Taxable job is not calculating tax


Attempting to invoice job, schedule of values line 1 and 2 lump sum amounts per customer PO. Job information has job marked as taxable with a tax jurisdiction set up correctly. When we run the job thru billing cycle, sales tax is not being applied by PENTA. 

Applies To

PENTA for Windows

Project Management > Jobs > Job Information

Project Management > Owner Contract Information > Contract Information

Billing & Accounts Receivable > Automated Invoice Processing > Calculate Invoices


In order for PENTA to calculate tax on a job, a tax line must be setup in the Contract Information window. 

1) Query the job in the Contract Information window:

2) Click on Cost Plus Line Items

3) Add a Tax Type Line Item - make sure the number is greater than the line item numbers where tax will be calculated

4) Add the Low Line Item# and High Line Item # to the Line Item Basis - Select Line Items section