Standard Costcode Breakdown

Standard Costcode Breakdown


How can I add standard costcode segments and standard costcode breakdowns in PENTA?

Applies To

PENTA for Windows

Project Management > Setup > Costcodes > Standard Costcode Segments

Project Management > Setup > Costcodes > Costcode Breakdown


  1. Navigate to the Standard Costcode Segments window
  2. Costcode segments can be used to breakdown a single costcode into one or more segments for report purposes. Segmented report can be run to see summarized job cost information at a segment level. In the below example, I am going to build a 4 digit cost code, make up of two segments, Costcode and Trade. Using certain reporting options, I would then have the ability to run reports based on Trade (regardless of costcode), or Costcode (regardless of Trade)
  3. Navigate to the Costcode Breakdown window
  4. Costcode Breakdowns combine one or more segments to create a full costcode. In the example below, the full 'costcode' in my Breakdown Id is 4 digits, made up of two segments.

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