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Overtime Splitting Codes
Use the Overtime Splitting Action Codes window to establish “action” codes that determine which hour class applies to hours entered as overtime (Hour Type O). Here you define the hour class to be assigned to Premium 1 and Premium 2 hours for each action code.
During labor distribution, PENTA determines whether the Hour Type O hours are Premium 1 or Premium 2 based on rules defined for the employee’s pay group. At the same time, PENTA uses the information from the Overtime Splitting Action Code window to assign the appropriate hour class to these overtime hours. This window allows PENTA users who do not use PENTA for payroll processing, to classify hours appropriately for third party payroll systems to process. You assign these codes to employees through the Employee Payroll Information window. This window should only be used when System Option #239 (“Enable Overtime Splitting”) is set to Y.
- Allows time entry of more generic "Overtime" hours for field employees, which are later split automatically by Payroll processing
- Enables a more accurate and consistent time entry experience
- Gives Payroll Managers and Payroll Clerks tighter control of the Payroll entry and recording processes
- Payroll Manager
- Payroll Clerk
- Payroll> Employees> Other Employee Attributes> Overtime Splitting Action Codes
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