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Union Information


The Union Information window contains data about the Union: the Union Number and Description, address location information for that Union, as well as contact information. The Union Information screen is not used to store data points such as: pay rates, shift differentials, fringe information, or any other quantitative data used in payroll processing. Unions can be linked to Payroll Classes in the Payroll Class window, but are not required if your entity is not a union contractor. Unions are required when using PENTA's Union Reciprocity functionality.


  • Enables the use of PENTA's Union Reciprocity functionality
  • Used to help distinguish which Union Local a Payroll Class is linked to
  • Used in leveraging Union Contribution and custom Union reporting functionality


  • Payroll Manager
  • Payroll Clerk


  • Payroll> Setup> Pay Groups, Payroll Classes and Workers Compensation> Union Information


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Penta Technologies continuously strives to improve customer content, therefore, information is subject to change at any time.