EEO-1 Component 2 Setup and File Generation
How do I set up and generate the EEO-1 Component 2 in PENTA?
Applies To
PENTA for Windows
County Codes Setup: Payroll > Setup > Taxes > County Codes
OU EEO Setup: Finance & Accounting > Setup > Organization Units > Legal Entity Tab > EEO Information
Hiring Location Setup: Payroll > Setup > Legal Entity Information > Hiring Locations
Map Worker Classification codes to EEO Job categories: Payroll > Setup > Pay Groups, Payroll Classes and Workers Compensation > Worker Classifications
Employee EEO Setup: Payroll > Employees > Employee Payroll Information OR Human Resources > Employee Information > Employee HR Information
Update FLSA Hour Worked: Payroll > Setup > PTO, Hours Classification Codes and Overtime Rules > Hours Classification Code
Generate the File: Payroll > Periodic Reporting > EEO-1 Component 2 File Generation
- EEO data collected from Employees
- Payroll run in the reporting year for employees
- Have access to EEO-1 Component 2 File Generation window
- Set Up County Information:
Enter the State Code in which the county lies
Enter the code by which you identify the county. For example, FIPS 6-4 codes.
Enter the Name of the county
Repeat steps 1.a through 1.d to add a record for each county in which you have EEO Establishments
Close the window
- Set Up Legal Entity EEO Information:
Execute a query on the Organizational Unit Code of the entity for which you are setting up EEO information. PENTA retrieves the entities record.
Navigate to the Legal Entity tab
Click the EEO Information button. PENTA opens the EEO Information pop-up window
Enter the Company Number assigned by the EEOC to the company
Enter the Unit Number assigned by the EEOC to the company
Enter the Contractor Type. Possible values are P (Prime Contractor), S (Subcontractor) and B (Both Prime & Subcontractor)
Enter the NAICS Number associated with the establishment
Enter the DUNS Number associated with the establishment
Enter the County in which the establishment is located
Enter Y/N for question B2C: Was an EEO-1 report filed for this establishment last year?
Enter Y/N for question D2: Is this establishment: (1) Not exempt as provided for by 41 CFR 60-1.5; (2) A prime contractor or first-tier subcontractor; and (3) Have a contract, subcontract, or purchase order amounting to $50,000 or more; or serve as a depository of government funds in any amount; or is a financial institution which is an issuing and paying agents for U.S. Savings Bonds and/or savings notes?
(Opt) Enter Certifying Offical Information (Title, Name, Phone #, E-mail Address)
Repeat step 2.a to 2.l for each Legal Entity for which you need to set up EEO
informationClose the pop-up window
- Set Up Hiring Locations:
- Enter/Query the LE OU ID of the entity for which you are setting up hiring locations.
- Enter a unique Hiring Location ID to identify this physical address.
- Enter a Hiring Location Name to associate with the Hiring Location ID.
- Enter the Address, City, State/Prov, Postal Code and County of the establishment.
- Enter the NAICS Number of the establishment.
- Enter the DUNS Number of the establishment.
- Enter Y/N for question B2C: Was an EEO-1 report filed for this establishment last year?
- Enter Y/N for question D2: Is this establishment: (1) Not exempt as provided for by 41 CFR 60-1.5; (2) A prime contractor or first-tier subcontractor; and (3) Have a contract, subcontract, or purchase order amounting to $50,000 or more; or serve as a depository of government funds in any amount; or is a financial institution which is an issuing and paying agents for U.S. Savings Bonds and/or savings notes?
- Repeat steps 3.a to 3.h for each hiring location you need.
- Close the window.
- Map Worker Classification Codes to EEO Job Categories
Enter a Worker Classification code, number or abbreviation to identify the worker classification
Enter a Description to further identify the Worker Classification
- Enter the EEO Job Category number applicable to your Worker Classification. PENTA displays the associated Job Category Description in the adjacent field.
- Repeat steps 4.a to 4.d for each of your worker classifications.
- Close the window.
- Set Up Employee EEO Information - You have two options for performing this sub-step. Entries you complete via the Employee Payroll Information window also populate the Employee HR Information window, and vice versa.
- To use Employee Payroll Information:
- Execute a query on Employee ID. PENTA displays the employee’s record
- Click on the Reporting tab
- Enter F or M in the Gender field. PENTA displays Female (for F) or Male (for M) in the adjacent field
- Enter the Race code appropriate for the employee. PENTA displays the code’s description in the adjacent field
- If the employee is not associated with the Headquarters location, enter the employee’s Hiring Location - Note: PENTA counts employees with a null hiring location in the Headquarters file for EEO-1 reporting. PENTA counts employees with a non-null hiring location in the establishment file for that hiring location.
- Enter the employee’s Wrkr Classification Cd. PENTA displays the code’s description in the adjacent field - Note: worker classifications available for this field map to EEO Job Categories via the Worker Classifications window
- Enter F (for Full Time) or P (for Part Time) in the Full or Part Time field
- Enter A (for Actual) or P (for Proxy) in the Actual or Proxy Hours Worked field
- Repeat steps 5.a.i through 5.a.viii for each employee
- Close the window
- To use Employee HR Information:
- Execute a query on Employee ID. PENTA displays the employee’s record
- Click on the General tab
- Enter the employee’s Gender
- Enter employee’s Race
- If the employee is not associated with the Headquarters location, enter the employee’s
Hiring Location. NOTE: PENTA counts employees with a null hiring location in the Headquarters file for EEO-1 reporting. PENTA counts employees with a non-null hiring location in the establishment file for that hiring location.
- Enter the employee's work Classification - NOTE: worker classifications available for this field map to EEO Job Categories via the Worker Classification window
- Enter F (for Full Time) or P (for Part Time) in the Full or Part Time field
- Enter A (for Actual) or P (for Proxy) in the Actual or Proxy Hours Worked field
- Repeat steps 5.b.i through 5.b.viii for each employee
- Close the window
- To use Employee Payroll Information:
Update FLSA Hour Worked:
- Query all the Hours Classification codes
- If the Hours Class should be included in FLSA then place a check mark in the column "FLSA Hour Worked"
- If the Hours Class should NOT be included in FLSA then leave the “FLSA Hour Worked” blank/unchecked
- Repeat steps 6.a through 6.c for all Hours Class Numbers
- Close the window
Generate EEO-1 Component 2 .csv File
- Open the EEO-1 Component 2 File Generation window
- Enter the User ID provided to you by NORC
- Enter the LE OU ID for which you want to create the report
- Enter a snapshot date range between October 1st and December 31st for the reporting year
- Enter a File Name
- Per the EEOC the submitted file should be named 'UploadFileyyyyCCCCCCCC' where 'yyyy' is the survey year and 'CCCCCCCC' is the 8-digit User Id provided by NORC
- PENTA will automatically add the .csv extension if the extension is not specific in the file name
- Click Create File
- Select save location from the file explorer
- Window automatically closes
- Repeat steps 7.a through 7.h for any other snapshot periods and all other LE OU's that require reporting
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