Setting up shift premium/differential pay

Setting up shift premium/differential pay


How to setup and pay shift premium/differential to employees

Applies To

Payroll Time Entry/Check Processing

Payroll>Setup>Payroll Groups, Payroll Classes and Workers Compensation>Payroll Classes

Payroll>Employees>Employee Payroll Information


Shift differential or Shift Premium pay can be setup and calculated in PENTA using the steps below.

  1. In the Payroll Classes window, define the shift premium rules for each shift # that is eligible for premium pay. 

  2. In the Employee Payroll Information window, optionally setup employees that regularly work 2nd or 3rd shift with a default shift # of 2 or 3,  This shift # will default on the timecard based on what is assigned in the Employee Payroll Information window. The default value is 1. This can later be overridden on the timecard as needed.

  3. As long as the employee is assigned to a payroll class that has shift premium setup (step 1 above), and the employee has that corresponding shift # designated on the timecard, PENTA will automatically calculate the shift premium pay during payroll processing

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