Pipe-delimited Timesheet Interface
How do I set up a .txt file to interface timesheets using the pipe-delimited interface method?
Applies To
PENTA for Windows
Payroll > Time Entry > Time/Equipment/Production Units Entry**
Timecard pipe-delimited interfacing
**Interface type is LABÂ
Header records require HDR in the first field, and must be in the following format:
HDR|Distribution Date YYYYMMDD|PFW_EDIT_CD=Y|RAPID_CHK_CD=N| (Optional field information must be all caps)
Detail records must have all 53 field positions defined, whether there is associated data to enter or not.
(53 fields/pipes are required even though the information is not required)
Example set of lines (both header and detail rows) where a single employee’s 8 Regular hours on day 7 charged to a job:
Optional fields after field number 53 require the field code and record - sample work order file:
71864|20190913|||||||8||||||||||R|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||WO_ID=7181-1|WO_OU_ID=718|WO_COST_TYPE_CD=L|WO_TASK_ID=OIL CHANGE|
Description of Header records:
Labor Interface: Header Fields | ||||
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description |
1 | Header | Req | C! 3 | Must be HDR. |
2 | Distribution Date | Opt | N 8 | Use format YYYYMMDD |
Optional Header Fields (place after Field 2) | ||||
Field | Format | Description | ||
PFW_EDIT_CD | C! 1 | Determines whether PENTA loads the timecard batch into the Time/Equipment/Production Units Entry window or the Timecards by Selected Attributes window. Possible values: Y or N. If Y, interface batch can be accessed via the Time/Equipment/Production Units Entry window (if System Option 125 is set to not distribute the batch during the interface process). | ||
RAPID_CHK_CD | C! 1 | Determines whether PENTA distributes this batch as a rapid check batch. Possible values: Y or N. | ||
D_RAPID_CHK_DATE | N 8 | The check date assigned to rapid checks. Can only be used if RAPID_CHK_CD is Y. Use date format YYYY/MM/DD. | ||
CONVERT_TO_CHK_ CD | C! 1 | You can only use this if the RAPID_CHK_CD value is Y. Possible values: Y or N. If Y, employees that typically receive direct deposit will receive a check. | ||
OFFSET_DED_NUM | N 3 | To create a manual AP check to pay the employee, suppress check generation by entering a Deduction Number to use for the offset. Can only be used if RAPID_CHK_CD is Y. | ||
AUTO_REDUCE_DED_CD | C! 1 | If the net pay on a payroll check is negative, PENTA reduces voluntary after tax deductions until net pay is zero if set to Y. Can only be used if RAPID_CHK_CD is Y. | ||
CHK_DATE_DISTR_CD | C! 1 | Determines if PENTA should use the Check Date as the Distribution Date. Possible values: Y or N. You cannot enter Y when timecard distribution is not part of the interface process. You cannot enter Y when RAPID_CHK_CD is Y. |
Description of the Labor Detail Records:
Labor Interface:Â Detail Records | |||||
# | Field | Entry | Format | Description | |
1 | Employee ID | Req | X | ID of the employee. | |
2 | Week Ending Date | Opt | D | If System Option 161 is Y, the date must be +/- 14 days from the system date. If Reimbursement Number, Amount, or Applied Account contains a value, you must enter a value for Week Ending Date or Reimbursement Date. Use format YYYYMMDD. | |
3 | Hours 1 | Opt | F 10.3 | Hours – Day 1 of week | |
4 | Hours 2 | Opt | F 10.3 | Hours – Day 2 of week | |
5 | Hours 3 | Opt | F 10.3 | Hours – Day 3 of week | |
6 | Hours 4 | Opt | F 10.3 | Hours – Day 4 of week | |
7 | Hours 5 | Opt | F 10.3 | Hours – Day 5 of week | |
8 | Hours 6 | Opt | F 10.3 | Hours – Day 6 of week | |
