eTime Setup

eTime Setup


eTime was just installed and I need to set it up.  What are the steps to complete setup so users can start using eTime?

Applies To


Initial setup via Payroll > eTime


Review this article related to configuration security:  eTime Configuration Security

Configure eTime

Define eTime Configuration Options

Payroll > eTime > eTime Configuration

  1. Select an approval method in the approval method field.

  2. Select the last day of the weekly time entry period in the Week Ending Day field.

  3. Select an hour class in the Hours Class-Jobs field that will be the default hour class assigned to job related distributions when timesheets are imported into PENTA.

  4. Toggle “Yes” or “No” in the Allow Changes to Submitted Timesheets field to indicate whether you can make changes to a timesheet you entered for yourself or another employee after it is submitted for approval.

  5. Enter the number of days users' completed and approved timesheets will remain in their timesheet list.

  6. Check the box in the Phone Types list next to each phone type you would like to display as employee contact options in the eTime app Approvals List and eTime Workbench panels.

  7. Note: Phone Types include PENTA default Phone Types as well as Phone Types your company creates using the Phone Number Types window. PENTA’s default Phone Types are:

    • Office

    • Fax

    • Mobile

    • Pager

    • Home

    • Other

  8. Toggle “Yes” or “No” in the Send Emails to Employee field to indicate whether email notifications are sent to notify employees of rejected timesheets.

  9. Toggle “Yes” or “No” in the Send Emails to Approvers field to indicate whether email notifications are sent to alert approvers to new timesheets available for approval.

  10. Enter a valid email address in the Email Sender field to determine the “From” email address on system generated timesheet notification emails sent to employees and approvers.

  11. Enter the text in the Email Subject field that you want to display in the subject line of system generated timesheet notification emails sent to employees and approvers.

  12. Click the Save button to save your changes.


Configure eTime Notification Emails Database Job

System Management > Technical Support > Penta Technologies Inc Technical Support > Schedule Database Jobs

  1. Locate the description “Send eTime notifications” in the list of database jobs.

  2. Note: This is a new database job, different than the “Send etimesheet notifications” job.

  3. Set the Active field to “Y” for PENTA to begin sending email notifications according to the schedule you set up in step 5.

  4. Enter a date in the Next Scheduled Date field. This is the next date that PENTA will send email notifications.

  5. Note: Once you have entered an initial date for PENTA to send email notifications, this field will update according to the interval schedule you set up in step 5.

  6. Enter a time in the Next Scheduled Time field. This is the time that PENTA will send email notifications on the date displayed in the Next Scheduled Date field.

  7. Specify in the Interval field how often you want PENTA to send notification emails. Consult with a Database Administrator or other technical staff member to define the interval as this field requires language that Oracle can read.

  8. Click the Close button to save your changes and close the Schedule Database Jobs window.

Configure System Options

System Management > Technical Support > Options

  1. Query System Option 110

    1. Enter “Y” if you want to require an existing Work Code for job distributions. PENTA eTime will edit any value entered in the Work Code field to ensure it is a predefined value.

    2. Enter “N” if you want the Work Code field to be optional. PENTA eTime will not edit values entered in this field for validity if System Option 110 is set to “N”.

  2. Click the Close button to save your changes and close the Options window.

Define Default Values for Allowing Users to Enter Time for Other Employees and Query Other Employees’ Timesheets

System Management > Security > Security Groups

  1. Query the security group which needs the ability to enter time for other employees and/or query other employees' timesheets.

  2. Navigate to the Module Security tab.

  3. Select eTimesheets from the drop-down list.

  4. Enter “Y” in the Allow column for action “Enter Timesheets for Others” to authorize users in the selected security group to enter timesheets for other employees. This activates the Others’ Timesheets menu option in the eTime application. Enter "N" if you do not want to authorize users to enter timesheets for other employees.

