULT | F 7.4 | If the employee is salaried and eligible for overtime, this is the Pay Rate for overtime hours entered as Premium 1. | ||
DT_MULT | F 7.4 | If the employee is salaried and eligible for overtime, this is the Pay Rate for overtime hours entered as Premium 2. | ||
D_EFF_DATE | D | The date the employee’s salary takes effect. You can only enter this field for salaried pay rates. | ||
YEARLY_SAL_AMT | F 15.2 | Amount of PENTA’s annualized salary calculation. (The employee’s Hourly Rate * 2080). | ||
OT_BANK_CD | C! 1 | Indicates whether the employee is eligible for overtime banking when recording time for the Pay Class and Pay Rate. Possible values are N and Y. This defaults as N. You can only enter this field for salaried pay rates. | ||
ADD_TO_AMT | F 15.2 | The employee’s hourly rate in addition to the usual wages for Regular hours worked. | ||
DT_ADD_TO_AMT | F 15.2 | The employee’s hourly rate in addition to the usual ages for Premium 1 hours worked. | ||
OT_ADD_TO_AMT | F 15.2 | The Employee’s hourly rate in addition to the usual wages for Premium 2 hours worked. | ||
UNIT_PAY_SCHD_ID | C!15 | Id of the Unit Pay Rate Schedule assigned to the Payroll Class/Pay Rate combination. Applicable to Unit Rate Payroll only. You must have authorization to enter this value. |
Reimbursement (REIMB) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | The Employee’s Id. |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be REIMB. The Detail record updates the EMP_REIMB table. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
4 | Reimbursement Number | Key | I 3 | Id of the reimbursement. PENTA verifies this field exists in the Reimbursement table. Reimbursements using Calculation Base #9 (Subsistence Amount per Day) are invalid entries. |
5 | Effective Date | Req | D | Date the reimbursement becomes active for the employee. No default. |
6 | Expiration Date | Opt | D | Date the reimbursement is no longer active for the employee. |
7 | Amount | Opt | F 15.2 | Amount per Calculation Base cycle (deduction or reimbursement). This field has no value for compensations. If this field has a value, it must be zero or a positive number. If you are adding, either Amount or Percent must contain a value. If you are adding and this field has no value, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s amount. Note: This field is not valid for Calc Base 4; PENTA only allows percentages. |
8 | Percent of Gross | Opt | F 8.5 | Percent per Calculation Base cycle (deduction or reimbursement). There should be no value for compensations. If there is a value, it must greater than 0. If you are adding, either Amount or Percent must have a value. If you are adding and the field has no value, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s percent. Note: This field is not valid for Calc Base 1, PENTA only allows amounts. |
9 | Limit Amount | Opt | F 15.2 | Maximum amount PENTA will automatically reimburse during a single payroll year. If this field has a value, it must be greater than zero. If this field has no value, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s limit amount. |
10 | Frequency # | Req | I 3 | Id of the frequency of the reimbursement. PENTA verifies this field exists in the DED_REIMB_FREQ table. If this field has no value, PENTA uses the Master Deduction’s frequency number. |
Optional REIMB Detail Field (place after Field 10)
Field | Format | Description | ||
REIMB_NUM | I 3 | PENTA verifies this field exists in the DEDUCTION table. |
Tax (TAX) Detail Record
The following fields are included in the “TAX” Detail record. Use this Record Type for employees with PR_COUNTRY_CD = USA only.
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | The Employee’s Id. |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be TAX. The Detail record updates the EMPLOYEE, EMP_ST_TAX_TYPE, and EMP_LCL_TAX_TYPE tables. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Available values:
4 | Tax Level Code | Key | C! 1 | This defines which tax information set PENTA inserts or changes. Available values:
If you are adding an employee and Tax Level Code is F, the Resident/Work Code must be R. |
5 | Resident/Work Code | Opt | C! 1 | Required if the Tax Level Code is F; otherwise, do not enter a value. Available values:
If this field has a value, PENTA updates the EMPLOYEE table with the appropriate activity for the withholding and unemployment compensation fields. |
6 | State Code | Opt | C! 4 | Required if the Tax Level Code is S; otherwise, do not enter a value. The Resident/Work Code field determines if the State Code (withholding state) is for residence or work. PENTA verifies this field exists in the STATE table. If the tax level code is:
If the state does not exist for an employee and the value for System Option 139 is S, PENTA inserts default values for resident or work into the EMP_ST_TAX_TYPE table for each new State Code:
Note: You cannot delete a State Code if System Option 139 is S or if it is active as either a Resident of Work State. |
7 | Local Tax Authority Code | Opt | C! 3 | The Resident/Work Code determines if the local code is for residence or work. Only one resident local code may exist at any one time in the EMPLOYEE table. PENTA verifies this field exists in the LCL_TAX_AUTH table. If the tax level code is:
8 | Claimed Exempt Number | Req | F 6.3 | The number of exemptions. If the tax level code is:
9 | Subject to Withholding Code | Req | B | Is the employee’s payroll subject to withholding? Possible values: Y, N, or null.
10 | Withholding Status Code | Req | C! 1 | Withholding status code. PENTA verifies this field exists in WH_STAT table. If the tax level code is:
11 | Additional Withholding Percent | Opt | F 8.5 | The amount PENTA will add to the standard withholding deduction. If the value is not zero, Additional Withholding Amount is null. If the tax level code is:
12 | Additional Withholding Amount | Opt | F 15.2 | The percentage PENTA will add to the standard withholding deduction. If the value is zero or greater, Additional Withholding Percent is null. If the tax level code is:
13 | FICA Exempt Code | Req | C! 1 | Is the employee exempt from FICA? This field can only contain a value if Tax Level Code is F. Possible values are:
See Payroll’s Employee Payroll Information Window Description for further information on each Code. |
14 | EIC Certificate Count | Opt | I 3 | EIC certificate count. This field can only contain a value if Tax Level Code is F. |
15 | Unemployment Compensation State Code | Req | C! 4 | Unemployment compensation state. The Resident Work Code determines if the state is for residence or work. PENTA verifies this field exists in the STATE table. If the tax level code is:
If you are adding an employee and do not have a value in this field, the state code from the employee’s address is used. If the address state code is null, PENTA issues an exception message. |
User Defined Field (UDF) Detail Record
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Employee Id | Key | X | Id of the employee. |
2 | Record Type | Key | C! 5 | The value should be UDF. |
3 | Activity Code | Key | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
4 | Column Name | Req | C 30 | This is the UDF field name. |
5 | Column Value | Opt | C 15 | The value for the UDF. Whether an entry is required depends on the rules established for the User Defined Field in the User Defined Fields window. |