Payroll Tax Jurisdiction Defaults to WOs - Customer Setup


Did the local taxing authority within the work order default to the customer (#14064) Local Tax Code of 350201 since the site (#045) did not have a local tax code entered?

Applies To

Customer and Customer Location Setup


 If the Customer Level (Payroll Tab in middle of screen on Customer Information Window) has a local code and the Site Level does not, then the Customer Level will default to the WO.   This might be problematic if a Customer has Locations in multiple States. 

In the issue above:

  • The Out of State Local Code (880000 PSD Code in PA) can be entered on the Site to Default a Local Code to the WO that won't have Tax, or
  • the Customer Level can be left blank and then each Site that requires a Local Code can have the Local Code entered.
    • The Locations without the Local Code 

The approach taken depends on what reporting requirements are needed.  If you need to track PA employees working on OUT OF STATE work, then assign 880000 local code to the Sites in different States.