Sick leave not being accrued for pay period
Our Washington sick leave accrual did not calculate for the WE 9/23/2018 payroll (WASICK)
Applies To
Payroll/Setup/PTO, Hours Classification Codes and Overtime Rules/PTO Accrual Schedule Information
Payroll/Employees/Employee Information
3 jobs were entered in the Limit Accrual By Job popup window in the PTO Accrual Schedule Information screen.
When any jobs are entered to this popup window, only time charged to these jobs are considered when calculating hours for the PTO accrual.
None of the employees in question worked on any of these three jobs, so no accrual was calculated.
When the jobs were removed, the PTO accrual schedule for WASICK calculated on all employees assigned this schedule.
Jobs entered in the Limit Accrual by Job popup window which ignored all hours not charged to these jobs.