Payroll Reimbursement not being included on Job invoice

Payroll Reimbursement not being included on Job invoice


I have an invoice in billing cycle, a per diem adjustment was made through the reimbursement through payroll module. the adjustment is showing as a line on my invoice but not calculating in the invoice total. Also there is no record of the adjustment in the billing cycle. 

Applies To

PENTA for Windows 

Job Invoicing 

Reimbursement not being included on Job invoicing


Make sure:

  1. Job Information > Invoicing tab includes
  2. Include as Basis For Markup% the Reimbursement checkbox and 
  3. Pricing Schedule associated with the cost


Reimbursement checkbox in the Invoicing tab of the Job Information window was not checked. Once the box was checked, the invoice included the reimbursement. 

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