9 | Hours 7 | Opt | F 10.3 | Hours – Day 7 of week | |
10 | Hour Class | Opt | C 3 | If this field does not contain a value, PENTA uses the distribution type as the default. | |
1 | 11 | Job ID | Opt | X | If Job Id has a value, Cost Type Code and Costcode must have a value. |
12 | Cost Type Code | Opt | C 4 | Id of the cost category where PENTA charges labor costs associated with the timecard. | |
13 | Costcode | Opt | X | Id of the Costcode where PENTA charges labor costs associated with the timecard. | |
14 | Change Order | Opt | X | Id of the job-related change order associated with a cost distribution. | |
2 | 15 | Debit OU ID | Id of the Organizational Unit associated with the debit. | ||
16 | Debit Account Number | Required if the Debit OU Id has a value; otherwise, do not enter a value. | |||
3 | 17 | Fixed Asset ID | ID of the fixed asset. | ||
18 | Fixed Asset Expense Category Number | Opt | I 3 | PENTA verifies the expense category number is valid for the Fixed Asset Id. Required if Fixed Asset Id has a value; otherwise, do not enter a value. | |
19 | Hour Type Code | Opt | C 1 | This defaults from the Hour Class. | |
20 | Other Pay | Opt | F 15.2 | Miscellaneous pay amount | |
21 | Description | Opt | C 30 | Timecard entry description | |
22 | Special Pay Rate | Opt | F 6.3 | A one-time pay rate associated with the current timecard. | |
23 | Payroll Class | Opt | I 8 | Id of the timecard’s payroll class. | |
24 | Pay Rate Number | Opt | I 4 | Id of the timecard’s pay rate. | |
25 | Withholding State Code | Opt | C 2 | Id of the withholding state. | |
26 | UC State Code | Opt | C 2 | ID of the Unemployment Compensation State used for SUT, SUI, and SDI calculations. Including a value in this file position overrides the default UC State Code PENTA selects for the timecard. | |
27 | Local Code | Opt | C 4 | ID of the authority used for local tax calculations. Including a value in this file position overrides the default Local Code PENTA selects for the timecard. | |
28 | WC Code | Opt | I 4 | ID of the workers’ compensation classification used for WC calculations. Including a value in this file position overrides the default WC Code PENTA selects for the timecard. | |
29 | PL Code | Opt | I 4 | ID of the Public Liability classification used for PL calculations. Including a value in this file position overrides the default PL Code PENTA selects for the timecard. | |
30 | Standard Charge Rate | Opt | F 15.4 | The timecard’s standard charge rate. Including a value in this file position overrides the default Standard Charge Rate PENTA selects for the timecard. | |
31 | Shift # | Opt | I 1 | The number used to identify shift premium rates. Possible values are 1, 2, and 3. Including a value in this file position overrides the default Shift # PENTA selects for the timecard. | |
32 | Hazard Duty # | Opt | I 3 | The number used to identify hazardous duty rates. Including a value in this file position overrides the default Hazard Duty # PENTA selects for the timecard. | |
33 | Crew ID | Opt | I 3 | ID of the crew associated with the timecard. Including a value in this file position overrides the default Crew ID PENTA selects for the timecard. | |
34 | Equipment ID | Opt | C 8 | Id of the equipment whose operation costs PENTA should distribute with labor costs. | |
35 | Equipment Charge Cost Type Code | Opt | C 4 | Id of the Cost Type charged for equipment usage. | |
36 | Special Charge Rate | Opt | F 15.4 | Rate that applies to the timecard hours and overrides the standard equipment hourly charge rate. | |
