Time Entry Batch Columns Disappeared


  • User was in the middle of entering a batch when PENTA went down
  • When the user got back into PENTA and queried back the batch the hours in the users columns were missing
  • Any new hours the user entered were showing but previous hours not showing up

Applies To

Payroll (PR)

PENTA for Windows > Payroll > Time Entry >Time Equipment Production Units Entry Window

The User has a saved Grid layout

User had an internet issue connecting to the remote desktop


  1. Select Weekly as batch entry type
  2. Enter the Period End date
  3. Check the Show columns for Reg, Prem 1, and Prem 2 Hrs box
  4. Click on the Weekly tab
  5. Now hours are split into Reg, Prem 1, and Prem 2 columns