How do I change the Active date on a Job and Contract?


I just set up a Job and put the current date as the Active date when it should have been the previous month end. So the Budget and Contract are not showing up in the correct month. How can this be corrected?

Applies To

PENTA for Windows

Project Management > Jobs > Job Information

Project Management > Owner Contract Information > Contract Information


To Correct the Job Information Active date:

1) Navigate to Project Management > Jobs > Job Information query the job and click on the edit button in the Status section:

2) Insert a new record in the Status History for Job pop-up window:

3) Enter the correct Active date and exit the window - click OK on the Warning message:

4) Click on the Edit button again and delete the incorrect date:

To correct the Job Contract, navigate to Project Management > Owner Contract Information > Contract Information and query your job. Follow the below steps to complete the date change:

  • Query the job ID of the job needing to be updated and click on the appropriate line item to be updated:

  • For Lump Sum and Unit Price Line Items, update the following in the PopUp Window:
  1. Status Date: update to the correct date
  2. Navigate to the Price Information window and insert a new record
  3. Enter the correct date

NOTE: If you need to reverse the contract amount for the incorrect date, insert a new record (as in step 2) and enter the incorrect date with a negative contract amount:

  • For Cost Plus Line Items, update the Status Date: to the correct date on all the line items that were set up: