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Pension Plan Information
The Pension Plan Information window allows users to define information about an employee's pension or defined contribution retirement plan. Once a retirement plan is defined in this screen, it is assigned to individual employees at the employee master level. Information set up here is utilized in various employee information reports. Additionally, information set up in this screen is used to determine certain values on an Employees' W2 during year end processing. Pension Plan Information does not affect any calculations during normal payroll processing, however, as it is strictly used for qualitative purposes.
- Utilize Pension Plan Information to fully leverage PENTA's Employee information reporting capabilities.
- Used to fully leverage PENTA's year end W2 Generation processes.
- Helpful in storing all of your Employee's information in a single place
- Accounting Manager
- Payroll Manager
- Payroll Clerk
- Controller
- Payroll> Employee> Other Employee Attribute> Pension Plan Information
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