OHIO RITA W2 Reporting
What needs to be done in Penta so that I can generate an EFW2 file for Ohio RITA?
Applies To
Penta for Windows (PFW)
Payroll > Setup > Local Taxing Authorities
Payroll > Year End Processing > W2 Generation
To generate an EFW2 file for Ohio RITA you will first need to make sure all of your Local Taxing Authorities are updated with the Electronic W-2 File Locality Name of OHIO RITA.
- Query the locality code in the Local Taxing Authorities window.
- Set the Electronic W-2 File Locality Name to OHIO RITA.
- The field previously labelled “EFW2 State Control Number” will change to “RITA Municipality Code”.
- Enter the RITA municipality code in this field.
To Generate your W-2 files:
- Open W2 Generation screen, enter a Legal Entity OU ID, Calendar Year and Form ID.
- Select Y in the Create local filing W-2's field
- Enter 'OHIO RITA' in the Limit Electronic File Generation to Locality field
- Exit the screen to generate the file.