PENTA Users Password Expiration Date
How do I lookup the date that a user's PENTA password will expire?
Applies To
PENTA for Windows
System Management > System Rules > Password Configuration
There is no specific table/column that gives the expiration date, but there are a couple of places that will provide you with the latest password change date. The latest password change date combined with your expiration settings can provide the information needed to determine the expiration date.
To find latest password change date -
Table USER_PASSWORD_HIST has columns CTRL_DATE and CTRL_TIME or MODIFICATION_DATE that lists one row for each time a user changed their password.
Table USERS has column D_PENTA_PASS_GHNG_DATE which is the date/time of the users most recent password change.
To find your password expiration settings -
The password configuration is in table PASSWORD_CONFIG
The columns below are in the same order as the fields are displayed in the Password Configuration window (System Management > System Rules > Password Configuration) except for SERVER_LIFETIME, that is the Server Password setting.