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Fringe Benefit Programs
In PENTA, Fringe Benefit Programs are utilized during the Electronic Certified Payroll Reporting (AKA eCPR) process. This is the mechanism by which users can truly identify (in terms of electronic payroll reporting) what exactly is a Fringe Benefit in PENTA. A Fringe Benefit Program can consist of a combination of Fringe Benefits, Deductions, and PTO Schedules. In this window, users can associate: Fringe Benefit #s, Deduction Ids, PTO Schedule IDs, Program Types, Program Account IDs, Program Names, and Program Contact information to a Program Benefit ID.
- Enables PENTA's full Electronic Certified Reporting (ECPR) functionality
- Controller
- Payroll Manager
- Payroll> Certified Payroll> eCPR> Fringe Benefit Programs
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