Customer Interface: Table Driven Method
Use the Customer Interface to add new or update existing customer information using data from external applications. Information you load using this interface adds to the data already stored in PENTA.
The Customer Interface has a Request Type of CUS and an Interface Type of U. Data files you load must have Request Types assigned to the U (Customer) Interface Type.
Where to View Loaded Data
You can review interfaced data in the Customers window.
Available Tables
- 1 Customer Accounts Receivable Detail Record
- 2 Customer Contact Detail Record
- 3 Customer Contact Phone Detail Record
- 4 Customer Detail Record
- 5 Customer Location Detail Record
- 6 Invoice Customer Call Type Detail Record
- 7 Invoice Customer Location Detail Record
- 8 Invoice Customer Service Type Detail Record
- 9 Location Status Detail Record
- 10 Organization Unit Detail Record
- 11 Reference Detail Record
- 12 Reference LOV Detail Record
- 13 Tax Jurisdiction Detail Record
- 14 Technician Preference Detail Record
- 15 User Defined Fields Detail Record
Customer Accounts Receivable Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_CUS_ARACCT table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
CUS_ID | Req | X | A unique Id for the customer. |
CURRENCY_ID | Req | C! 3 | For multi-currency users, this identifies which currency the customer uses. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
ACCT_NUM | Req | X | Number of the receivable account. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Customer Contact Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_CUS_CON table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
CUS_ID | Req | X | A unique Id for the customer. |
CONTACT_NUM | Req | I 3 | PENTA auto assigns the Contact # with the next sequential number for this Customer. For example, if this is the first location you are setting up under the Customer, this column defaults as 1. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values:
FIRST_NAME | Opt | C 15 | The first name of the customer contact. |
LAST_NAME | Opt | C 20 | The last name of the customer contact. |
CONTACT_TYPE_CD | None | C 3 | This must be left blank. This classifies the Contact. |
CONTACT_TITLE_NUM | Opt | I 4 | Enter the title of the contact. |
EMAIL_ADDR | Opt | C 50 | Enter the email address of the contact. |
CUS_LOC_CD | None | C 8 | This must be left blank. This is the location of the customer. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Customer Contact Phone Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_CUS_CONPHN table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
CUS_ID | Req | X | A unique Id for the customer. |
CONTACT_NUM | Req | I 3 | PENTA auto assigns the Contact # with the next sequential number for this Customer. For example, if this is the first location you are setting up under the Customer, this column defaults as 1. |
PHONE_NUM_TYPE_ | Req | C 8 | Categorize the number you will use to reach the contact person (cell, pager, office, etc.). |
ACTIVITY_CD | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
PHONE_AREA_CD | Req | C 3 | Enter the area code of the number you will use to reach the contact person. |
PHONE_NUM | Req | C 11 | Enter the number for the contact person. |
PHONE_EXT | Opt | C 5 | Enter the extension of the number for the contact person. |
RECORD_NUM | Opt | I 10 | Do not assign this value. PENTA assigns this record number, which you can use to identify records with errors or warning messages. |
USER_ID | Req | C 6 | Id of the employee performing the load process. This user_id must exist in PENTA. |
MODIFICATION_ | Opt | D | Once the process completes, this displays the date PENTA marked the record as modified in the database. The current date is the default value. |
Customer Detail Record
The following information relates to the INTR_CUS_CUS table.
