OnBase Index Batches Limit


Is there a way to change the limit of index batches you can have at one time?

User gets an error that says we need to index more frequently and that we have too many unidexed batches.

Applies To

Batch Scanning

OnBase Client

OnBase Unity 

OnBase Configuration (Import > Scan Queues > Process Options > Batch Processing tab)


This setting can be updated from within OnBase Configuration

Click on Import and then choose Scan Queues

Select the Queue Name that you want to manage, then click the Process Options button 

Choose the Batch Processing tab, then enter a number into the Override Maximum Uncommitted Batches (This Scan Queue Only) field, then click the Save button


From a system perspective we like to limit the number of uncommitted batches as those batches are not backed up.

Once the batch is committed it is written to secondary copies of the disk group.

So essentially that limit is for data security purposes. We want to ensure that batches are being committed on a regular basis.