37 | Time Code | Opt | C 4 | Required based on Job Type | |
38 | Check Sort Group | Opt | C 5 | Id of the check sort group for entries in a batch. Override value if necessary. | |
39 | Reimbursement # | Opt | I 3 | If Reimbursement Number has a value, Reimbursement Amount and Reimbursement Applied Account must have a value. PENTA verifies this field exists in the Reimbursement table. If a reimbursement entered in this field is associated with Calculation Base #9 in the Master Reimbursements window, you must also include the number of subsistence days in the optional REIMB_SUBSISTENCE_DAYS field listed below. | |
40 | Amount | Opt | F 15.2 | Amount of reimbursement added to the employee’s check. | |
41 | Reimbursement Applied Account Number | Opt | X | Id of the account to credit for the reimbursement Amount as an offset to the debited expense account. Required if Reimbursement Applied Account has a value; otherwise, do not enter a value. | |
42 | Date | Opt | D | Date associated with the reimbursement record. Required if Reimbursement Number, Amount, or Applied Account has a value; otherwise, do not enter a value. | |
4 | 43 | Job ID | Opt | X | Id of the job you are charging the reimbursement to. |
44 | Cost Type | Opt | C 4 | Id of the Cost Type you are charging the Reimbursement amount to. Required if Reimbursement Job Id has a value; otherwise, do not enter a value. | |
45 | Costcode | Opt | X | Id of the Costcode you are charging the Reimbursement to. Required if Reimbursement Job Id has a value; otherwise, do not enter a value. | |
46 | Reimbursement Change Order ID | Opt | X | Id of the Reimbursement’s change order. | |
5 | 47 | Reimbursement OU ID | Opt | X | Id of the Reimbursement’s organizational unit. |
48 | Reimbursement Debit Account Number | Opt | X | Required if a Reimbursement OU Id exists; otherwise, do not enter a value. | |
6 | 49 | Reimbursement Fixed Asset ID | Opt | X | Id of the Reimbursement’s fixed asset. |
50 | Reimbursement Asset Expense Category | Opt | I 3 | Required if a Reimbursement Fixed Asset Id exists; otherwise, do not enter a value. | |
51 | Deduction Date | Opt | D | Date of the deduction. | |
52 | Deduction # | Opt | I 3 | Id of the deduction. Required if a Deduction Date exists; otherwise, do not enter a value. | |
53 | Deduction Amount | Opt | F 15.2 | Amount to withhold from the employee’s check. Required if a Deduction Date exists; otherwise, do not enter a value. | |
Optional Detail Fields (place after Field 53) | |||||
Field | Format | Description | |||
TRANX_REF_ID | C 15 | PENTA marks job cost and billing transactions within the interface files with this Transaction Reference Id. This enables your external application to perform functions (e.g., billing and profit analysis) by whatever grouping this Id represents. | |||
ITEM_NUM | X | This is the Work Code field on eTimesheets. | |||
ADJUST_CD | C 1 | This indicates whether this record is an eTimesheet correction timesheet. Possible values: Y or N. | |||
WO_ID | C! 25 | The Work Order’s Id. Note: You can only use the following work order distribution fields when the Work Order Id has a value. | |||
WO_OU_ID | X | Id of the Work Order’s Organizational Unit. | |||
WO_COST_TYPE_CD | C 4 | Id of the Work Order’s Cost Type. | |||
WO_CUS_LOC_CD | C 8 | Id of the Work Order’s Customer Location. | |||
WO_CUS_EQ_ID | C 15 | Id of the Work Order’s Customer Equipment. | |||
WO_TASK_ID | C! 10 | Id of the Work Order’s Task. | |||
WO_FA_ID | X | Id of the Work Order’s Fixed Asset. | |||
WO_FA_EXP_CAT_ NUM | I 3 | Id of the Work Order’s Fixed Asset Category Expense. | |||