Column | Entry | Format | Description |
INTR_RQST_ID | Req | C! 13 | The interface request value that you enter to initiate the interface process. The value must be consistent for all records PENTA should process together. |
SEQ_NUM | Req | I 10 | Sequence number uniquely identifying this row within interface request. |
CUS_ID | Req | X | A unique Id for the customer. |
ACTIVITY_CD | Req | C! 1 | Required for all activity. Possible values are:
CUS_TYPE_CD | Req | C! 1 | Possible values are:
NAME_PREFIX | Opt | C 15 | Prefix of the Customer’s name. |
NAME | Req | C 30 | Name of the Customer. |
CUS_STAT_CD | Req | C! 1 | Indicates whether the customer is available for assignment to new jobs, work orders, and sales orders. If you mark the Customer as inactive, PENTA still lets you process billing for existing jobs and work orders. |
PROSPECT_CD | Req | C! 1 | A value here indicates that the customer is a prospective customer, as opposed to an actual customer. |
EMP_ID | Opt | X | A value here associates the Customer with an employee for the purpose of employee receivables. |
PAR_CUS_ID | Opt | X | If the Customer is considered a “child” under a larger “parent” customer, identify that parent customer. |
DEF_INVOICE_CUS_ | Opt | C 8 | Id of the Customer Location. |
PRIMARY_CONTACT_ | Opt | I 3 | The Customer’s primary contact person. |
CURRENCY_ID | Opt | C! 3 | Identify the currency you will use for the Customer’s normal billings. This serves as the default to the job contract line item. You can only access this column if System Option #44 is N. |
CR_LIMIT_AMT | Opt | F 15.2 | Enter the dollar amount that represents the maximum amount of open receivables that may exist for this Customer at a point in time. |
CR_LIMIT_HOLD_CD | Opt | C! 6 | Use the Credit Limit Hold Code column to associate a hold code with the Credit Limit. Apply the hold code logic on work orders, maintenance contracts, and jobs set up for the Customer. If you assign a “hard” Customer Hold Code (below), PENTA prevents set up of new entities. If you assign a “soft” Customer Hold Code, PENTA allows set up of new work orders and assigns a hold status. Soft holds do not apply to Maintenance Contracts and Jobs. If you assign a “no hold” Customer Hold Code, PENTA does nothing in the Work Order, Maintenance Contract, or Job setup windows. |
AR_DAYS_OPEN_LIMIT | Opt | I 5 | The maximum day limit you allow for open receivables on this Customer at any point in time. Entry or updates to this column do NOT affect existing open work orders or maintenance contracts. PENTA does not analyze the open receivable days outstanding status for this Customer, and places open work orders on a credit hold if the days outstanding of the oldest AR invoice exceed the allowable limit. PENTA applies the entered limit to future work orders, maintenance contracts, and jobs. |
AR_DAYS_HOLD_CD | Opt | C! 6 | Enter the hold code you want to associate with the AR Days Limit condition. You cannot enter this if the AR Days Outstanding Limit column is null. PENTA applies the hold code logic on Work Orders, Maintenance Contracts, and Jobs set up for the Customer. Available holds are:
AR_HOLD_CD | Opt | C! 6 | Id of the Hold applied to the Customer. PENTA places all work orders on hold for this Customer Location where the Work Order’s status if Unassigned or Ready for Assignment.
AR_STMT_CD | Req | C! 1 | Indicates whether you want to print AR statements for the Customer. |
CR_RT_CD | Opt | C! 3 | Id of the Customer’s Credit Rating. |
G_ALL_OU_CD | Req | C! 1 | Indicate whether the Customer has authorization for All (A) or Some (S) OUs. |
INVOICE_FORM_ID | Opt | C! 8 | Identify the form you want to use when printing the Customer’s invoices. PENTA defaults this value to any new job you set up for the Customer. |
NUM_COPIES | Opt | I 3 | Quantify the invoice copies you must print for the Customer. |
PAY_TERM_NUM | Opt | I 3 | Designate a payment term as being the default payment term for all projected related invoices billed under this Customer. |
INVOICE_CYCLE_NUM | Opt | I 3 | Defines the various periods and times at which you wish to generate invoices. PENTA uses invoice cycle numbers to select and group jobs when you request an invoices processing run. PENTA defaults this value to any new job you set up for the Customer. |
EQ_RENT_BILL_DISC | Opt | F 7.3 | Enter the discount percent you want to apply to equipment rental cost you bill to jobs for the Customer. |
OTH_PAY_CD | Req | C! 1 | Indicate whether PENTA should use Other Pay costs in the calculation of cost plus billings. |
