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Payroll Classes (Admin)


The Payroll Classes window serves a variety of important functions within PENTA's payroll system. Every employee in PENTA must be associated with a Payroll Class. In return, an Employee's Payroll Class helps to define: Type of work performed by the employee, rate of pay, union fringe benefit information, reporting options, how the employee is billed out to the customer, and shift/hazard duty premium information.

For this video, the focus will be on: How an organization pays an employee, how an organization charges an employee's time to Jobs/Work Orders, how overtime is calculated (if applicable to said employee), and how to set up shift/hazard duty premiums.


  • Allows employers to define a standard hourly rate of employee for a large group of people
  • Allows employers to define a standard hourly charge rate for a large group of employees
  • Allows employers to define shift/hazard duty pay premiums


  • Payroll Clerk
  • Payroll Manager
  • Controller
  • Assistant Controller

Additional Content


  • Payroll> Setup> Pay Groups, Payroll Classes and Workers Compensation> Payroll Classes


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