OHIO RITA W2 Reporting

OHIO RITA W2 Reporting


What needs to be done in Penta so that I can generate an EFW2 file for Ohio RITA?

Applies To

Penta for Windows (PFW)

Payroll > Setup > Local Taxing Authorities

Payroll > Year End Processing > W2 Generation


To generate an EFW2 file for Ohio RITA you will first need to make sure all of your Local Taxing Authorities are updated with the Electronic W-2 File Locality Name of OHIO RITA.

  1. Query the locality code in the Local Taxing Authorities window.
  2. Set the Electronic W-2 File Locality Name to OHIO RITA.
  3. The field previously labelled “EFW2 State Control Number” will change to “RITA Municipality Code”.
    1. Enter the RITA municipality code in this field.

To Generate your W-2 files:

  1. Open W2 Generation screen, enter a Legal Entity OU ID, Calendar Year and Form ID.
  2. Select Y in the Create local filing W-2's field
  3. Enter 'OHIO RITA' in the Limit Electronic File Generation to Locality field
  4. Exit the screen to generate the file.


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