Pipe-Delimited AP Interface Doc Tab Guide Specifications


What is the guide for each field in the Pipe-Delimited AP Interface Doc tab?

Applies To

Pipe Delimited Interfaces

Accounts Payable (AP) Interface


Document (DOC) Detail Record

The following fields are part of the Detail Record if the Record Type is DOC.

Note: If a DOC Detail Record has an invalid field, PENTA rejects that DOC and all associated ACCT, FA, JOB, PO, WO, CREF, TAX, EAR, and SC Detail Records. The entire file is not rejected, just that invoice.

Accounts Payable Interface: DOC Detail Fields







Batch Number


I 9

Must match the Batch Id in the Header Record


Invoice Number


C! 15

The invoice number must be unique. If the Invoice Number and Vendor Id match an invoice with a void status of Y, PENTA rejects this invoice (DOC and all associated ACCT, FA, JOB, PO, WO, CREF and TAX records).


Record Type


C! 5

The value should be DOC.





This must be an active balance sheet OU.

The User Id in the Header Record must have authorization for this OU. PENTA will not verify OU authorization until a user tries viewing the batch in the Accounts Payable windows.

The default is the OU of the user (User Id).


Vendor Id



The Vendor Id associated with the invoice. This must be a vendor with an “Active” or “Hold” status. The Vendor Type cannot be Miscellaneous* and the Vendor Class must be set up as a supplier. The default is the vendor associated with the user (User Id).

Either enter this value or an Employee Id, not both. A value in either field is required.

If System Option 109 is Y, the Vendor Id cannot be the same as the Vendor Id assigned to the AP OU.

*This is a limitation specific to the interface and you can eliminate once you add the ability to specify new vendor addresses.


Employee Id



Default is the employee associated with the Vendor Id.

Either enter this value or a Vendor Id, not both. A value in either field is required.


Invoice Amount


F 15.2

Amount on the invoice.


Invoice Date



The invoice date must be less than or equal to a year from the current processing date (a year in the future).

If this field is null and System Option 20 is Y, PENTA uses the system date.

Example = 20190125


Posting Date



The date must be less than or equal to a year from the current processing date (a year in the future). The default is the invoice date.

The date must be within an open accounting period for the Accounts Payable OU.


Payment Terms


I 3

The default is the vendor’s payment terms. Optionally, enter a Proximo date for the following conditions:

  • Due date and payment date are in the month following the invoice date.
  • The invoice date, discount date, and due date can be either in the same month, or in two different months.

PENTA compares the invoice date to the cutoff day to determine which discount date and due date apply to the invoice.

The payment month indicator tells PENTA whether the discount and/or due dates are in the same month as the invoice date, or in the month following the invoice date.


Discount Percent


F 6.3

Must be between 0.001 and 100.000 percent. The default is the discount percent associated with the Payment Terms.

If this field has a value, the Discount Amount must be blank.


Discount Amount


F 15.2

Must be the same sign (+ or –) as Invoice Amount and less than the Invoice Amount.

If this field has a value, the Discount Percent field must be blank.


Retention Percent


F 6.3

Must be between 0.001 and 100.000 percent.

If this field has a value, the Retention Amount field must be blank.


Retention Amount


F 15.2

Must be the same sign (+ or –) as the Invoice Amount and less than the Invoice Amount.

If this field has a value, the Retention Percent field must be blank.




F 12.3

The total units on the invoice.


Pay Request Number


C 15

If System Option 148 is Y, the Pay Request Number must be in digits (rather than characters).


Invoice Type


C! 3

The value should be REG. The default is REG.


Remit To Address Number


I 5

Default is the Vendor’s remit-to address.

Note: The vendor type cannot be Miscellaneous. PENTA does not support Miscellaneous vendor types with the accounts payable interface.

Required if System Option 77 is Y; otherwise, do not enter a value.


Source Currency Id


C! 3

Default is the Vendor’s currency. If the vendor does not have an assigned currency, PENTA uses the currency of the AP OU Id.

Required if System Option 44 is Y; otherwise, do not enter a value.


Check Form Id


C! 8

Default is the Source Currency’s Form Id. The User Id must have authorization to use this Check Form.

Entry is required if System Option 75 is 3; otherwise, do not enter a value.