REIMB_CD | Req | C! 1 | Indicate whether PENTA should use Reimbursement costs in the calculation of cost plus billings. |
FRNG_CD | Req | C! 1 | Indicate whether PENTA includes Taxable Fringe costs in the cost plus billing calculation. |
NT_FRNG_CD | Req | C! 1 | Indicate whether PENTA should use Non-Taxable Fringe costs in the cost plus billing calculation. |
BURDEN_CD | Req | C! 1 | Indicate whether PENTA should use Payroll Burden costs in the cost plus billing calculation. |
INVOICE_OH_CD | Req | C! 1 | Indicate whether PENTA should use Overhead costs in the cost plus billing calculation. |
SPLIT_PREM_CD | Opt | C! 1 | Indicate how you want PENTA to reflect overtime on the labor support schedule reports:
LAB_RATE_SCHD_NUM | Opt | I 3 | The default rate schedule for all labor items billed for invoices under this Customer. PENTA defaults this value to any new job you set up for this Customer. |
EQ_RATE_SCHD_NUM | Opt | I 3 | The default rate schedule for all Equipment billed for invoices under this Customer. PENTA defaults this value to any new job you set up for this Customer. |
CT_MKUP_SCHD_NUM | Opt | I 3 | The default rate schedule for all costs from accounts payable and general journal entries billed for invoices under this Customer. PENTA defaults this value to any new job you set up for this Customer. |
INV_MKUP_SCHD_ | Opt | I 3 | The default rate schedule for all Inventory Items billed for invoices under this Customer. PENTA defaults this value to any new job you set up for this Customer. |
DSCNT_PCT | Opt | F 8.5 | A percentage as being the default discount percent given to this Customer when you process a sales order. The value must be a positive number from zero to 100. |
INVOICE_DTL_CD | Opt | C! 1 | A checkmark indicates you want sales orders for this Customer to include both detail lines and total lines. Not placing a checkmark in this box indicates you want sales orders for this Customer to include only total lines. |
TAX_EXEMPT_ | Opt | C! 3 | If the Customer is exempt from paying taxes, enter the code for the exemption reason. |
TAX_CERTIFICATE | Opt | C 15 | If the Customer is exempt from paying sales taxes, use this column to enter the customer’s Tax Exemption Certificate number. |
CARRIER_ID | Opt | C! 8 | For items sold to this Customer via sales orders, identify the preferred Shipping Carrier (e.g., FedEx, UPS, etc.). |
SHIP_METHOD_CD | Opt | C! 8 | The Customer has preferred method of shipment. Typically, ground, next day, two day, etc. are usable values in this column. Valid values originate in the Shipping Methods window. |
WHSE_ID | Opt | C! 4 | Identify the default warehouse from which you pull inventory to fill sales orders for this Customer. |
FOB_CD | Req | C! 1 | Placing a checkmark in this box indicates you are responsible for the transportation costs of shipping goods to the Customer. Not placing a checkmark in this box indicates the Customer is responsible for shipments. |
DEF_SHIP_CUS_LOC_ | Opt | C 8 | Designate a location as being the default destination for shipments to this Customer. |
SO_PROD_PRICE_ | Opt | I 3 | The default pricing schedule used to process sales orders for the Customer. |
WO_INVOICE_ | Opt | I 3 | Designate an invoice format as being the default invoice format you will use for the Customer’s bills. Note: PENTA first seeks to use the WO Invoice Layout # you established at the Customer/Location level. If there is no WO Invoice Layout # at that level, PENTA instead uses this Customer level WO Invoice Layout #. |
WO_SALESPERSON_ | Opt | X | Identify your salesperson for this customer. PENTA defaults this value to each Work Order you assign to this customer. Note: PENTA first seeks to use the Salesperson Employee Id you established at the Customer/Location level. If there is no Salesperson Employee Id at that level, PENTA instead uses this Customer level Salesperson Employee Id |
WO_MIN_INVOICE_ | Opt | F 15.2 | Designate the minimum amount for which you want to generate an invoice for this Customer. For example, you might not want to generate and invoice for < $10. If the amount PENTA calculates when processing invoices is less than the specified amount, it does not generate an invoice. |
WO_MAX_INVOICE_ | Opt | F 15.2 | Designate the maximum amount for which you want to generate an invoice for this Customer. For example, you might not want to generate and invoice for < $10. If the amount PENTA calculates when processing invoices is less than the specified amount, it does not generate an invoice. |