eTime Setup


eTime was just installed and I need to set it up.  What are the steps to complete setup so users can start using eTime?

Applies To


Initial setup via Payroll > eTime


Review the following items in the Penta Reference Manual - eTime section to set up eTime:

  • Configure eTime
  • Assign eTime Approval Groups
  • Assign eTime Administrators
  • Set up eTime Users
  • Set up eTime Users Responsible for Others

Review this article related to configuration security:  eTime Configuration Security

At a high level, you will need to do the following:

  1. Give yourself security access to eTime and eTime Configuration 
  2. Update the eTime Configuration options how you want them
  3. Assign your employee an Approval Group (will need to create an approval group prior to this if you don't have any)
  4. Create eTime Administrators and assign them to the appropriate Pay Groups
  5. Set up eTime Users and Users Responsible for Others