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Payroll Tax Maintenance
The Payroll Tax Maintenance window allows you to establish accrual and expense accounts, rates, limits, and employee classifications for certain predefined Tax Types and provides general query only information about all other predefined Tax Types. For example, if your organization operations in the state of Washington, you may be required to calculate and withhold Washington Industrial Insurance tax. This window can be used to update the tax rates by trade and define the default accrual and expense accounts for each legal entity. Tax Types such as FIT, SIT, FUT, SUT, SUI and others can be queried within the Payroll Tax Maintenance window, but cannot be updated. All payroll tax types in PENTA can be at a minimum viewed in the Payroll Tax Maintenance window.
- Provides a single window to view all payroll tax types, both US and Canadian
- Ability to define default accrual/expense accounts, rates, and limits for certain tax types
- Defines for each tax type whether it is Employer paid, Employee paid, or both
- Payroll Manager
- Payroll > Setup > Taxes > Payroll Tax Maintenance
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