If System Option 155 is Y, the Check Form type can be AP or GN. If System Option 155 is N, the Check Form type must be AP.

If System Option 44 is Y, the currency of the Check Form must be the same as Source Currency Id.

If System Option 89 is Y and the user type is not H (home office), do not enter a value.


Tax Amount


F 15.2

The amount of taxes for the invoice.

If System Option 152 is N, do not enter a value.

If System Option 271 is Y, PENTA records the sales tax amounts you enter on an AP invoice as sales tax for jurisdictions associated with the AP invoice distribution.

Individual AP Invoice distributions are determined to be taxable or non-taxable (based on a purchase order’s set up, based on the Job an invoice is charged to, based on the OU/Account, etc.). PENTA will require that at least one AP invoice distribution is taxable; otherwise, PENTA issues an error message and prevents the user from entering the vendor’s invoice with a sales tax amount.

You record sales tax charged by a vendor as a lump sum amount, PENTA does not require that you break down the sales tax amount by taxing jurisdiction when recording the vendor’s invoice. Therefore, PENTA must allocate the sales tax amount across the tax jurisdictions that are associated with distributions entered on the AP document (State, City, etc.):

  • When the entered tax amount equals the PENTA calculated tax amount PENTA records the sales tax amount as “sales tax paid” for each jurisdiction.
  • When the entered tax amount does not equal the PENTA calculated tax amount, and the absolute value of the difference between the entered tax amount and the PENTA calculated tax amount is less than the “Sales & Use Tax Variance Limit,” PENTA adjusts its calculated tax amount for the tax jurisdiction with the largest sales tax percent until the total calculated sales tax value equals the entered sales tax value. In a situation where the entered sales tax is less than the calculated sales tax, and the reduction of the calculated sales tax exceeds the amount of tax calculated for that jurisdiction, PENTA adjusts the remaining amount for the jurisdiction with the next largest tax percentage. PENTA records the adjusted amounts as “sales tax paid” for those jurisdictions. Note: PENTA assumes you will set the Sales & Use Tax Variance Limit to a small amount, $0.10 for example. Therefore if there are rounding differences between the calculated tax amounts, PENTA calculates vs. what the vendor calculated, PENTA will adjust its calculated value rather than post penny adjustments (accruals) in the sales tax liability accounts.
  • When the entered tax amount does not equal the PENTA calculated tax amount, and the absolute value of the difference between the entered tax amount and the PENTA calculated tax amount is greater than the “Sales & Use Tax Variance Limit,” PENTA allocates the entered sales tax amounts to the applicable tax jurisdictions, beginning with the jurisdiction with the smallest sales tax percent until the entered tax amount is fully allocated. PENTA records these amounts as “sales tax paid,” then accrues and records “use tax” as the difference between its tax calculation and the allocation to each jurisdiction.

PENTA sales & use tax reporting will provide detail reporting by sales tax jurisdiction those amounts paid as sales tax plus accruals made where a vendor did not charge tax in a taxable situation or where the amount of tax charged by the vendor does not agree with the sales tax rules defined for each jurisdiction.


Tax Exempt Reason Code


C! 3

Must be a valid reason code.

Required if System Option 152 is Y and no tax jurisdictions exist for Vendor Id and the postal code associated with that vendor’s remit-to address number; otherwise, do not enter a value.


Tax Exempt Certificate Id


C 15

If System Option 152 is N, do not enter a value.


Payment Cycle #


I 3

Id of the cycle you want to pay the invoice with. This helps in selecting items for payment.

Optional Doc Detail Fields (place after Field 24)







Note: YYYY = Year, MM = Month, DD = Day.

This field must be entered as Field Name =Date.

Example: DUE_DATE=20040130




Note: YYYY = Year, MM = Month, DD = Day.

This field must be entered as Field Name =Date.

Example: DSCNT_DATE=20040130.

Must have a discount date if the Vendor has no payment terms set up and you enter a discount %.


F 8.5

The percent to withhold for the state. Must be non-zero or null. You can only enter this field if the FORM_1099_ST_CD has a valid value.



The vendor that receives the state withholding.

Required if a State Withholding Percent exists; otherwise, do not enter a value.



The accrual account for the state withholding.

Required if a State Withholding Percent exists; otherwise, do not enter a value..


F 8.5

The percent to withhold for Federal withholding.

