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Master Reimbursements


The Master Reimbursements window allows you to set up global criteria for employee reimbursements. Reimbursements in PENTA will be included in the payroll process via one of two methods:

  1. One-time Reimbursements - Reimbursements that are manually keyed in for an employee, prior to payroll getting processed. This type of reimbursement does not get processed on the next payroll process unless you re key it on the next payroll process
  2. Voluntary Reimbursements (recurring) - Master Reimbursements can be assigned to employees in the Voluntary Reimbursements window, with an effective date and expiration date. Any payroll processes that fall within that date range will have the reimbursement calculate automatically

Information defined at the Master Reimbursement level will default when assigning the Master Reimbursement to the employee via the Voluntary Reimbursement window. Ultimately the default information can be overridden at the voluntary reimbursement level, however, once overridden, changes at the Master Reimbursement level will no longer trickle down to the voluntary level.


  • Setting up Master Reimbursements provides PENTA the needed information to automatically calculate all recurring reimbursements as part of the gross to net process
  • Controls how the reimbursement will be considered for tax purposes, for example, add the reimbursement before or after taxes are calculated and indicate if there are any exceptions for each tax type (FIT, FICA, FUT, SIT, SUT, SDI, SUI, WC, PL)


  • Payroll Manager

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  • Payroll > Setup > Deductions, Reimbursements and Other Compensation > Master Reimbursements


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