Special Handling Instructions for Automated Invoices
Define Special Handling Instructions - We have some invoices that require some special handling (several signatures, specific ways to send invoices, etc.). Is this what this window is intended for? How does this window work?
Applies To
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Special Handling Instructions > Define Special Handling Instructions
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Special Handling Instructions > Assign Customer Special Handling Instructions
Billing & Accounts Receivable > Setup > Special Handling Instructions > Assign Job Special Handling Instructions
The Special Handling instructions allow you to define specific requirements that must be performed when preparing a customer invoice using the automated billing module. These instructions are printed with the job invoice so the individual creating the invoice can follow the instructions to ensure all requirements for preparing the invoice are completed.
The Define Special Handling Instructions window allows you to define generic instructions that can be used with any job. You can insert up to three parameters in the instruction, using <>, that can be replaced when assigning the instruction to a job or customer, to make the instruction specific.
The Assign Job Special Handling Instructions and Assign Customer Special Handling Instructions window allow you to define which instruction are required for a specific job or customer and allow you to replace the parameters with specific values.
Note: The "Print Special Handling Instructions on Invoice Form (Y/N)" parameter in the System Configuration window allows you to specify whether you want the special handling instructions to generate in a separate report from the invoice. Set to "N" to have instructions print on separate report. Set to "Y" to have the instructions be included in the invoice file and print immediately before each invoice.