  5. Enter “Y” in the Allow column for action “Query others’ timesheets” to allow users in the selected security group to query other employees’ timesheets in the Timesheet Query Workbench panel. Enter "N" if you do not want to allow users to query other employees' timesheets in the Timesheet Query Workbench panel.

  6. Click Close to save your changes and close the Security Groups window.


Assign eTime Approval Groups

Define Users Responsible for Reviewing and Approving eTime Timesheets

Payroll > eTime > Approval Groups

System Management > Workflow > Approval Groups

  1. Query the approval group or create a new one.

    1. To create a new approval group, enter an Approval Group # and give the Approval Group a description.

  2. Enter the employee Ids or use the list of values to add employees to the approval group.

  3. Designate one employee as the Primary Approver in the Primary column.

  4. Click the Close button to save your changes and close the Approval Groups window.

Assign Employees to Approval Groups

Payroll > Employees > Employee Payroll Information

  1. Query the employee.

  2. Click on the Miscellaneous tab.

  3. Enter the Approval Group number in the Approval Group # field or choose one from the list of values.

  4. Click the Close button to save your changes and close the Employee Payroll Information window.

Assign eTime Administrators

Define Users Responsible for Importing eTime Distributions into PENTA for Payroll Processing

  1. Payroll > eTime > eTime Administrators

    1. Enter a pay group number in the Pay Group # field or select one from the list of values.

    2. Enter the PENTA User Id or select one from the list of values in the Primary Administrator User Id field to select the Primary Administrator for the pay group.

    3. In the Alternate Administrators block, enter the PENTA User Id(s) or select from the list of values in the Alternate Administrator User Id field to select the Alternate Administrator(s) for the pay group.

    4. Click Close to save your changes and close the eTime Administrators window.

Set up eTime Users

Add eTime Access to a Security Group

System Management > Security > Security Groups

  1. Create a new security group or query an existing security group which will be assigned to eTime users.

  2. Open the PENTA Web folder and double click on the eTime window to grant the security group access to eTime. PENTA removes the red X, granting access to eTime for users assigned to this security group. If eTime is already selected (does not display a red X), double clicking will put back the red X and prevent access.

  3. Click the Close button to save your changes and close the Security Groups window.

Add a Security Group to a PENTA User

System Management > Security > Define Users

  1. Query the employee’s PENTA User Id or create a new PENTA User Id if the employee does not already have one.

  2. In the Group # field in the Group Authorization block, assign a security group with eTime access and list the appropriate OUs in the OU Authorization block.

  3. Click the Close button to save your changes and close the Define Users window.

Link an Employee to their PENTA User Id

Payroll > Employees > Employee Payroll Information

  1. Query the Employee Id and navigate to the Miscellaneous tab.

  2. Enter the employee’s PENTA User Id in the Employee User Id field.

  3. Click the Close button to save your changes and close the Employee Payroll Information window.

Set up eTime Users Responsible for Others

Allow Individual Users to Enter Time for Another Employee

System Management > Security > Define Users

  1. Query the User Id associated with the employee who needs the ability to enter time for other employees.

  2. Navigate to the Module Security tab.

  3. Query Module ETS (eTimesheets).

  4. Enter “Y” in the Allow column for action “Enter Timesheets for Others” to authorize the selected User Id to enter timesheets for other employees and activate the Others’ Timesheets menu option in the eTime application.

  5. To allow individual users to query other users' timesheets, go to step B. If you do not wish to allow individual users to query other users' timesheets, click the Close button to save your changes and close the Define Users window.

Allow Individual Users to Query Other Users’ Timesheets

System Management > Security > Define Users

  1. Query the User Id for the employee who needs the ability to query other employees' timesheets.

  2. Navigate to the Module Security tab.

  3. Query Module ETS (eTimesheets).

  4. Enter “Y” in the Allow column for action “Query others’ timesheets” to allow the employee associated with the selected User Id to query other employees’ timesheets in the Timesheet Query Workbench panel.

  5. Click the Close button to save your changes and close the Define Users window.

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