WO_MAINT_SCHD_ NUM | I 6 | Id of the Work Order’s Maintenance Schedule. | |||
WO_MAINT_CONTRACT_ID | C! 15 | Id of the Work Order’s Maintenance Contract . | |||
REIMB_WO_ID | C 25 | Id of the Work Order’s reimbursement. Note: You can only use the following reimbursement work order distribution fields when the Reimbursement Work Order Id has a value. | |||
REIMB_WO_OU_ID | X | Id of the Reimbursement Work Order’s Organizational Unit. | |||
REIMB_COST_TYPE_CD | C 4 | Reimbursement Work Order Cost Type Code | |||
REIMB_WO_CUS_LOC_CD | C 8 | Id of the Reimbursement Work Order’s Customer Location. | |||
REIMB_WO_CUS_EQ_ ID | C 15 | Id of the Reimbursement Work Order’s Customer Equipment. | |||
REIMB_WO_TASK_ID | C! 10 | Id of the Reimbursement Work Order’s Task. | |||
REIMB_WO_FA_ID | X | Id of the Reimbursement Work Order’s Fixed Asset. | |||
REIMB_WO_FA_EXP_ CAT_NUM | I 3 | Id of the Reimbursement Work Order’s Fixed Asset Category Expense. | |||
REIMB_WO_MAINT_ SCHD_NUM | I 6 | Id of the Reimbursement Work Order’s Maintenance Schedule. | |||
REIMB_WO_MAINT_ CONTRACT_ID | C! 15 | Id of the Reimbursement Work Order’s Maintenance Contract. | |||
REIMB_SUBSISTENCE_DAYS | I 3 | Value is required and enterable only when the reimbursement number (field #39) in the Detail record is associated with Calculation Base #9 in the Master Reimbursements window. Use this field to quantify the subsistence days to process for the timecard record. | |||
EMPLOYMENT_PROV_CD | C 4 | Id of the Employment Province. Note: You can only enter this value for Canadian Payroll employees. | |||
WORK_PROV_CD | C 4 | Enter the work province. This value determines the workers compensation province and work location-related tax province (e.g., NWT payroll tax). This value defaults on timecards, but you can override it during timecard entry for individual timecards. Note: You can only enter this value for a Canadian Payroll Employee. | |||
CHRG_CURR_CD | C 1 | Id of the standard charge rate’s currency. | |||
CERT_CD | C 1 | Determines if the timecard information should be included on Certified Payroll reports. Possible values are Y or N. | |||
WORK_PR_CLASS_NUM | I 8 | The Payroll Class assigned to the work location union affected by a Union Reciprocity Rule. PENTA automatically defaults this value; do not manually set it. | |||
WORK_PAY_RT_NUM | I 4 | The Pay Rate Number assigned to the work location union affected by a Union Reciprocity Rule. PENTA automatically defaults this value; do not manually set it. | |||
TC_DAY1_UNITS | F 12.3 | Number of completed units for the Unit_Pay_CD – Day 1 of week. | |||
TC_DAY2_UNITS | F 12.3 | Number of completed units for the Unit_Pay_CD – Day 2 of week. | |||
TC_DAY3_UNITS | F 12.3 | Number of completed units for the Unit_Pay_CD – Day 3 of week. | |||
TC_DAY4_UNITS | F 12.3 | Number of completed units for the Unit_Pay_CD – Day 4 of week. | |||
TC_DAY5_UNITS | F 12.3 | Number of completed units for the Unit_Pay_CD – Day 5 of week. | |||
TC_DAY6_UNITS | F 12.3 | Number of completed units for the Unit_Pay_CD – Day 6 of week. | |||
TC_DAY7_UNITS | F 12.3 | Number of completed units for the Unit_Pay_CD – Day 7 of week. | |||
UNIT_PAY_CD | C 15 | Required if the Hour Class is a Unit Rate Payroll hour class; otherwise, do not enter a value. Note: If you need different unit pay codes for some days/hours, create a detail record for each different unit pay code. | |||
WC_ST_CD | C 2 | ID of the Workers’ Compensation State used for WC and PL calculations. Including a value in this file position overrides the default WC ST CD PENTA selects for the timecard. |