Steps to Configure Mobile Field Service

Steps to Configure Mobile Field Service


Steps to Configure Mobile Field Service

Applies To

PENTA for Windows

Service Management > Mobile Field Service > Configuration > Mobile Field Service - Configuration


The Mobile Field Service – Configuration window allows you to set note type defaults, quantifiable defaults, and organizational unit/warehouse defaults that PENTA will make available on technicians’ mobile devices.

General Tab 

The General tab allows you to identify default note types, cost types/costcodes, and quantifiable information PENTA will make available on technicians’ mobile devices.

Default Note Types:

“Work Performed” Note Type : ID of the Note Type PENTA defaults on a mobile device when a technician categorizes a note on work performed. A value is optional. No default.

“Recommended Repair” Note Type : ID of the Note Type PENTA uses as a default on a mobile device when a technician categorizes a note on recommended repair. A value is optional. No default.

Download Controls:

Service History – Number of calls for Site/Equipment: This quantifies how many past service calls for a location appear on technicians’ mobile devices. For example, if you want the last ten to be available on a mobile device, enter 10. A value is optional. No default.

Answer History - Number of Inspections to show: This quantifies the answer history for the location appear on technicians’ mobile devices.  A value is optional. No default.

Eq Inspection History - Number of Inspections to show: This quantifies the number of equipment inspections that will be displayed on the Techs device. A value is optional. No default.

Technician History - Number of days prior: This quantifies the number of days that will be displayed on the Techs device. A value is optional. No default.

Earlier Visits - Number of Visits to show: This quantifies the number of visits that will be displayed on the Techs device. A value is optional. No default.

Action Controls: Allows for control of what the Technician is able or required to do on their device - check any and all that apply:

  • Allow PO/PO Amount Update
  • Display PO Amount
  • Technician must complete all ticket windows - this box controls whether all windows must be completed when submitting the ticket from the mobile device. No checkmark indicates only labor must be approved when submitting, and that completion of other windows is optional. This box defaults as unchecked
  • My Work List - Allow Sorting
  • Scheduling - Allow Self Scheduling
  • Display last checkout time and warning for gap between assignments - Maximum amount of gap time for which it is displayed (hours/minutes):
  • Allow technician to send attachments
  • Allow the technician to flag non-billable items as billable on MC work orders
  • Default the work order contact as the sign off person on ticket customer confirmation
  • Enable tech notes to be controlled based on Work Order Status
    • Note Types pop-up window - this checkbox opens the Work Order Note Types window - update the Mobile device settings accordingly
  • Require Name and Signature on the Customer Confirm tab of the Ticket
  • Provide popup message when "Send an email of the summary" field is marked as No

Equipment Controls:

Default sort on equipment/task lists: Allows you to control the customer equipment sort method

New Equipment Identification: choose either Barcode or Equipment - checkbox to Default equipment description to equipment class description

Image Controls - sets the image resolution and quality

Cost Types/Costcodes Tab 

This tab allows you to set the default cost types and costcodes.

  • Inventory- Cost Type (WO) ID of the Cost Type PENTA uses as a default when it finds no Cost Type defined for an inventory transaction on a work order. A value is optional. No default.
  • Inventory- Cost Type (Job) ID of the Cost Type PENTA uses as a default when it finds no Cost Type defined for an inventory transaction on a job. A value is optional. No default.
  • Inventory- Costcode (Job) ID of the Costcode PENTA uses as a default when it finds no Costcode defined for an inventory transaction on a job. A value is optional. No default.
  • Equipment- Cost Type (WO) ID of the Cost Type PENTA uses as a default when it finds no Cost Type defined for an equipment transaction on a work order. A value is optional. No default.
  • Equipment- Cost Type (Job)  ID of the Cost Type PENTA uses as a default when it finds no Cost Type defined for an equipment transaction on a job. A value is optional. No default.
  • Equipment- Costcode (Job) ID of the Costcode PENTA uses as a default when it finds no Costcode defined for an equipment transaction on a job. A value is optional. No default.
  • Purchases- Cost Type (WO) ID of the Cost Type PENTA uses as a default when it finds no Cost Type defined for a purchase transaction on a work order. A value is optional. No default.
  • Purchases- Cost Type (Job) ID of the Cost Type PENTA uses as a default when it finds no Cost Type defined for a purchase transaction on a job. A value is optional. No default.
  • Purchases- Costcode (Job) ID of the Costcode PENTA should use as a default when it finds no Costcode defined for a purchase transaction on a job. A value is optional. No default.

Inventory Tab

The Inventory tab allows you to associate a default warehouse with an OU. When you do so, PENTA makes the related product list available on technicians’ mobile devices when synchronizing data. If PENTA finds no warehouse information for a technician, it searches for the technician’s OU, then the OU’s parent, etc. until it finds a warehouse. If PENTA cannot identify a warehouse, it does not bring Product Ids down to the mobile device.

  • OU Id - ID of the Organizational Unit you want to associate with a warehouse. A value is required. No default
  • OU Name - Name/description of the OU ID. You cannot edit this field; it is for display only
  • Warehouse Id - ID of the Warehouse you want to associate with the Organizational Unit. The product list PENTA makes available on technicians’ mobile devices defaults according to the OU/Warehouse combination. A value is required. No default
  • Warehouse Name - Name/description of the Warehouse ID. You cannot edit this field; it is for display only
  • Location Id - ID of the warehouse location. You cannot edit this field; it is for display only
  • Location Description - Name/description of the Location ID. You cannot edit this field; it is for display only

Email Setup Tab

The Email Setup tab allows you to configure e-mail information used when creating and e-mailing the Summary of Work Performed report from the mobile device.

  • OU Id - ID of the organizational unit associated with the e-mail configuration details. A value is required. No default

  • Sender Email Address - The email address of the sender of the Summary of Work Performed report. A value is required. No default
  • CC recipient Address(es) - The email address(es) of anyone that should receive a copy of each Summary of Work Performed report that is sent for a job or work order for this OU. A value is optional. No default
  • Subject Line - The subject line details that will appear in each Summary of Work Performed report email sent for a job or work order for this OU. A value is optional. No default
  • Message Body - The message that will appear in each Summary of Work Performed report email sent for a job or work order for this OU. A value is optional. No default

Ticketing Tab

This tab allows you to check whether to display the System, Service Type(s) and Call Type(s) for Work Orders and System and Job Type(s) for Jobs. 

Confirmation Tab

The Confirmation tab lets you indicate which sections show on the Mobile Customer Configuration window.

Terms & Conditions Tab 

The Terms & Conditions tab lets you enter terms and conditions should show when a technician services a particular Organizational Unit. PENTA only enables this tab if Terms & Conditions is under the Confirmation tab's Selected Sections block. 

Quotes Tab

The Quotes tab allows you to grant permission and default information to the tech related to quotes.

Field POs Tab

This tab allows you to grant permission to the tech to create Field Purchase Orders and default the cost type used. 

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