Entries must be non-zero or null.



The vendor that receives the federal withholding.

Required if a Federal Withholding Percent exists; otherwise, do not enter a value..



The accrual account for the federal withholding.

Required if a Federal Withholding Percent exists; otherwise, do not enter a value..


F 15.2


PENTA only uses Freight Amount to determine the Invoice Basis Amount.


C! 15

PENTA marks job cost and billing transactions within the interface files with this Transaction Reference Id so your external application can perform functions (e.g., billing and profit analysis) by whatever grouping this Id represents.


C 4

Id of the Withholding State.



C! 30

MISC_VEN_ADDR_NAME=XXXX, where XXXX is the Vendor Name in the address block.

Enter this as Field Name =Name. Example: VEN_ADDR_NAME =Acme Supply

You can enter this for any type vendor.


C! 30

MISC_VEN_ADDR_1=XXXX, where XXXX is the Address in line 1 of the address block.

Enter this as Field Name =Address 1. Example: MISC_VEN_ADDR_1=123 Any Street


C! 30

MISC_VEN_ADDR_2=XXXX, where XXXX is the Address in line 2 of the address block.

Enter this as Field Name =Address 2. Example: MISC_VEN_ADDR_2=PO Box 1234


C! 30

MISC_VEN_ADDR_3=XXXX, where XXXX is the Address in line 3 of the address block.

Enter this as Field Name =Address 3. Example: MISC_VEN_ADDR_3=C/O Accounts Payable Department


C! 20

MISC_VEN_CITY=XXXX, where XXXX is the City in the address block.

Enter this as Field Name =City. Example: MISC_VEN_CITY =Brookfield

Required if you entered a vendor address name; otherwise, do not enter a value.


C! 4

MISC_VEN_ST_CD=XX, where XX is the State in the address block.

Enter this as Field Name =State. Example: MISC_VEN_ST_CD =WI


C! 10

MISC_VEN_POSTAL_CD=XXXX(-XXX), where XXXX(-XXX) is the Postal Code in the address block.

Enter this as Field Name =Postal Code. Example: MISC_VEN_POSTAL_CD =53188

Required if a vendor address name exists; otherwise, do not enter a value.


C! 3

MISC_VEN_COUNTRY_CD=XXXX, where XXXX is the Country in the address block.

Enter this as Field Name =Country. Example: MISC_VEN_COUNTRY_CD =USA


C! 3

MISC_VEN_PHONE_AREA_CD=XXX, where XXX is the 3 digit phone number Area Code in the address block.

Enter this as Field Name =Area Code. Example: MISC_VEN_PHONE_AREA_CD =262


C! 11

MISC_VEN_PHONE_NUM=XXXXXXX, where XXXXXXX is the 7 digit Phone number in the address block.

Enter this as Field Name =Phone Number. Example: MISC_VEN_PHONE_AREA_CD =5740505.


C! 3

MISC_VEN_FAX_AREA_CD=XXX, where XXX is the 3 digit Fax number Area Code in the address block.

Enter this as Field Name =Area Code. Example: MISC_VEN_PHONE_AREA_CD =262


C! 11

MISC_VEN_FAX_NUM=XXXXXXX, where XXXXXXX is the 7 digit Fax number in the address block.

Enter this as Field Name =Phone Number. Example: MISC_VEN_FAX_AREA_CD =5741212.


C! 100

MISC_VEN_WWW_ADDR=XXXX, where XXXX is the web address.

Enter this as Field Name = web address. Example: MISC_VEN_WWW_ADDR=www.supplier.com.


C! 50

MISC_VEN_ADDL_CHECK_LINE_1=XXXX, where XXXX is the line that prints below the vendor address on the AP check.

Enter this as Field Name =Line 1 Information. Example: MISC_VEN_ADDL_CHECK_LINE_1=Attention: Ms. M. Berkly.


C! 50

MISC_VEN_ADDL_CHECK_LINE_2=XXXX, where XXXX is the line that prints below the vendor address on the AP check.

Enter this as Field Name =Line 2 Information. Example: MISC_VEN_ADDL_CHECK_LINE_2=Account #1234567.


C! 1


Indicates the Pay Status of the Invoice. Valid values are: A (Active & available for payment) and H (Hold upon distribution, not available for payment).